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Moller Operator and the Determination of Bound States in Quantum Scattering Theory

I am trying to understand the Moller operator in quantum scattering theory. An important result concerning this operator is the following useful property that can be used to determine bound states. ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Compactness of subset of trace-class operators on a Hilbert space

Consider an infinite-dimensional, complex and separable Hilbert space $H$ and let $\mathcal I(H)$ denote the space of trace-class operators. The set of density operators is defined by $$\mathcal S(H):...
Jakob's user avatar
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Whether $[A,B]=0$ if $\langle[A,B]\rangle=0$ for all states in the Hilbert space?

Let $\hat{A}$ and $\hat{B}$ are two self-adjoint operators in quantum mechanics corresponding to two dynamical variables $A$ and $B$. If $$\langle[\hat{A},\hat{B}]\rangle\equiv \langle\psi|[\hat{A},\...
Solidification's user avatar
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Find self-adjoint of $P=|a \rangle \langle b |$

Let $P$ be an operator s.a. $P=|a \rangle \langle b |$ and $P|f \rangle = \langle b | f \rangle | a \rangle $. Find the self-adjoint and the $P^2$ operator. My attempt: We know to find the self ...
lebong66's user avatar
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On the usage of derivative in operator theory

In quantum mechanics, we work with linear operators on Hilbert spaces $\mathscr{H}$. Suppose I have two bounded ones, defined on the same space $A, B: \mathscr{H}\to\mathscr{H}$. It seems to me there ...
ric.san's user avatar
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Scaled Dirac Delta function: $ \delta (xe^r - y) $

I was reading on squeezed Gaussian states and stumbled upon this paper: Equivalence Classes of Minimum-Uncertainty Packets. II. It is mentioned after Eq. $\left(2\right)$ that $$ \left\langle x\left\...
Lefteris's user avatar
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If $\omega$ is a faithful state, then the corresponding GNS representation is faithful.

This question is from Pieter Naaijken's "Quantum Spin Systems on Infinite Lattices": Let $\mathcal{U}$ be a C*-algebra and $\omega$ a faithful state on $\mathcal{U}$, meaning that $\omega(A^*...
Justin Furlotte's user avatar
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If $\sum_{x=1}^{|A|} |\psi_x\rangle\langle \psi_x|=I$, then $|\psi_x\rangle\langle \psi_x|$ is a basis projectoer.

Let $\left\{E_{x}\right\}_{x=1}^{|A|}$ is a rank 1 matrix in $\operatorname{Herm}(A)$ which $\sum_{x=1}^{|A|} E_{x}=I^A$. $A$ is our Hilbert space and $I^A$ is the identity matrix.Then I want to show ...
299792458's user avatar
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Translation operator unitarily equivalent to multiplication by exponential

This is part of a problem from Hall's book "Quantum Theory for Mathematicians". Determine the unitary operator $U:L^2(\mathbb{R^n})\to L^2(\mathbb{R^n})$ (unique up to a constant) such that ...
zbrads2's user avatar
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Position representation of an operator

$$\langle x| M|x'\rangle=M(x)\langle x|x'\rangle=M(x)\,\delta(x-x')$$ I know this is true for if $M$ is a momentum operator or position operator, is this is true for a general operator $M $? $\...
Quantum Man's user avatar
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Momentum operator in the position basis

J.J Sakurai shows in the section of ' Momentum operator in the position basis' as $P$$\lvert\alpha\rangle$=$\int dx^{'}\lvert\ x{'}\rangle\Bigl(-i{h\over 2\pi}$ $\partial\over\partial x{'}$$ \...
Quantum Man's user avatar
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Is it possible to take square root of the operator $e^{a\frac{d}{dx}}$?

Is it possible to take square root of the operator $e^{a\frac{d}{dx}}$ where $a$ is a real or complex constant? Actually in physics one can take the square root of $(\Box +m^2)$ operator associated ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Domain issues with Weyl quantization

Most algebras of observables from quantum mechanics are closed. For example, fix a separable Hilbert space $H$, and consider the algebra of bounded operators on it. This is a Banach space. In ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Why is the magnetic Schrödinger operator positive?

In the book Schrödinger Operators by Cycon et al. they prove that the magnetic Schrödinger operator (as well as the Pauli operator) have essential spectrum $\sigma_{ess} = [0,\infty)$ if $B$ has decay ...
Jakob Elias's user avatar
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Real eigenvalues of continuum spectrum of a self-adjoint operator

Is my understanding that if you assume eigenvectors of a self-adjoint operator are in Hilbert space, then is easy to prove that the eigenvalues must be real. However, it could happen that such ...
angel leonardo's user avatar

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