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$0$-$1$ law for brownian motion

I would like to prove the following theorem : Let $B$ be a brownian motion and $\mathcal{F_t}$ its natural filtration. Then for all $A\in\mathcal{F}_{0^{+}}$ we have $\mathbb{P}(A)\in\left\{0,1\right\}...
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Relationship between Markov chains and i.i.d. random variables

I am studying Markov chains. I understand that a sequence of i.i.d. random variables is a special type of Markov chain. However, I am trying to prove that a finite-valued Markov chain is a sequence ...
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Modification of a stochastic process and complete filtration

I consider $B_t$ $t\in[0,T]$ a (real valued) stochastic process adapted for the filtration $\mathcal{F}_t$ and $\bar{B}_t$ à modification of $B_t$. I would like to show that $\bar{B}_t$ is adapted ...
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Chernoff bound and Polynomial Markov

I'm currently struggling the following statement; Show that upper bound of polynomial Markov is better than the Chernoff upper bound; that is, for given $\delta > 0,$ $$\inf_{k = 0,1,2,...} \frac{\...
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Is my proof of Markov Property for Reflected BM correct?

I want to show that $|B_{t}|$ is a Markov Process where, $B_{t}$ is a Standard Brownian Motion. I have seen the proof here and here. But I don't understand why the method below might fail (or if it's ...
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Distribution function of $X-Y$, where $X,Y$ are uniformly distributed

I want to compute the distribution function of $X-Y$, denoted by $F_{X-Y}$, where $X,Y$ are indepedently uniformly distributed on $[-1,1]$. \begin{align*} &F_{X-Y}(z)=\begin{cases} 0,&z\leq -2\...
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Find the density of $\cos(X)$ when $X$ is an exponential.

I want to find the density of $\cos(X)$ where $X$ is an exponential with density given by $$ f_{X}(x) = re^{-rx}\mathbb{1}_{[0,+\infty}(x),\quad r>0 $$ My attempt is the following : First we notice,...
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Solution verification on a Borel Cantelli Exercise

I have a question regarding the following exercise that I just solved. Let $(X_n)$ be any sequence of random variables, show that there exists a sequence of positive constants $(l_n)$ such that one ...
a.s. graduate student's user avatar
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Prove that the first return time is finite a.s. for a Markov chain

Suppose $X$ is an irreducible Markov Chain on a discrete state space $E$. I would like to prove that $$ P_x[\tau_x^1 < \infty]=1 $$ where $\tau_x^1=\inf\{n>0: X_n=x\}$. Is it necessary to know ...
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Probability that player B wins [duplicate]

We have two players, A and B, who play a game in several rounds. The game stops when one of them wins two more rounds than the other. What is the probability that B wins if in each round the ...
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$Gx$ is distributed uniformly in the set $\Bbb Z_2 ^n$.

I read the probabilistic proof of the Gilbert Varshamov bound in Coding Theory, and I came across the following argument, which I would like to discuss: Suppose that $G$ is a random matrix in $M_ {n×k}...
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$X_n$ s.t $E[\sup _n |X _{n+1}-X_n|]< \infty$ and $X_0 =0$. Prove that a.s $\limsup X _n=-\liminf X _n =\infty$ or $\lim X _n$ exsits and finite

$X_n$ s.t $E[\sup _n |X _{n+1}-X_n|]< \infty$ and $X_0 =0$ Prove that a.s $\limsup X _n=-\liminf X _n =\infty$ or $\lim X _n$ exsits and finite. hint: you can prove ${Y _n}$ martingale then $\sup ...
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How can I show that $\Bbb{E}\left(\exp(-\mu T)\right)=\exp\left(-a\sqrt{2\mu}\right)$?

Let $B$ be a Brownian motion and for any $a$ define $T:=\inf\{t>0: W_t\geq a\}$. I want to show that $\Bbb{E}(\exp(-\mu T))=\exp(-a\sqrt{2\mu})$. My idea was to use the optional stopping theorem. ...
Summerday's user avatar
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Random walk and inequality involving the Green function on N step

I would like to check if my arguments are the correct ones in proving $$ G_N(x,y):=\sum_{k=0}^N P_x[X_k=y]\leq G_N(y,y) $$ where $X$ is a random walk on $\mathcal{Z}$ with $E_0[|X_1|]<\infty$ and $...
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Show biasedness of estimator of discrete uniform distribution

Let be $X:\Omega\to[0,1,2,3,\dots, \theta]$ a discrete random variable which obeys a uniform distribution. We don't know $\theta$ and estimate it by the maximum of the sample $(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n)$, ...
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