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Prove that MergeSort is stable for any input size n ∈ N using induction on n.

In terms of a list of objects with two separate fields, suppose a stable sort would order the list in increasing order. However, if two elements have the same number, then they'll appear in the same ...
Anonymous_00011's user avatar
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How do I prove by using induction on k, that MergeSort uses $n(\log_2(n)+1)=2^k(k+1)$ comparisons?

I have been asked this question in an assignment for my exam. The assignment question is: "Assume that Merge uses (exactly) $a+b-1$ comparisons to combine two lists with a and b elements. ...
seb.'s user avatar
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How many comparisons does the insertion sort use to sort the lists in question

I have two lists to sort using insertion sort: How many comparisons does the insertion sort use to sort the list $n, n − 1, . . . , 2, 1$? How many comparisons does the insertion sort use to sort ...
Avv's user avatar
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Randomized Quick Sort and Partition Probability?

We know about Quick Sort and Randomized Version and Partition. I ran into a Fact when I read my notes. Let $0 < a < 0.5$ be some constant. We have an $n$-element array as input. Randomized ...
LoveMathContest's user avatar
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Can anyone explain the average case in insertion sort?

I am not sure if this question is off topic or not but a question like this has been asked on this site before - Insertion sort proof Here is an example of insertion sort running a on a set of data ...
committedandroider's user avatar
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Application of Mergesort

We have $8$ players and we want to sort them in $24$ hours. There is one stadium. Each game lasts one hour. In how many hours can we sort them?? I thought that we could it as followed: $$\boxed{...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Merge two sets, list and tree

We are given two sets $S_1$ and $S_2$. We consider that $S_1$ is implemented, using a sorted list, and $S_2$ is implemented, using a pre-order sorted tree. I have to write a pseudocode, that ...
evinda's user avatar
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Could graph theory aid in the understanding of comparison sorting algorithms?

I am interested in computing the exact number of comparisons that are needed to sort a list. See this wikipedia article. Up to $n=15$, we know how many comparisons between elements one must make to ...
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