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Trying to understand the proof for the criterion of compactness in $l_p$ space

I have the following theorem about the criterion of compactness in $l_p$ space For the set $K\subset (l_p,||.||_p), p\geq 1$, following conditions are equivalent: i) $K$-totally bounded in $(l_p,||.||...
lee max's user avatar
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How to use Lebesgue Number for Complex Analysis Holder Inequality

Problem: Let $f$ be analytic in an open set $U\subset \mathbb{C}$ and let $K\subset U$ be compact. Show that there exists a constant $C$ depending on $U$ and $K$ such that $$|f(z)| \leq C \left( \...
mathlover314's user avatar
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Correct condition for $L_p$ to be separable.

I am a physics undergraduate so I only had two lectures about measure theory. Could someone explain to me what is the most correct statement between these two ($p<\infty$): From Is $L^p$ separable?...
davise's user avatar
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Possible Frechet-Kolmogorov compactness theorem equivalent in $L^\infty$?

The Frechet-Kolmogorov(-Sudakov) compactness theorem states that in $L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ for $1\leq p<+\infty$, a set of functions $\mathcal{F}$ is totally bounded if and only if $\mathcal{F}$ is ...
UnderscorePoY's user avatar
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Weak-$\star$ Convergence in $L_1$

Let $(X,d)$ be a complete separable metric space; $\mu$ be a Borel probability measure on $X$; $(f_n),(g_n)\subset L_1(X,\mu)$ be sequences of non-negative uniformly bounded sequences, bounded by $1$,...
Kafka's user avatar
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$\sigma$-finiteness of measures and separability of $L^p$ spaces

The fact that a measure $\mu$ is $\sigma$-finite determines or not the separability of $L^2(\mu)$? I proved that $L^2([0,1])$ endowed with the counting measure $m$ is not separable since it admits an ...
nimaba99's user avatar
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Relationship between the diameter of a set and the radius of a closed ball that contains it, in the $L_1$ space

What is the minimal radius $r(d)$ such that for every finite set of diameter $d$ there is a closed ball of radius $r(d)$ that contains it? This in the $L^1$ space with $n$ dimensions. In formulas, ...
user71425's user avatar
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Intersection of infinitely many $L^p$ spaces over $\mathbb{R}$: reference-request

Consider $$X:=\bigcap_{1\le p<+\infty} L^p(\mathbb{R}).$$ Due to the interpolation property, one can easily write $$X=\bigcap_{n\in\mathbb{N}} L^n(\mathbb{R}),$$ so it is not difficoult to see $X$ ...
Tito Eliatron's user avatar
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How does completion affect the topology?

Given a set $X$ there are two ways to turn it into a topological space, first, specify the convergence (of nets), second, specify the topology. The two ways are equivalent. Let $X=C(0,1)$ equipped ...
Sasha Queequeg's user avatar
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Is $\{ \psi\in L^\infty(\sigma) \mid \operatorname{ess\,inf} \vert\psi\vert >0 \}$ meagre/nonmeagre/comeagre?

Let $\sigma\subset[0,1]$ be a measurable set with positive Lebesgue-measure. The set $$ \{ \psi\in L^\infty(\sigma) \mid \operatorname{ess inf} \vert\psi\vert >0 \} $$ is dense in $L^2(\sigma)$, ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Let $X$ be a locally compact Polish space. Is the space of continuous functions with compact support dense in that of $\mu$-integrable functions?

I'm reading this question for which I would like to clarify the theorem mentioned there. We have (S1) Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Then the space of continuous functions with compact ...
Akira's user avatar
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Closed subset in different norms

Let us say I have a space of functions $X$ (e.g. $X=C([0,1],[0,1])$ continuous from the unit interval into itself) and two subspaces $S_1$ and $S_2$ such that $S_2\subset S_1(\subset X)$ (e.g. $S_i=L^...
Martin Geller's user avatar
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How to prove a claim about mapping closed sets to subsets of open sets of $\ell^2$

In class, I have seen the claim below, but for $\mathbb{R^n}$. The question is, whether it still applies for $\ell^2$ and how to prove it. The claim for $\ell^2$ Let $E, F$ be closed, disjoint sets in ...
Tereza Tizkova's user avatar
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How is the topology on $\ell^2$ and $\ell^p$ spaces called?

I am looking for a specific name for the topology induced by metric on $\ell^2$. This space has its "standard" topology generated by $\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}(x_i-y_i)^2}$. With such ...
Tereza Tizkova's user avatar
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A question on the size of the topology with respect to the sequential convergence.

Let $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ be two topologies on a non-empty set $X.$ Let the sequential convergence with respect to one of the topologies be equivalent to the sequential convergence with respect to the ...
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