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For questions about real analysis, such as limits, convergence of sequences, properties of the real numbers, the least upper bound property, and related analysis topics such as continuity, differentiation, and integration.

1 vote
1 answer

Proof that $f′(0)=0$ when $x=0$ is a local extremum(taylor method)

I am working with the proof that $f′(0)=0$ when $x= 0$ is a local extremum, for the taylor method (I understand the Fermat's theorem) I was given an answer this question on here Assume $f$ has a lo …
Reuben's user avatar
  • 761
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Question on Negating "for all"

I understand that for negation $\forall$ converts into $\exists$ like: $\forall x \ , \forall y$, $ \ y^2 + x^2 \ge0$ and the negation will be: $\exists x \ $and $ \exists y$, $ \ y^2 + x^2 < 0$ I und …
Reuben's user avatar
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1 answer

(rudin theorem 3.17) Struggling understanding a part of the proof

I need help understanding a part of the proof of Theorem 3.17 in Rudin Real Analysis The full theorem can be found here: Is Rudin being redundant in this proof? The problem is on this part If $s^* = …
Reuben's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Help with understanding Cauchy sequences?

I am trying to understand Cauchy sequences a little better and would really appreciated any insight/advice you can offer: Defition: A sequence $\{x_n\}$ in a metric space $(X,d)$ is called a Cauchy se …
Reuben's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

prove that $\operatorname{Int}(A \cap B)= \operatorname{Int}(A) \cap \operatorname{Int}(B)$

In the book that I am using they left the proof to the theorem "as a exercise" so I would like to give it a go. Please let me know if I am incorrect. Let $A$ and $B$ be subsets of a metric space $X$. …
Reuben's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is there a change in inequality from ">" to "$\geq$" in this example?

I copied the example out but I am not interested in the example per say, except for the change in inequality that takes place. I underlined it in red. The Example My Question What I understand: (for …
Reuben's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Help with a simple theorem proof involving supremum

Here is the theorem(just how they gave it, no details left out): (a) $\alpha = sup(S) \iff (i)\ \alpha \ge x$ $\forall x \in S$; and $\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\ \ \ \ \ (ii)\ \forall a < \alpha , \ex …
Reuben's user avatar
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1 answer

Question on: it holds "trivially".

I am not really interested in the proof per say, but only the red underlined part. I have some idea how to do it but I just want to make sure. It feels like it should be obvious to me by now but still …
Reuben's user avatar
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1 answer

Show that $(X,d)$ is complete if and only if $(X,\overline{d})$ is complete (Part 2)

I reworked my proof that I attempted here I used subsequences to prove it. I am not 100% sure that it is worded correctly. I would really appreciate it if you could offer any insight/advice that you c …
Reuben's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Suppose that $|a_n|<2$ and $|a_{n+2}−a_{n+1}|\leq\frac{1}{8}|a_{n+1}^2−a_n^2|$, prove that $...

This is my second attempt. The first attempt is here I included the estimate $|a_m−a_n|\leq |a_m−a_{m-1}| + |a_{m-1}−a_{m-2}| \dots |a_{n+1} a_n|$ I really appreciate any advice\insight you can offer …
Reuben's user avatar
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Help with the theorem: B(V,W) is complete if W is

I having some trouble with the proof of $\mathbf{B}(V,W)$ being a Banach space if $W$ is, where $\mathbf{B}(\cdot,\cdot)$ is the space of bounded linear operators $V\to W$. I know there are other post …
Reuben's user avatar
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$f[a_1] = G$ means $a_1 \subseteq f^{-1}[G]$ for functions on metric spaces?

The theorem/proof: Question The part that I don't under stand is the red underlined bit. What I understand: let $a_1,a_2$ be sets s.t $a_1 \oplus a_2 = A$ and let $f[a_1] = G$ and let $f[a_2] = H$. T …
Reuben's user avatar
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1 answer

Potential problem with a proof involving Riemann Integral

My Question Is there a problem with this proof(red underlined part)? I do apologize for the use of images. I believe that $\alpha$ is allowed to be discontinuous at $v_i$ and $u_i$ as we are only conc …
Reuben's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Show that a subset of $X$ is open in $(X,d)$ if and only if it is open in $(X,\rho)$

I have spent many hours trying to prove this question and only managed to come up with this dodgy "proof". To be honest I have no idea where to start and 99.99% sure that my attempted proof is not goo …
Reuben's user avatar
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Suppose that $|a_n|<2$ and $|a_{n+2}−a_{n+1}|\leq\frac{1}{8}|a_{n+1}^2−a_n^2|$, prove that $...

I have been trying to answer this question and manage to come up with this(not sure if it is correct). I would like to know if I can use $\epsilon > \frac{1}{2^{n-1}}|a_2−a_1|$ in it? it seems a bit e …
Reuben's user avatar
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