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Michael Lugo's user avatar
Michael Lugo
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
96 votes

What do $\pi$ and $e$ stand for in the normal distribution formula?

66 votes

Why does the first 100,000 zeroes of the Riemann Zeta function have double-digit sequence count discontinuities at 00,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99?

62 votes

Find the average of $\sin^{100} (x)$ in 5 minutes?

50 votes

Proving that $1$- and $2D$ simple symmetric random walks return to the origin with probability $1$

37 votes

Probability of 3 people in a room of 30 having the same birthday

37 votes

Can you answer my son's fourth-grade homework question: Which numbers are prime, have digits adding to ten and have a three in the tens place?

35 votes

How are we able to calculate specific numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence?

27 votes

If a prime number is reversed, and then appended to itself, why is the result always a composite number?

25 votes

Is there a real number lookup algorithm or service?

25 votes

Sum of First $n$ Squares Equals $\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$

24 votes

Can I use my powers for good?

24 votes

Math story: Ten marriage candidates and 'greatest of all time'

23 votes

Why do the $n \times n$ non-singular matrices form an “open” set?

23 votes

Why is $1^{\infty}$ considered to be an indeterminate form

19 votes

$C(n,p)$: even or odd?

19 votes

Good Physical Demonstrations of Abstract Mathematics

19 votes

Why eliminate radicals in the denominator? [rationalizing the denominator]

18 votes

When you randomly shuffle a deck of cards, what is the probability that it is a unique permutation never before configured?

18 votes

Chance of meeting in a bar

17 votes

what is the sum of following permutation series $nP0 + nP1 + nP2 +\cdots+ nPn$?

17 votes

A (probably trivial) induction problem: $\sum_2^nk^{-2}\lt1$

17 votes

Factoring $a^{10}+a^5+1$

17 votes

What is the average of rolling two dice and only taking the value of the higher dice roll?

17 votes

Rolling $2$ dice: NOT using $36$ as the base?

16 votes

Show that any two consecutive odd integers are relatively prime

16 votes

Uniform distribution on a simplex via i.i.d. random variables

16 votes

Is there a closed-form equation for $n!$? If not, why not?

16 votes

$m!n! < (m+n)!$ Proof?

15 votes

Finding $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac{1^1+2^2+3^3+\cdots+n^n}{n^n}}$

15 votes

Taking Seats on a Plane

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