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Why are prime ideals proper?

As children we all learn this erroneous definition of a prime number: “a number $n\in \Bbb N$ is prime iff it’s only divided by one and itself”. Well that’s fine until the teacher asked us for ...
Lave Cave's user avatar
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Consider in $Z[x]$ the polynomial $f(x)=x^2+x+1$. How do I determine whether $I=(2,f(x))$ is a prime ideal?

Consider in $Z[x]$ the polynomial $f(x)=x^2+x+1$. How do I determine whether $I=(2,f(x))$ is a prime ideal? I read that if a polynomial is primitive then the generated ideal is prime (Why?). So $(f(x))...
user37678's user avatar
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How to break symmetry of a polynomial ideal to simplify Groebner basis?

I have an ideal $I$ generated by a set of polynomials $\{ p_i \}$. There are some variable permutations to which the ideal is symmetric. By this I mean (apologies if there is a standard term for this) ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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Is $I_p=(p,x^2+1)$ a prime ideal of $\mathbb Z[x]$? What is the maximal ideals of $\mathbb Z[x]$ containing $I_p$ where $p=2,3,5$?

Let $I_p$ be the ideal of $\mathbb Z[x]$ generated by $p$ and $x^2+1$. Problem: Is $I_p=(p,x^2+1)$ a prime ideal of $\mathbb Z[x]$? What is the maximal ideals of $\mathbb Z[x]$ containing $I_p$ where $...
Fuat Ray's user avatar
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not irreducible but prime in a non-domain [duplicate]

Consider $\mathbf Z/6\mathbf Z$ as a ring. It is not an integral domain since it contains zero-divisors, such as the element $[3]$ for example. Note that $[3]$ is not irreducible ($[3]^2 = [3]$), yet $...
node196884's user avatar
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Equivalent definition for minimal ideals for commutative rings

Background The following post on minimal ideals is a continuation and a counterpart to the following post on maxmial ideals. The quoted materials are taken from the following sources; Fundamentals of ...
Seth's user avatar
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Question about showing $(x,y)$ is a maximal ideal of $\Bbb{Q}[x,y]/F[x,y]$ [duplicate]

Background Theorem 1: Let $M$ be an ideal in a commutative ring $R$ with identity $1_R$. Then $M$ is a maximal ideal if and only if the quotient ring $R/M$ is a field. Exercsie 1: Prove that $(x)$ ...
Seth's user avatar
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Understanding Radicals as Intersections of Prime Ideals and as the Preimage of a Nilradical

I ran into a proposition that the radical $r(a)$ equals the intersection of the prime ideals containing $a$. Then it is said that the latter can be understood through the following result: Let $R$ be ...
Aristarchus_'s user avatar
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A commutative ring with unity which is also reduced having exactly two minimal prime ideals.

Let $R$ be a commutative reduced ring with unity. I want to find an example of such a ring which contains exactly two minimal prime ideals. For example if we take $\mathbb{Z_6}$ then $\langle2\rangle$ ...
Chaudhary's user avatar
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Is inclusion of a prime ideal in a non-prime ideal possible?

Let $R$ be a ring which has $p$ as a prime ideal. Can there exist a non-prime proper ideal $m$ of $R$ such that $p$ ⊊ $m$?
Subhradeep Ghosh's user avatar
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I am getting very confused by the definition of a minimal prime ideal

I am trying to prove that in an affine scheme $\operatorname{Spec}A$ that an irreducible component can be written as the vanishing locus $V(\mathfrak p)$ for a minimal prime ideal $\mathfrak p$, but I ...
Chris's user avatar
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Does a non-commutative ring with unity necessarily have a maximal two-sided ideal?

Let $R$ be a non-commutative ring with unity. By Zorn's lemma, $R$ must have a maximal left ideal and a maximal right ideal. Then, does the ring $R$ necessarily have a maximal two-sided ideal?
Liang Chen's user avatar
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Given a ring $R$ and a maximal ideal $I$, must the set $\{J \subsetneq I\}$ have the property that every element is contained in a maximal element?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity and $I \subsetneq R$ an ideal that is maximal among the proper subideals of $R$. Let $K \subsetneq I$ be an ideal. Must it necessarily be true that there ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Long exact sequence of intersected prime ideals

I'm considering a commutative local noetherian ring $R$ (in fact, $R$ is even Cohen-Macaulay) along with a number of prime ideals $I_i$. I can then construct the exact sequence \begin{equation} 0\...
A.H's user avatar
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On principal ideals and GCD

I am currently studying algebraic number theory and came across the following exercise: Let $A$ and $B$ be two ideals in the ring of integers $R$ of some number field. Then there exists some $\alpha\...
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