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How does conditional expectation tell the average of r.v. X on the union of some basic events?

Let $X\in L^1$ be a $\mathcal F$-measurable random variable and $\mathcal G$ be a sub σ-algebra of $\mathcal F$. We say a $\mathcal G$-measurable random variable $\mathbb E[X|\mathcal G]\in L^1$ is ...
wuxj's user avatar
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How does one compute conditional expectation with respect to a continuous random variable?

I can't wrap my head around the way to compute conditional expectation with respect to a continuous random variable. For instance, consider a probability space $(\Omega, A, P)$, where $\Omega = [0,1]$ ...
GingerBadger's user avatar
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Proving conditional expectation is bounded if expectation is bounded

Suppose we have a random variable $X$ bounded in expectation, i.e., $E[X] < c$. If $X \geq 0$, then is it correct to infer that the conditional expectation of $X$ given another r.v. $Y=y$ is ...
m1cro1ce's user avatar
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Conditional Expectation of Function of I.I.D Random Variables [duplicate]

Let X,Y,Z $\stackrel{i.i.d}{\sim}$ N($0$,$1$). I am supposed to find the E($2$X+$3$Y | X+$3$Y-Z =$4$) I Tried to solve the problem by considering A= $2X+3Y$ ~ $N(5,5)$ and B=X+$3$Y-Z ~ $N(3,5)$ but ...
Soham Ghosh's user avatar
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What is the distribution of $E[X\mid Y]$?

Let $(X, Y)$ be two r.v. with joint p.m.f. described by the following table What is the marginal distribution of $X$? Are $X$ and $Y$ independent? What is the conditional p.m.f. of $X$ given $Y=0$? ...
James Anderson's user avatar
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What am I writing when I write $\mathbf X \mid \mathbf Y$?

Suppose $\mathbf X$ is a random variable and $A$ is an event in the same probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal F, \Pr)$. (Formally, $\mathbf X$ is a function on $\Omega$, say $\Omega \to \mathbb R$; $A$...
Misha Lavrov's user avatar
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Range of conditional expectation

Let $X$ be a random variable with values in $A$. Let $Y$ be random variable with values in $B$. Let $g: A\times\mathbb R \to C$ a differentiable function. Define $h(z)= \mathbb E(g(X,z)\mid Y=y)$. ...
Julia's user avatar
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What is the expectation of $(\langle x, w \rangle - \langle y, w \rangle)^2$, where $x,y,w$ are independent Bernoulli random vectors?

I'm stuck on the following problem. Consider three independent Bernoulli random vectors $x,y,w$ of length $n$, where each entry follows the Bernoulli distribution $B$ with $P(B=0)=P(B=1)=\frac{1}{2}$. ...
backboltz37's user avatar
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$X=\mathbb{E}[X\mid\mathcal{F}] $ implying $\mathcal{F}$-measurability of $X$

For a random variable $X$ we know, that if $X$ is measurable w.r.t some filtration $\mathcal{F}$ it satisfies $X=\mathbb{E}[X\mid\mathcal{F}]$. I wonder whether one can reverse this property and state,...
Leoncino's user avatar
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Effect on expected value of conditioning on inequality between random variables (do we have E[X | X>S] ≥ E[X | X>S, Y>S]?)

I've been trying to prove the following inequality: $$ \mathbb{E}[X \mid X > S] \geq \mathbb{E}[X \mid X>S, Y>S] $$ where $X$, $Y$, $S$ are mutually independent real-valued random variables ...
emengd's user avatar
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Proof Linearity of Conditional expectation

How we can proof that: $E[X - Y|W] = E[X|W]-E[Y|W]$ I try to use the definition of Conditional Expectation: $E[X|Y=y]= \sum_x \cdot p(x|y)$ and then to substitute $X=A-B$ Is it the right way? And ...
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Does almost sure convergence and $L^1$-convergence imply almost sure convergence of the conditional expectation?

Question. Let $ X_{n}, X $ be random variables on some probability space $ ( \Omega, \mathcal{F},\mathbb{P} ) $ and let $ \mathcal{G} \subset \mathcal{F} $ be a sub-$\sigma$-algebra. Moreover ...
Pass Stoneke's user avatar
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Approximating $E[g(Y)]$ with a Taylor series is easy, but $E[g(YX)]$ seems much tougher (potentially impossible)?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be continuous random variables with $Y \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_Y,\sigma_Y^2)$. I want to approximate $E[g(YX)]$ where $g(x) = e^{-x^2}$. Specifically, my plan is to use a Taylor expansion ...
sonicboom's user avatar
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How to show $E[X\mid X = x] =x$?

I read that $E[X\mid X = x] =x$ but I don't get that when I try to prove it: \begin{align} E[X\mid X = x] &= \sum x P(X=x|X=x) \\ &= \sum x \frac{P(X=x,X=x)}{P(X=x)} \\ &= \sum x \frac{P(X=...
Bertus101's user avatar
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Question about conditioning on sequences of random variables, where the sequence is related by a function $f$

Let $A_k, B_k$ be two sequences of random variables, where $A_k = f(B_k)$ Then is it true that $$\mathbb{E}[A_{k+1}|A_0, \ldots, A_k] = \mathbb{E}[f(B_{k+1})|B_0, \ldots, B_k]$$ If so, what is the ...
Coco Jambo's user avatar

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