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Minimizing $\frac{1-c}{1-\frac{(a-b)^3}{(1-a)^2} - \frac{(b-c)^3}{(a-b)^2} - \frac{c^3}{b^2}}$

I am interested in approximating the minimum of $$\dfrac{1-c}{1-\dfrac{(a-b)^3}{(1-a)^2} - \dfrac{(b-c)^3}{(a-b)^2} - \dfrac{c^3}{b^2}}$$ Subject to $0 < \frac{a-b}{1-a} < \frac{b-c}{a-b} < \...
AspiringMat's user avatar
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What does the rectangular symbol means in mathematica??

I was solving a problem related to inequality and there I get this root but I didn't get what does this rectangular symbol means ? The code for the mathematica is -- ...
Sakibul Islam Rayhan's user avatar
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Solving inequality, but graphing/mathematica gives a completely different answer

I have the following inequality problem, where I'm trying to solve for $\mu$. Here is the inequality: $$\frac{1}{2} \left(-\sqrt{(c+d+\theta -\mu +1)^2+4 (c \theta -\theta \mu )}+c+d+\theta -\mu +1\...
Steve's user avatar
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Is it possible to solve this inequality?

I need to solve this inequality for $j$ and I am having a hard time. I also tried to use Mathematica but it did not work. Do you have any idea of how to proceed? Any tips on the procedure is very ...
Mattia Vinelli's user avatar
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Is there a systematic way to derive constraints in a system of equations?

I have this system of equations: $x_1 = y_1+ y_2+ y_3$ $x_2 = y_1- y_2$ $x_3 = y_1 + y_2 - 2y_3$ And I have these constraints: $y_1 \geq y_2 \geq 0 \geq y_3$ From the constraints I can derive ...
Allure's user avatar
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Using Mathematica to show that a transformation is a relaxed cocoercive

I have a problem that I can't solve because I've just started using mathematica and matlab programs: $\mathbb{R}^2$ is Hibert space endowed with the norm$$\left\Vert x\right\Vert = \left\Vert x_{1},...
math_mat's user avatar
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Why Is f'(x)>0 When f''(x)>0 [duplicate]

Why is $f'(x)>0$ when $f''(x)>0$ on the inequality $\mathrm{e}^x>1+x+\frac{x^2}{2}$ when $x>0$? $f''(x)$ determines the concave of the inequality. When a curve is concave up, it can either ...
Alan Zhou's user avatar
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Algorithm to solve a system of linear inequalities over the natural numbers

I am looking for an algorithm to solve a system of linear inequalities of the form $$A\,\vec n + \vec c \;\geq\; 0$$ for $\vec n$ where $A$ is a matrix of integers, $\vec c$ consists of integers and ...
Mario's user avatar
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If $p^{r + 1} - 1 > 5(p^r - 1)$, then is there a lower bound for $p$ and $r$?

If $$p^{r + 1} - 1 > 5(p^r - 1),$$ then is there a lower bound for $p$ (e.g., in terms of $r$) and $r$ (e.g., in terms of $p$)? Here, $p>1$ and $r \geq 1$. I tried using WolframAlpha, but I do ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris's user avatar
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How to prove an inequality or read Mathematica's proof

Given $0 < \alpha_1, \alpha_2 <1$ and $1/2 < p <1$, how to prove that the following expression is always non-negative? \begin{align*} (1 - \alpha_2)^2 p^2 (2 p -1) + \alpha_1^2 \, p\, \...
Sahil Singla's user avatar
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Is this system of inequalities (and equality) tractable?

I have some real parameters here. The $\mu_i$ - for $i=1,2,3,4,5$ - are 'convex coefficents' in that $\mu_i\geq 0$ and $\sum_{i}\mu_i=1$. The $x$ and $z$ are such that $x^2+z^2\leq 1$. The ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Finding feasible solution of inequalities in math software

I have a Math problem where I have some true statements, and I want to know if there is a feasible solution to an equation. I would like to know how to do that in either Matlab or Mathematica. The ...
ASDF's user avatar
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Find min of $\frac{\left( \sum kx_k \right) \left( \sum x^2_k \right)}{\left( \sum x_k \right)^3}$

With $n \ge 2$ and $x_1,\ x_2,\ \dots,\ x_n > 0$. Find the minimum of: $$ M = \frac{(x_1 + 2 x_2 + ...+ nx_n)( x^2_1 + x^2_2 +...+x^2_n)} {\left( x_1 + x_2 +...+ x_n \right)^3}$$ For specific $n$, ...
Xeing's user avatar
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inequality, complex number [closed]

let $b>0$, $y:[0,b]\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ and $y(0)=0$, where $\mathbb{C}$ denotes the space of complex numbers. Is the following inequality true or not? $$|y(x)|\le \max_{\tau\in[0,b]} |y'(\tau)| ...
user92646's user avatar
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Why Mathematica (Reduce) can't find clear solution for almost trivial inequalities?

Suppose we want to solve the inequality $ax^2+bx+c<0$. For simplicity, presume that $a>0$ and $b^2-4ac>0$. In this form, this is almost a trivial problem. Despite that, if we want to solve it ...
Tamas Ferenci's user avatar