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For questions that use the method of maximum likelihood for estimating the parameters of a statistical model with given data.

4 votes

Find the MLE of $p$ where $f(y;p)=2p^2y^{-3}$

Both the PDF and the likelihood in your post are incorrect, due to the fact that you forget to include indicator functions. In fact, the PDF is $$f(y;p)=2p^2y^{-3}\mathbf 1_{y\geqslant p}$$ hence, th …
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  • 281k
1 vote

Asymptotic Maxwell MLE distribution

Hint: The delta-method applied to $\sum\limits_{k=1}^nx_k^2$ yields $$\sqrt{n}(\hat\theta_n-\theta)\to N(0,\tfrac23).$$ To prove this, one starts with the CLT expansion $$\sum\limits_{k=1}^nx_k …
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  • 281k
1 vote

Rationale behind MLE of $f_{\theta}(x) = \frac{1}{\theta} I_{\{1, \dots,\theta\}}(x)$

The likelihood based on the sample $(x_k)$ is by definition $L(\theta)=f_\theta(x_1)f_\theta(x_2)\cdots f_\theta(x_n)$. In the present case, $L(\theta)=\theta^{-n}\mathbf 1_{x_1\leqslant\theta}\mathbf …
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  • 281k
2 votes

If the MLE of $\theta$ is $\hat{\theta} = \frac{1}{\bar{X}}$, what would be the asymptotic v...

If $(Y_k)$ is i.i.d. standard exponential, that is, with PDF $$f(y)=e^{-y}\mathbf 1_{y>0}$$ then, for every $n\geqslant1$, $T_n=Y_1+\cdots+Y_n$ has PDF $$f_n(t)=\frac{t^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}e^{-t}\mathbf 1_{ …
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  • 281k
1 vote

MLE uniform with varying supports

The shortest route and the most rigorous one are the same, which simply require to write correctly each PDF involved, including the support conditions in the PDFs, as they should be. Here, for e …
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  • 281k
36 votes

Maximum Likelihood Estimator of parameters of multinomial distribution

Consider a positive integer $n$ and a set of positive real numbers $\mathbf p=(p_x)$ such that $\sum\limits_xp_x=1$. The multinomial distribution with parameters $n$ and $\mathbf p$ is the distributio …
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  • 281k