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What are necessary and sufficient conditions for the Bellman Equation to be solvable?

I am studying Markov Rewaed Processes right now, and I wish to gain a deeper understanding of the Bellman equation's relationship with them. I learned the Bellman equation in the following form: $v = ...
6 votes
1 answer

Show that $X_{t}:=\alpha X_{t-1}+\epsilon_{t}$ is strictly stationary for $|\alpha|<1$ and $\epsilon_{t}$ i.i.d$~\sim N(0,\sigma^{2})$.

The title can be shortened to "prove that $AR(1)$ processes are strictly stationary when $|\alpha|<1$". This has been discussed many times on MSE and Cross Validated, but I found no ...
2 votes
2 answers

Rough path expected signature vs cumulant-generating function / characteristic function

What is the point of using rough path expected signature to characterize the law of а stochastic process when the cumulant generating function is known ($\log\mathbb{E}[e^{i\theta X(t)}]$)? Since an ...
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Approximation of a new kernel by a linear combination of previous kernels

From the reference by Knutsen, page 25, Kernel linear independence test is explained Knutsen, Sverre. "Gaussian processes for online system identification and control of a quadrotor." (2019)...
9 votes
1 answer

Expected difference between the largest and second largest observations in a sample of i.i.d. normal variables

Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be an i.i.d. sample from the standard normal distribution. Let \begin{align} \mu_n = \mathbb{E}[X_{(n)} - X_{(n-1)}], \end{align} be the expected difference between the largest ...
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Expected value of dirac measure

Let $x_n$ be a series in $\mathbb R^d$. When does $\mu_n = \delta_{x_n}$ converge weakly? This is my attempt to answer this. Weak convergence means: $$\int f \, d \mu_n \rightarrow \int f \, d \mu$$ ...
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2 answers

How to take the variance of a second order expansion? $\text{Var}\left[aX+bY+cXY+mX^2+nY^2\right]$

How to take the variance of a second order expansion? $\text{Var}\left[aX+bY+cXY+mX^2+nY^2\right]$ Let say we have 5 real-valued constant parameters $\{a,\ b,\ c,\ m,\ n\}$, and two random variables $...
2 votes
1 answer

How far are the Mode and the Median of the Log-Normal distribution from behaving as Linear functions?

How far are the Mode and the Median of the Log-Normal distribution from behaving as Linear functions? Intro_______________ Recently I made a question where later I figure out I was requiring that the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Magical relationship between Exponential distribution and Poisson process

Consider i.i.d. random variables $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n$ satisfying exponential distribution $\operatorname{Exp}(1)$. Let $Y=X_1+X_2+\ldots+X_n$. We know that the p.d.f. of $Y$ is the Gamma distribution $...
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0 answers

Let be $Z_1, Z_2, \cdots, Z_n$ independent random variables with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2 < \infty$. Let $X_n=Z_1+Z_2+\cdots, Z_n$.

Let be $Z_1, Z_2, \cdots, Z_n$ independent random variables with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2 < \infty$. Let $X_n=Z_1+Z_2+\cdots, Z_n$. I'm trying to prove that $\mathbb{E}(X_nX_m)=\min(n,m)\...
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Sample Space of such a random variable

Suppose there is a random experiment in which a person is asked to flip a coin $3$ times. The coin has $2$ sides (numbers and pictures). In the sample space of the random experiment, $3$ random ...
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Moment Generating Function of $\bar{M}−\bar{N}$

What is the Mean value of $\bar{M}−\bar{N}$; Moment Generating Function of $\bar{M}−\bar{N}$; and Variance of $\bar{M}−\bar{N}.$ Given $M_1,M_2,\dots,M_n$ is a random sample of size $p$ from the Gamma ...
4 votes
1 answer

Estimating the value of $\sigma$ for Brownian motion

Let $X_t=\sigma W_t$ be a stochastic process, where $W_t$ is the Wiener process and $\sigma$ is an unknown parameter. I want a formula to estimate the value of $\sigma$ (which could not be found in ...
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Consider the stochastic process $\{X_t\}$ such that $\mathbb{P}(X_0=1)=\mathbb{P}(X_0=-1)=1/2$. $X_t$ changes sign in Poisson times.

Consider the stochastic process $\{X_t\}$ such that $\mathbb{P}(X_0=1)=\mathbb{P}(X_0=-1)=1/2$. $X_t$ changes sign in Poisson times, that is, the probability of $k$ changes of sign in a time interval ...
2 votes
1 answer

Suppose $g$ is a periodic function with period $k$. Let the stochastic process be defined as $X_t=g(t+T)$, where $T\sim U(0,k)$.

Suppose $g$ is a periodic function with period $k$. Let the stochastic process be defined as $X_t=g(t+T)$, where $T\sim U(0,k)$. I'm trying to prove that $\{X_t:t \geq0\}$ is weak-sense stationary. I ...

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