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$T_4/\langle\{b^nab^{-n}\mid n\in\mathbb{Z}\}\rangle$ and the real line with a loop attached to each integer point

Bowditch uses an example in his A Course on Geometric Group Theory, to explain a fact that a subgroup $G\leq F$ need not be freely generated even if $F$ is, but I cannot understand some details of it. ...
一団和気's user avatar
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Covering space of compact surface with free fundamental group

Let $S$ be a compact connected surface. Does $S$ have a covering space $\tilde{S}$ such that the fundamental group of $\tilde{S}$ is the free group on $n$ generators with $n>1$ ? I know that if we ...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
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How do we generate the loop $ba$ from the loops $a^2,b^2$ and $ab\ $?

In the second diagram a $2$-sheeted connected covering of the figure eight has been described. The image of the fundamental group of the covering space has the generators $a^2, b^2$ and $ab$ as ...
Akiro Kurosawa's user avatar
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The fundamental group of closed orientable surface of genus 2 contains a free group on two generators

Let $S$ be the closed orientable surface of genus $2$. It is well known that its fundamental group is given by $$ \pi_1(S)=\langle a,b,c,d:[a,b][c,d]=1\rangle.$$ How can we show that this group has a ...
user302934's user avatar
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Rank of subgroups of free groups

I am familiar with Schreier's theorem which states that any subgroup H of a free group G is free, as well as with the formula $$ \operatorname{rank} H - 1 = |G:H|(\operatorname{rank} G - 1) $$ I have ...
Giraud's user avatar
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Minimal generating set of $p_*(\pi_1(E,e))$

Consider the following degree $4$ non-normal covering space of $S_1\lor S^1$ I drew: Here, $a$ and $b$ denote the edges which map onto the first and second circle in $S^1\lor S^1$ respectively. I ...
Anon's user avatar
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Given a subgroup of a free group, find the associated covering space.

Let $R_2$ the rose with $2$ petals, that is the wedge of $S^1$ with itself. We know its fundamental group is the free group with two elements, $\pi_1(R_2)=F_2=\langle a,b\rangle$. Now given some ...
TotalWarLegend's user avatar
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What is the induced homomorphism of the covering map $p : Y \to X : z \mapsto z^3 - 3z$ on the fundamental groups?

Let $X = \mathbb{C} \setminus \{ \pm 2 \}$ and $Y = \mathbb{C} \setminus \{ \pm 1, \pm 2 \}$. The map $$ p : Y \to X : z \mapsto z^3 - 3z $$ is a 3-branched covering as given in this question of Math ...
Bob Dobbs's user avatar
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Can a space with $\pi_1(X)=F_2$ have a nontrivial covering space which is homeomorphic to $X$?

Any finite sheeted connected cover of the circle is again homeomorphic to a circle. On the group level, this is consistent with the fact that subgroups of $\mathbb Z$ are isomorphic to $\mathbb Z$. ...
Cheerful Parsnip's user avatar
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Draw a covering of $S^1 \vee S^1$ whose fundamental group is isomorphic to $\ker \Phi : F_2 \to \mathbb Z$ with $a\mapsto 2, b\mapsto 3$

$\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}$ Let $K\leq F_2 = \langle a,b\rangle$ be the kernel of the map $\Phi: F_2 \to \Z$ sending $a$ to $2$ and $b$ to $3$. Draw a cover of $S^1 \vee S^1$ whose fundamental group ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
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Draw a cover of $S^1 \vee S^1$ whose $\pi_1$ is isomorphic to $\langle a^2,b^3,aba^{-1}b^{-1} \rangle \leq F_2$

Draw a cover of $S^1 \vee S^1$ whose $\pi_1$ is isomorphic to $\langle a^2,b^3,aba^{-1}b^{-1} \rangle \leq F_2$. This is a follow-up to my post from yesterday regarding the kernel K of a map $\Phi: ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
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Torus is the only closed orientable surface regularly covered by punctured plane

Let $\Sigma_g$ be the closed orientable surface of genus $g$. There is no covering map $p\colon\Bbb R^2\backslash \mathbf 0\to \Sigma_g$ so that $p_*\pi_1(\Bbb R^2\backslash \mathbf 0)$ is a normal ...
Random's user avatar
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Normal covering spaces of the wedge sum of $n$ circles

Exercise 1.31 in Hatcher's Algebraic Topology states the following: Show that the normal covering spaces of $S^1 \vee S^1$ are precisely the graphs that are Cayley graphs of groups with two generators....
michiganbiker898's user avatar
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Covering space of Bouquet of Two circles

Given a bouquet of 2 circles $B_2$, is there a way to find a covering space of $B_2$ such that the deck transformation group of our covering space is isomorphic $F_2 / <R>$. i.e. the group $G = \...
Sasha's user avatar
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finite index subgroups in free group non-trivial intersection with each of the non-trivial subgroups of the free group.

I was reading a paper and find this statement in the abstract, "If $H$ has finite index in $F_m$, then $H$ has non-trivial intersection with each of the non-trivial subgroups of $F_m$" where $F_m$ is ...
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