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Periodic sequences of integers generated by $a_{n+1}=\operatorname{rad}(a_{n})+\operatorname{rad}(a_{n-1})$

Let's define the radical of the positive integer $n$ as $$\operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid n\\ p\text{ prime}}}p$$ and consider the following Fibonacci-like sequence $$a_{n+1}=\...
Augusto Santi's user avatar
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Prove that series $\sum_{n\in M(P)} \frac{1}{n}$ converges and find its sum [closed]

Let $P = \{p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_k\}$ be a finite set of prime numbers, and $M(P)$ be a set of natural numbers, whose prime divisors are in $P$. How can I prove that $$\sum_{n\in M(P)} \frac{1}{n}$$ ...
shedd's user avatar
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What's Special about Rowland’s Prime-Generating Sequence?

Recently I asked this question and quickly got back some excellent responses. I asked the question because I came across a paper by Eric Rowland called "A Natural Prime-Generating Recurrence"...
Math777's user avatar
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What is the smallest product, $m$, of $6$ distinct odd primes such that $\frac{d+\frac{m}{d}}{2}$ is prime for all $d$ dividing $m$?

I am currently working on a sequence, $a_n$, that is defined as follows: $$a_n\text{ is the smallest product of }n\text{ distinct odd primes, }m=p_1p_2\dots p_n\text{, such that }\frac{d+\frac{m}{d}}{...
Kirk Fox's user avatar
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On an inequality involving the radical of an integer and its greatest prime factor

Let $n\geq 1$ an integer, in this post I denote the greatest prime dividing $n$ as $\operatorname{gpf}(n)$, and the product of the distinct prime numbers dividing $n$ as $$\operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{...
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What about sequences $\{\sum_{k=1}^n (\operatorname{rad}(k))^p\}_{n\geq 1}$ containing an infinitude of prime numbers, where $p\geq 1$ is integer?

We denote the radical of the integer $n> 1$ as $$\operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid n\\ p\text{ prime}}}p,$$ taking $\operatorname{rad}(1)=1$ that is this definition from Wikipedia. In ...
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Does a sequence based on hereditary factorisation always terminate?

The well-known Goodstein sequences are based on the hereditary base-$b$ notation, where you don't just present the digits in base $b$, but also the corresponding exponents etc. That lead me to the ...
Desiato's user avatar
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Have I discovered an analytic function allowing quick factorization?

So I have this apparently smooth, parametrized function: The function has a single parameter $ m $ and approaches infinity at every $x$ that divides $m$. It is then defined for real $x$ apart from ...
Patryk Czachurski's user avatar
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A very nice pattern involving prime factorization

A while ago I was fiddling around with prime numbers and C++. I defined: $$f_a(b)= \text{ the amount of numbers } 2^a\leq n<2^{a+1}\text{ with } b \text{ prime factors}$$ I calculated $f_a(b)$ for ...
Mastrem's user avatar
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Special $\omega(n)$-sequence

Let $k$ be a natural number, $\omega(n)$ the number of distinct prime factors of $n$. The object is to find a number $n$ with $\omega(n+j)=j+1$ for each $j$ with $0\le j\le k-1$. In other words, a ...
Peter's user avatar
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Do there exist any cycles for these number sequences?

We define, for $k\in\mathbb{N}$, the sequence $\left(S_{k,n}\right)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$: $$S_{k,1}=k,\;\;\; S_{k,n+1}=p_1q_1\cdots p_mq_m \text{ (written out in decimal)}$$ Where $p_1^{q_1}*\cdots *p_m^{...
Uncountable's user avatar
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Is $(1+2+3+…)=(1+2+2^2+2^3+…)(1+3+3^2+…)(1+5+5^2+…)…$?

Are these equal? $$(1+2+3+…)=(1+2+2^2+…)(1+3+3^2+…)(1+5+5^2+…)…$$ Where the RHS has a series for each prime. Looks like they are the same series by the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Every number ...
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