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Questions tagged [statistics]

Mathematical statistics is the study of statistics from a mathematical standpoint, using probability theory and other branches of mathematics such as linear algebra and analysis.

11,528 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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If the mother group has $1000$ people with the female ratio of $30$%, how is it likely that a sample of $200$ could contain less than 5 females?

I believe the calculation would be like below: $$ \dfrac{(1000-200)!200!}{1000!} \sum_{j=0}^5[\dfrac{300!}{(300-j)!j!} \cdot \dfrac{700!}{(700-200+j)!(200-j)!}] $$ The first $\dfrac{(1000-200)!200!}{...
iyui's user avatar
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Find Expectation and Variance of S and T and compare them.

Let, X~Bin(n,p) and Y~Poisson($\lambda$ ). Let $$T=X_1+X_2+...+X_Y$$ with $X_i$'s i. i. d. Bin(n,p) (and independent to Y) and $$S=Y_1+Y_2+...+Y_X$$ with $Y_i$'s i. i. d. Poisson($\lambda$) (and ...
Arnab seal's user avatar
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What is the difference between variance of estimate and estimated variance?

I am in a grad-level statistical inference class and literally getting all my concepts confused. Here's a cutout of the concepts that need most amount of clarifications: Rice Mathematical Statistics ...
Harambe777's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to answer this stats q.?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be random variables with $E(Y) = 3$, $\operatorname{Var}(Y) = 4$, $E(X) = 5$, $\operatorname{Var}(X) = 6$, and $\operatorname{Cov}(X,Y) = 0$. Suppose we do a linear regression of $X$ ...
Bepop's user avatar
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P(X ≥ 10 and X is even)? - Stuck on probability question in Statistics

Question found here I am currently stuck on this probability question for Intro to Stat. I have tried following the multiplication rule for probabilities by multiplying P(X is even) by P(X ≥ 10) and ...
Charles Varvarinecz's user avatar
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Stochastic Process Corollary

Anyone mind explaining what does this mean in layman terms? Does it mean the probability of variance of W is infinity is equal to 1? Thanks! Let (W (t))t∈[0,T ] be a Wiener process. Then P(Var[0,T ] W ...
Cathy's user avatar
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Does there exist a $c: P(X<c)=2P(X>c)$

The proportion of impurities in a certain compound is a random variable with density $f(x) = k x (1-x)$, where x belongs to $[0,2]$. Calculate $k$. Find the accumulated function. Find $c$, a ...
TheNewStudent's user avatar
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How to find variance for given problem?

Suppose the expected earnings for a farm depends on the number of worms per apple. The number of worms per apple has a Poisson distribution with mean 0.32. a) The expected earnings per apple depends ...
user122's user avatar
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Probability of success in four free throws

I have the following problem: There is a basketball player with a mean of success of $0.8$ per free throw. In a game, he has four free throws. a) What is the probability of him succeeding in at least ...
Mariana's user avatar
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What is the first moment of ML estimator theta=n/sum(xi)

What is $$E\left[\frac{n}{\sum_i^nx_{i}}\right]$$ where $X_i\sim N\Big(\frac{1}{\theta}, 1\Big)$
AKS's user avatar
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Asian option payout

How can I calculate the payout of an Asian option? I would like to know how to solve the mean over the entire lifetime of the option. Please show me how to calculate the following formula with the ...
user801138's user avatar
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What's the answer to part (c)?

I only have trouble with part (c). For part (a), the answer is 0.0107 and for (b), the answer is 0.264. I can't figure out what to do in part (c) even though I know it's about conditional probability ...
M.Samuel's user avatar
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Statistical probability of coin landing on second flip

A coin is flipped twice in a row. The first result is heads. Is the statistical chance of the coin landing on heads on the second flip 50 percent or 25 percent?
fffff's user avatar
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the expected norm of matrices with sub-gaussian entries

It is the exercise 4.4.6 in the book High-dimension-probability, Given the theorem that $$Prob\{||A||>CK(\sqrt m + \sqrt n +t)\} \leq ...
Dylon's user avatar
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Is this the correct way to get the $25^{th}$, $50^{th}$, and $75^{th}$ percentile?

From the frequency distribution in the image below, $P_{25} = 0.25(53) = 13.25$ $13.25$ falls between index $1$ and $2$, so then $\dfrac{1+2}{2} = 1.5$, round up, $2$. $P_{25} = 35.8\%$ $P_{50} = ...
Soscrates Fd's user avatar

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