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What is the semidirect product we use in Levi Decomposition

So using the Levi Decomposition for any lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, there exists a semisimple subalgebra $\mathfrak{s}$ such that: $Rad(\mathfrak{g})$$\ltimes$$\mathfrak{s}$=$\mathfrak{g}$ However in ...
Albi's user avatar
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Ideals of the upper-triangular matrix algebra $\mathcal{T}_n$ over $\Bbb{R}$ or $\Bbb{C}$

Let $\Bbb{F}$ be the field of all real or complex numbers and let $\mathcal{T}_n$ be the algebra of all upper-triangular $n\times n$ matrices over $\Bbb{F}$. Can one completely describe all (two-sided)...
mechanodroid's user avatar
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An injection from the set of normal subgroups to subsets of irreducible representations

Some things I understand to be true: (1) A finite dimensional $\mathrm{C}^*$-algebra $A$ is of the form $$A\cong \bigoplus_{j=1}^NM_{n_j}(\mathbb{C})\qquad (n_j\in \mathbb{N}).$$ (2) With respect to ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Find all ideals of $\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{2}]$ [duplicate]

The ring $\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{2}]=\{\frac{u}{2^n}\}$ is the localization of $\mathbb{Z}$ in regards to $S=\{2^n:n \in \mathbb{N}\}$. Find all ideals of this ring. I'm not sure what is meant by this ...
Magne Seier's user avatar
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Set of co-images form left ideal of ring

Let $K$ be a field and $R=K^{2 \times 2}$. Let $U$ be a subspace of $\mathbb{Q}^2$ and $L=\{A \in R: coim(A) \subset U\}$. Then $L$ is a left ideal of $R$. For $L$ to be a left ideal the difference of ...
Magne Seier's user avatar
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Existence of ideal

Let $R$ be a ring, $I$ a finitely generated ideal of $R$ and $J$ an ideal of $R$ with $J \subset I$. Show that $R$ has an ideal $M$ so that $J \subset M \subset I$ and for every ideal $N$ with $M \...
Magne Seier's user avatar
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Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space, $End_{K}(V)$ the ring of endomorphisms. [duplicate]

Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional vector space, $End_{K}(V)$ the ring of endomorphisms. Furthermore, let $I$ be an ideal of $End_{K}(V)$, $I \neq {0}$. I want to show that for all $u, v \in V, u,v \neq ...
Newbie1000's user avatar
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Is the ring $\mathbb{R} [x]$ Noetherian?

I aim to assess the soundness of my approach. In an exercise, the question is posed regarding whether $\mathbb{R}[x]$ is Noetherian, and my response is negative. To support this, I employ the ...
Mousa hamieh's user avatar
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What is (if any) the generalization of the concept of a basis for ideals of rings?

This question is motivated by the following problem from a problem set on ring theory: Prove that, if $R$ is a Noetherian commutative ring, and $I$ is its ideal, $R/I$ is a again Noetherian. My ...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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Let $R$ be a factorial ring in which every ideal generated by two elements is a principal ideal. Show that $R$ is a principal ideal ring. [duplicate]

I want to check if my solutions for this problem are right. Let $R$ be a factorial ring in which every ideal generated by two elements is a principal ideal. Show that $R$ is a principal ideal ring. ...
Marco Di Giacomo's user avatar
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Is there a proof for the existence of a complete flag of solvable Lie algebras independet on lie's theorem?

Basically title. Is there proof for the following statement, which doesn't rely on Lie's-Theorem? For any solvable Lie-Algebra L, there exists a Flag of Ideals $0=I_0\subset \dots\subset I_n=L$ with $\...
watertrainer's user avatar
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a doubt on the left ideal of the matrix ring in Dummit&Foote's Abstract Algebra

I have a doubt in Dummit's Abstract Algebra on page245 : "For each $j\in[1,2,\dots,n]$ let $L_j$ be the set of all $n\times n$ matrices in $M_n(R)$ with arbitrary entries in the $j^{\text{th}}$ ...
Dian Wei's user avatar
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Show statements about "sums" and "square roots" of ideals

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1$ and $I,J$ ideals of $R$. Show: (1) $I+J:=\{i+j|i \in I,j \in J\}=\langle I \cup J \rangle_R$ (2) $\sqrt{I} := \{x \in R | x^n \in I, n\in \mathbb{N}\}$ is an ...
illuminatitruthseeker's user avatar
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Check if the ideal generated by the set is equal to the ring

Let $\langle S \rangle_R$ be the ideal of $R$ generated by the set $S$. $1.R=\mathbb{Z},S=\{105,70,42,30\}$ $2.R=\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z},S=\{(4,3),(6,5)\}$ $3.R=\mathbb{Z}_{101}, S=\{[75]_{\equiv ...
illuminatitruthseeker's user avatar
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Find all left ideals of $M_n(\mathbb{C})$

I am taking an introductory abstract algebra class, closely following Gregory T. Lee's Abstract Algebra // An Introductory Course. I have been asked to find all left, right, and two-sided ideals of ...
Tristan Batchler's user avatar

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