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Is there an intuitive reason natural logarithms arise in the analysis of randomized quicksort?

The randomized quicksort algorithm works as follows: If the list to sort is empty or has length one, it’s sorted. Otherwise, pick a uniformly random element of the list called the pivot element. ...
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How to prove if a list is sorted if any two consecutive elements are sorted?

To check if a list is sorted, a typical approach is to check every element and its next element, and see if they are sorted. Intuitively, I understand it is correct. But is there a more mathematical ...
seermer's user avatar
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Minimize the absolute difference of the sum of two dijoint sets in which terms are in the powers of $p$.

Given $n(n>=1)$ integers $k_1,k_2 \cdots k_n(k_i>=0)$, and an integer $p>=1$, Johny picks $p^{k_i}$ from $i-th$ category for each category , and he wants to divide them into two disjoint sets,...
user69608's user avatar
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How many comparisons does the insertion sort use to sort the lists in question

I have two lists to sort using insertion sort: How many comparisons does the insertion sort use to sort the list $n, n − 1, . . . , 2, 1$? How many comparisons does the insertion sort use to sort ...
Avv's user avatar
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Minimum Comparisons needed for worst case sorting of array consisting of only 1,-1,0

Let $A$ be an array of $n$ elements consisting of only $-1,1,0$. What is the least number of comparisons that must be made in worst case to sort the array? At first I was thinking of the answer is 0 ...
amir na's user avatar
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Generate a new total ordered set from an existing ordered set and a partial ordering

I have a totally ordered set S and I'd like to re-order it based on a partial ordering P. If set S looks like [A, B, C, D, E] where A < B, B < C, and so on. And set P looks like [A, E, B]. Then ...
onlynone's user avatar
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Sorting algorithms

How could we show that the algorithm of Mergesort is stable, Quicksort is not stable but it can be implemented as stable, Heapsort is not stable. I have show that the algorithm of Insertion Sort ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Is the invariant correct?

I want to show that Insetion Sort is stable... Do I have to do that using an invariant?? Is the invariant the following?? At the beginning of each iteration of the for loop, if $A[a]=A[b], a<b \...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Dividing the interval in subintervals of equal length

I am asked to describe the operation of the processure BUCKET SORT at the array $$A=\langle 0.75, 0.13, 0.16, 0.64, 0.39, 0.20, 0.89, 0.53, 0.71, 0.42, 0.19 \rangle $$ dividing the interval $[0, 1)$ ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Quicksort-How did we get the relation?

At the proof of the theorem that the expected time of Quicksort is $O(n \log n)$, there is the following sentence: We suppose that the partitions are equally likely, so the possibility that the sizes ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Expected time of Quicksort

I am reading the proof of the theorem: The Algorithm Quicksort sorts a sequence of $n$ elements in $O(n \log n)$ expected time. The proof is this: For simplicity in the timing analysis assume ...
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The expected time to sort $n$ elements is bounded below

Prove that the expected time to sort $n$ elements is bounded below by $cn \log n$ for some constant $c$. Could you give me some hints how I could do that?
Mary Star's user avatar
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Find both the largest and second largest elements from a set

Consider finding both the largest and second largest elements from a set of $n$ elements by means of comparisons. Prove that $n+\lceil \log n \rceil -2$ comparisons are necessary and sufficient. ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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How many comparisons are required?

Let $S$ be a set of $n$ integers. Assume you can perform only addition of elements of $S$ and comparisons between sums. Under these conditions how many comparisons are required to find the maximum ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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The decision tree has height at least $\log n!$

The proof of the theorem Any decision tree that sorts $n$ distinct elements has height at least $\log n!$ is the following: Since the result of sorting $n$ elements can be any one of the $n!$ ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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