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Tom Stephens's user avatar
Tom Stephens
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
26 votes

How do Lagrange multipliers work to find the lowest value of a function subject to a constraint?

14 votes

What are some good ways to get children excited about math?

13 votes

Which mathematicians have influenced you the most?

9 votes

Mathematical subjects you wish you learned earlier

8 votes

undergraduate courses emphasizing theory building?

8 votes

Good 1st PDE book for self study

7 votes

How to tell if a line segment intersects with a circle?

7 votes

Fourier transform for dummies

6 votes

Simple numerical methods for calculating the digits of $\pi$

6 votes

Books that develop interest & critical thinking among high school students

5 votes

What does "only" mean?

4 votes

Infinite limits

4 votes

List of Interesting Math Blogs

4 votes

Is it possible to 'split' coin flipping 3 ways?

4 votes

Meaning of Lagrange multiplier always being 0?

3 votes

How to write down proofs?

3 votes

How to tell if a line segment intersects with a circle?

2 votes

Need faster division technique for $4$ digit numbers.

2 votes

Division with 4 digit number in denominator

1 vote

Looking for a book similar to "Think of a Number"

1 vote

How do you take the derivative of a variable with respect to a different variable:

0 votes

Is there a simple test for uniform distributions?

0 votes

Graphing a Parametric Polynomial based on a given set of points

0 votes

Could you recommend some classic textbooks on ordinary/partial differential equation?