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Principal Symbol of the Fractional Laplacian on Manifolds

In the euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^n$, we can define the Fractional Laplacian as $$(-\Delta)^s f := \int |\xi|^{2s}\hat{f}(\xi)e^{ix\cdot\xi}d\xi.$$ The principal symbol is clearly $p(x,\xi)=|\xi|^{2s}...
ayphyros's user avatar
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deriving differential equation from difference of PDE solutions

Consider defining $$f(x,t)=g(x,t)-h(x,t)$$ where the PDEs describing $g(x,t)$ and $h(x,t)$ are $\it{known}$ but the solutions themselves are $\it{unknown}$. It could be impractical to solve the PDEs ...
Clayton Estey's user avatar
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What is the Propagator associated to a homogeneous Cauchy problem?

I came across this problem: Consider the following Cauchy problem on $\mathbb{R}_t\times\mathbb{R}_x^n$ $$\begin{cases}\partial_tu+\omega\cdot\nabla_xu=f(t,x),\\ u|_{t=0}=u_0(x)\end{cases}$$ where $\...
Anon's user avatar
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Sectoriality of the 1-dimensional Laplace operator in $H^{-1}$

I know how to prove that the 1-dimensional Laplace operator is sectorial in $L^{2}$ with the domain being $H_{0}^{1}\cap H^{2}$. I've been wondering how to prove that it is also sectorial in $H^{-1}$ ...
AnonymousUser's user avatar
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Calculating the fractional Laplacian of a constant function

I have a question about calculating the Spectral fractional Laplacian of a constant. Let us recall the definition of the Spectral fractional Laplacian for $0<s<1$: $$ \left(-\Delta_{\text {Spec }...
Mathslover's user avatar
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Do exponentials in semigroups only have formal meaning?

Let $L$ be a linear differential operator and consider the PDE $$\begin{cases} u_t + Lu = 0, \quad x \in \mathbb{R}^n\\ u = f, \quad t = 0\end{cases} \tag{1}$$ It is known that we may construct a ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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How to show that $A_h$ $\gamma$-converges to $A$ iff $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \sup_{|f|_{L^2}\leq 1}\|R_h(f)-R(f)\| = 0. $

I am reading a paper by Butazzo, Dal Maso. Let $\Omega$ be a bounded open set in $\mathcal{R}^n$. Let $A_h$, $A$ $\subset \Omega$ be (quasi-)open. Consider the following two PDEs with Dirichlet ...
Alvis Zhalovsky's user avatar
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How to prove $\operatorname{Id}-K$ is a proper map when $K$ is a $C^1$ compact operator?

Assume $X$ is a Banach space, $\Omega \subseteq X$ is an open set, $K\in {C}^{1}( \overline{\Omega}, X)$ is a nonlinear compact map, I heard that $\operatorname{Id}-K$ is a proper map. Proper map ...
boundary's user avatar
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Question on the Gateaux derivative (being the principal part of a system of PDEs)

Let me start with a disclaimer. This is the first time ever dealing with Gateaux derivative, hence my knowledge around this topic is poor. As I was going through this paper, I got stuck in the ...
kaithkolesidou's user avatar
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How to give a closed form to $e^{a(x) \frac{d}{dx} + b(x)I}[f]$ in physicists style abuse of notation?

In Quantum Mechanics we have the famous time evolution result (here $a$ is a constant) $$ e^{a \frac{d}{dx}}[f] = f(x+a) $$ Which is an abuse of notation but makes sense due to Taylor's Theorem. In ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Question about equivalence between these two Ginzburg-Landau equations

I'm going through this paper and I'm stuck at showing the equivalence between the follwoing two equations: where the first equation for $\alpha$ is the respective (1.4). In particular, I can't prove ...
kaithkolesidou's user avatar
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Existence of a resonance (or lack of it) for Schrodinger operators

In dimension 1, consider two potentials $V_1,V_2\in C^\infty(\mathbb{R})$, both of them decaying exponentially fast at $\pm\infty$. Suppose that the Schrodinger operator $$ L_1=-\partial_x^2+V_1, $$ ...
AveragePerson's user avatar
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Adjointiness, Poisson bracket and KdV equation

Consider this (I am only having issues with the proof, the example is added as context and definitions) Example (Showing that KdV equation is bi-Hamiltonian) We can write the KdV equation in ...
Maths Wizzard's user avatar
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Semigroup properties of spectral fractional Laplacian

I need to check if the different fractional Laplacians have the same properties regarding the semigroups they generate. All I know now is in the case of the Restricted Fractional Laplacian: $(-\Delta)^...
Mathslover's user avatar
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Linear kinetic PDE: Characteristics of the transport operator are given by the flow a Hamiltonian

I am trying to read and understand the article "Hypocoercivity for linear kinetic equations conserving mass." by Dolbeault, Mouhot, Schmeiser. doi: 10.1090/s0002-9947-2015-06012-7 (https://...
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