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Patrick Stevens's user avatar
Patrick Stevens
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
552 votes

Why is $1 - \frac{1}{1 - \frac{1}{1 - \ldots}}$ not real?

126 votes

What is lost when we move from reals to complex numbers?

68 votes

Abusing mathematical notation, are these examples of abuse?

63 votes

Mathematical ideas that took long to define rigorously

61 votes

Why does Wolfram Alpha say that $\infty^\infty$ results in "complex infinity"?

48 votes

Intuitive explanation for why $\left(1-\frac1n\right)^n \to \frac1e$

32 votes

What is the exact difficulty in defining a point in Euclidean geometry?

29 votes

True or false: {{∅}} ⊂ {∅,{∅}}

26 votes

Correct set notation for "all integers which are not multiples of 7"?

23 votes

Mathematical notation $\max$ with simple example for non-mathematician

22 votes

Why is this seemingly valid argument using modus tollens not valid? How is this an example of "begging the question"?

20 votes

Logical proposition for "Every positive integer can be written as the sum of 2 squares"

20 votes

Why does a product $\lim_{n\to\infty} \prod_{i=1}^n (1- \frac{1}{n+2i})$ lead to infinity?

19 votes

Similar Matrices and their Jordan Canonical Forms

18 votes

Can an open set contain its supremum?

18 votes

How does modular arithmetic work - Fermat's last theorem near misses?

18 votes

Why does "guess and verify technique" not involve circular reasoning?

18 votes

What is an example of a proof by minimal counterexample?

17 votes

What is exactly the difference between a definition and an axiom?

16 votes

Strategy for reading math books, is it better to prove the theorems yourself or just read them?

16 votes

Do Gödel numbers have a practical use?

16 votes

What is a Universal Construction in Category Theory?

16 votes

Do direct sums commute with colimits?

16 votes

Which branch of mathematics rigorously defines infinitesimals?

15 votes

When is a proof or definition formal?

15 votes

Prove $\sum\limits_{j=1}^k(-1)^{k-j}j^k\binom{k}{j}=k!$

15 votes

Is Cramer's rule efficient for computational point of view?

13 votes

Examples of a categories without products

12 votes

Does a closed form solution exist for $x$?

12 votes

Why is wolfram alpha plotting this differently?

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