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For questions about the study of finite or countable discrete structures, especially how to count or enumerate elements in a set (perhaps of all possibilities) or any subset. It includes questions on permutations, combinations, bijective proofs, and generating functions.

2 votes
0 answers

How many vectors of $(x_1,.....,x_n)$ are there, such that each $x_i$ is a nonnegative integ... [duplicate]

Note: I know there's a very similar question to this one, where only positive integers are counted, but it's not helpful enough for me to answer my question at the bottom. My approach: 1. Stars and Ba …
MrPuffer's user avatar
  • 373
10 votes

What's Wrong With My Math - Odds of 3 Cards of the Same Suit When Drawing 10 Cards

So the problem lies in the fact that you're overcounting, Why? You're clearly calculating ${5 \choose 1}$ combinations of suits and ${5 \choose 3}$ combinations of ranks. Where it goes wrong is when y …
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