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mdave16's user avatar
mdave16's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Solving a determinant equation. Solve for $x$.

5 votes

Matrix Multiplication $\to$ Function Composition?

4 votes

(Quickly) finding the smallest fraction

3 votes

Finding the number of relations, mappings and permutations of a finite set

3 votes

Critical polynomial roots bigger than 2

3 votes

Amount of even zeros in a 0,1 alphabet n length word

2 votes

An unanswered question is whether there are infinitely many primes that are 1 more than a power of 2

2 votes

Julia sets of quadratic functions

2 votes

How many homomorphisms and isomorphisms

1 vote

Prove or disprove: There exist real numbers $x$ and $y$ so that $x - y$ is rational and $x + y$ is irrational.

1 vote

Prove that $\sum_{i = n - b}^{a - m} {a - i \choose m}{b + i \choose n} = {a + b + 1 \choose m + n + 1}$

1 vote

Alternate form of $c\cdot \cos(a+b)$, with $c$ inside the $\cos$?

1 vote

Isometry and its inverse

1 vote

To prove that if B is minimal spanning set implies B is maximal L.I

1 vote

Trying to figure out number of permutations based on some rules

1 vote

Critical points go to critical points under automorphism

1 vote

Linear transformation and its matrix

1 vote

Let $[a, b]\subset\Bbb{R}$ and let $c \in[a,b]$. Prove that there exists a sequence of rational numbers $(r_n)$ such that $\lim_{n\to\infty}r_n=c$

1 vote

Proving equality of two functions

1 vote

The number, up to isomorphism, of abelian groups of order 40 is

1 vote

Finding the zeros of trigonometric polynomials.

1 vote

On equivalent definitions

0 votes

How many different ways are possible to arrange 2 girls and three boys on a bench of five, so that at least 2 boys will seat next to each other?

0 votes

Algebra & vector questions. please help!

0 votes

Find a recurrence relation for the amount of money

0 votes

Linear Control Systems

0 votes

Linear transformation. Prove the statement or give an example in which it is false.

0 votes

Product of Ideals in Ring that is not UFD

0 votes

What is the best way to solve a system of linear equations that have the same constant term of 1

0 votes

Proving $(A\wedge B) \vee (\neg A\wedge \neg B)$ from $A\leftrightarrow B$