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Reference request for realizing a simplicial set as the homotopy colimit of its simplices

I know that $$X\simeq hocolim_{Simp(X)}\Delta^n,$$ where $Simp(X)$ is the category of simplices of $X$, I know this for example because of proposition 7.5 of the nLab's page for homotopy limits. ...
DevVorb's user avatar
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$\pi_*:Ho(Top_*)\to Set^{\mathbb N}$ preserves limits

Consider $\pi_*:Ho(Top_*)\to Set^{\mathbb N}$ defined by $[X,x]\mapsto \{\pi_n(X,x)\}_n$ from the homotopy category of the pointed topological spaces. I showed that this is a conservative functor and ...
raisinsec's user avatar
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Notation: Interpolation between functors in extension/lifting problems with simple categories

In chapter 6 on homotopy (co-)limits of Jeffrey Strom's Modern Classical Homotopy Theory he gives the following definition on p. 156 (I'm explaining the terminology at the bottom): [Let $\mathscr{C}$ ...
Qi Zhu's user avatar
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The boundary of an open set as the homotopy limit of the open set minus compact subsets.

Let $M$ be a manifold and $U \subseteq M$ be a relative compact open set of $M$. I run into an equivalence $$\partial U \cong \operatorname{holim}_{K \subseteq U} U \setminus K $$ where the inverse ...
Chris Kuo's user avatar
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Homotopy push-out squares and exact triangles are colimits

I read somewhere that homotopy push-out squares and exact triangles in a triangulated category can both be interpreted as special cases of higher categorical colimits. Why is this true? Please note ...
cip's user avatar
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Stable homotopy groups as a generalized (reduced) homology theory

It is known that $\pi_*^{st}$ defines a generalized homology theory, where $\pi_n^{st}(X) = \text{colim}_{k \geq 0} \pi_{n+k}(\Sigma^k X)$ is the $n$th stable homotopy group of the based space $X$. ...
michiganbiker898's user avatar
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Why $S^n$ is the pushout of the inclusion $S^{n-1} \rightarrow D^n$?

What will be the pushout for the following : where $i:S^{n-1} \rightarrow D^n$ is the inclusion of the boundary $S^{n-1}$ to the n-disk $D^n$. According to Pg 40 in Julia E. Bergner's The Homotopy ...
mathematics student's user avatar
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Base point of BU/BO, classifying space of U/O.

There are principal bundles $$U(n) \to V_k(\mathbb{C}^n) \to G_k(\mathbb{C}^n)$$ and $$O(n) \to V_k(\mathbb{R}^n) \to G_k(\mathbb{R}^n),$$ where $V_k(\mathbb{F}^n)$ and $G_k(\mathbb{F}^n)$ are the ...
JohnDonski's user avatar
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Fundamental Group functor has no left Adjoint

I have a question about a remark done by Martin Brandenburg on Tyler Lawson's answer in this MO discussion: The ...
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Construction of a corner of a diagram out of the homotopy pushout

Let \begin{array}{ccc} X & \xrightarrow{} & Y \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow\\ Z & \xrightarrow{} & W\\ \end{array} be a homotopy commutative diagram in a proper model catgeory $\...
Surojit's user avatar
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Spectral sequence for homotopy (co)limits

In the accepted answer to this question, user Cary states "What made this spectral sequence tick is that homology/cohomology takes a cofiber sequence to a long exact sequence.". However this doesn't ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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Do colimits/limits exist in category of enriched categories?

This question may be too general. I am interested in references or proofs for special cases. I follow the definition in Chapter I of Kelly's Enriched Category. Let $V$ be a monoidal category theory. ...
W. Zhan's user avatar
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Homotopy coherence

$\require{AMScd}$ I am trying to get an understanding of the meaning of homotopy coherence - in order to understand homotopy limits and colimits - in the category $\mathbf{Top}$. Often when I see this ...
Matt's user avatar
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coequalizer of simplicial sets

This is the statement whose first line of proof I am confused. This is on page 10, of Goerss, Jardine's Simplicial Homotopy Theory. (i) How does one prove the "presentation" of $\partial \Delta^n$? ...
Bryan Shih's user avatar
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Behaviour of direct limits of topological spaces with respect to preimages

Given a continuous map $p:E\rightarrow B$ where $B$ is given by a colimit of $B_{0}\subseteq B_{1}\subseteq B_{2}\subseteq\dots$. We get the canonical induced map $$ colim_{n\in\mathbb{N}} p^{-1}(...
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