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Knapsack problem with overload

Let $N = \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}$ denote a set of items, $w \in \mathbb{R}_{++}^N$ a vector of weights, $c > 0$ a constant and $x \in \{0, 1\}^N$ a decision variable. The objective is to minimally ...
clueless's user avatar
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closed-form solution to a recursive function

My question is about this problem I made up: 'I have a height of unit length, and m glass balls. Dropping a ball higher than some unknown height, h, always breaks them, and dropping a ball lower never ...
umair's user avatar
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Brick wall with maximum height 3

Given n same-sized rectangular bricks. We want to build a wall with these constraints: All bricks should be horizontal. We can put a brick on two other bricks, such that the middle of the top brick ...
John Mike's user avatar
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Dynamic Programming question - n floors and m boxes

Q: Given a building with $n$ floors, each floor $i$ has $c_i$ boxes in it. You need to find a way to store all the boxes in at most $m$ floors. Moving boxes from one floor to another is allowed only ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Minimum cost in a 2D matrix

In my last interview, I was asked a question for which optimal approach I am still not able to figure out. Given a 2D matrix, with n rows and ...
torrtuga's user avatar
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Dynamic Programming Cheapest Train Ride Question

I am struggling with the below dynamic programming practice problem and I am hoping someone can help. The problem states: "You want to go from station 1 to station n by rail. The train fare from ...
drewm1192's user avatar
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Egg dropping problem binomial coefficient recursive solution

I have a question about the binomial coefficient solution to the generalization of the egg dropping problem (n eggs, k floors) In the binomial coefficient solution we construct a function $f(x,n)$, ...
entechnic's user avatar
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Partition problem where partition are in increasing order.

For given $n$ and $S$, how many possible combinations are there such that: $x_1 + x_2 + .. + x_n = S $ $\forall i, x_i \leq x_{i+1}$ $\&$ $x_i \geq 1$ For example, if $n$ = 3 and $S$ = 5, there ...
Srinath's user avatar
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Dynamic Programming problem palindrome

I am stuck with the following problem: Given a string of characters $w$, we want to know the minimum number of characters that we must add to $w$ in order to convert this string in a palindrome (note ...
user156441's user avatar
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what is the complexity of recursive summation

Can someone tell me the exact complexity of this recursion ? this is actually formula for below question ( solved in recursive brute force way ) There is n steps stairs and a person standing at the ...
abhi's user avatar
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Divide set into two subsets of equal sum and maximum this sum

Original Question: You are given a list S of positive integers. You are ...
Sushil Verma's user avatar
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Proof for greedy algorithm on doubling currency?

I have a currency where each subsequent coin is twice as valuable as the one before it. I need to prove that for any amount of change needed, the greedy algorithm for making change (always choosing ...
Krispies's user avatar
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How to determine the optimal permutation to get to a result with the minimum steps

I am not a mathematician. I need to be able to frame my problem so I would like guidance on what type of problem this is and perhaps guidance on how to solve it. I have patients with food allergies. ...
Sebastian Zeki's user avatar
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Question regarding coin change algorithm (DP and greedy)

The question goes something like this: Suppose you are living in a country where coins have values that are powers of p, V = [1, 3, 9, 27]. How do you think the dynamic programming and greedy ...
Aisha Ashwal's user avatar
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Is this the correct minimum number of coins needed to make change?

The Problem: On Venus, the Venusians use coins of these values [1, 6, 10, 19]. Use an algorithm to compute the minimum number of coins needed to make change for 42 on Venus. State which coins are used ...
committedandroider's user avatar

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