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How to visualize triangle using a software

How to visualize (using some plotting software) the triangle inequality, $|x-z|\le|x-y|+|y-z|$, where $x,y$ and $z$ belong to some finite intervals. I am asking for general way, for example, $(x-z)^2\...
stephan's user avatar
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Wolfram Mathematica: why is the plot not visible?

simple question regarding Wolfram Mathematica: Why is the plot not showing? (See screenshot) (I am new to Wolfram Mathematica) Thankful for any input.
JosefS's user avatar
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Graphing parametric equation software? Desmos/Mathematica/ other math software?

I want to view what the graph of, for example, $x=\sin t,\quad y = \sin(10t)$ looks like, but not as a static graph $\ y=f(x),\ $ but rather one where we can see the movement of the point on the $\ x-...
Adam Rubinson's user avatar
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plotting a function i

How can i plot bellow function in MAPLE or MATHEMATICA or MATLAB? $$y=0.05+0.1\cdot e^{0.01x}\cdot \cos(0.2\cdot x)$$ while $x$ can be in the range of $ -350$ to $+350$ or less. Thank you
sepide shirazi's user avatar
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How to define a function with subscripted variable in Mathematica?

How to define a function with subscripted variable? I want to write the following expression $$f[a_9] =1+ a_7 + a_9$$ I tried to write "f[Subscript[a, 9]_ ] := 1+ [Subscript[a, 7]+ [Subscript[a, 9]" ...
mathisgood's user avatar
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Looking for computer package for doing Lie algebras

As it stated in the title I'm looking for specific software for doing computation with Lie algebras. It could be some add-on for wolfram mathematica or for else computing systems. The precise thing I ...
Jedy's user avatar
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Can WolframAlpha calculate a multivariable integral over arbitrary domain of integration?

If I had an integral specified like this: $$\int_{0}^{1}dx \int_{2}^{3} dy \int_{y^2+5}^{y-4} xyz \ dz$$ I would use this command in WolframAlpha to calculate it: integrate (xyz) dz dy dx, x=0 to ...
Matt's user avatar
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Interactive math software for polynomial geometry

I've found this Wolfram Demonstrations applet illustrating Sendov's Conjecture very interesting to play around with and have been working on writing my own version in the MATLAB language. I thought ...
BGreen's user avatar
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Exploring Mathematica as a High School Student

I am a high school student and I am receiving a free one-year subscription for Wolfram Mathematica as a prize from USAMTS. How can I make the most of this one year with software that I have heard is ...
shardulc's user avatar
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Software allowing graphical polynomial interpolation

Hey! I'm sorry because this is NOT I highly professional mathematic question, but I thought that it would be misplaced in the software engineering community. I'm looking for a tool allowing me to do ...
Maxim Kopecki's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does Wolfram often produces "extra" constant terms when integrating?

This question was just asked on MSE about the result the OP got for $$\int \frac{7x}{(2x+1)} dx$$ OP got the result $$\frac{7x}{2}-\frac{7}{4}\ln(|2x+1|)+C$$ and Wolfram gives $$\frac{7}{4} (2 x - \...
user avatar
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Scaling axis on Mathematica's plots

I'm trying to get the plot below only I want the ratio y:x to be 1:1 instead of 2:1. I want the ellipse to look tall and slim instead of short and fat. Here's the code line if you want to copy and ...
ICan'tPlotThis's user avatar
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Mathematica Question regarding NSolve

I'm trying to solve for 2-cycles for the equation $$x=xe^{r[1-x]}$$ using Mathematica. I've tried using NSolve, FindRoot, and Solve. When I use NSolve I input it as $$\textrm{NSolve}[xe^{r[1 - xe^{r[1 ...
Pubbie's user avatar
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How does the base of a group determine the "sort" of the elements in the group

I'm trying to study groups in Mathematica, and I've asked a question on Mathematica.SE that perhaps only someone from Math.SE could answer. Related: How does ...
Travis Bemrose's user avatar
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Solve $4 A (L^{3/4}) - wL (((24 - L) w)^{-3/4}) = -(((24 - L) w)^{1/4})$ for L? Using Mathematica

I'm trying to solve $$4 A (L^{3/4}) - wL (((24 - L) w)^{-3/4}) = -(((24 - L) w)^{1/4})$$ for $L$ using Mathematica, and it spits the following out: ...
isa's user avatar
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