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Why are there different definitions of admissibility in the literature, and why do we need admissibility?

Wikipedia essentially defines an admissible trading strategy as a stochastic process $H = (H_t)_{t\geq 0}$ such that the associated value process $\int H(u) d S(u)$ is lower bounded. As I understand ...
xy z's user avatar
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Is this the correct proof of Proposition 10.23 in Björk's ''Arbitrage theory in continuous time''?

I want to prove Proposition 10.23 from Tomas Björk's ''Arbitrage theory in continuous time'' in the snippet below. My attempt: For simplicity, assume everything is one-dimensional, with one risky ...
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Functional Analytical definition of no arbitrage

Let $ {(S_t)}_{t\in[0,+\infty[} $ be a semimartingale and ${(x_t)}_{t \in[0,+\infty[}$ an admissible strategy. We denote by $(x.S)_{+\infty}=\lim \int_{0}^{t} x_u dS_u$ if such limit exists, and by $...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
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Returns of an asset in risk-neutral measure and its PDE

I am a bit confused regarding how an asset returns in a risk-neutral measure (say $\mathbb{Q}$), and subsequently its Black-Scholes-esque PDE. In class, we learned about the approach to take when ...
dismal-audience's user avatar
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Is Heston model an affine jump-diffusion?

In Duffie, Pan and Singleton's paper "Transform Analysis and Asset Pricing for Affine Jump-diffusions" (2000) they define affine jump-diffusion (AJD) a process of the following form: $$dX_t=\...
Roberto Palermo's user avatar
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Application of Ito's lemma to consol price process

I have a question related to this paper Given a process for the short rate $r$, the authors consider the price process $Y$ for a consol bond that satisfies \begin{...
xyz44's user avatar
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On the plot of Black-Scholes-Merton formula

The price $C(t,S_t)$ of a European call option is given by the famous Black-Scholes formula \begin{equation} C(t,S_t)=S_{{t}}{\mathrm{N}}(d_{{1}})-Xe^{{-r(T-t)}}\mathrm{N}(d_{{2}})\tag{1} \end{...
ric.san's user avatar
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Prove that $V(t)=e^{-r(T-t)} \mathbb E\left[S_{t}\right]$ satisfies the Black–Scholes PDE

Let us consider the geometric Brownian motion: $$ d S_{t}=\mu S_{t} d t +\sigma S_{t} d B_{t} $$ where $\mu$ is the drift, $\sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{+}$ is the volatility and $B_{t}$ is the Wiener ...
Mark's user avatar
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Stochastic differential notation in Standard Brownian Market Models

I am trying to become familiar with stochastic integration and stochastic differential notation. I tried to do the following little exercise. In my lecture notes the risky Asset is defined in the ...
ez43eg's user avatar
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Solving stochastic control problems using Hitsuda representation

I would like to solve the following problem. Consider a financial market with quadratic transaction costs, one risky asset with price dynamics: $S_t = s_0 + \mu t + \sigma W_t$, for $t \geq 0 , \...
Gol D. Roger's user avatar
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Black Scholes PDE in forward log space

In BS world, we have the stock process in log space $dS_t=(r-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2)dt+\sigma dW$. Let's say we want to price $f(t,x)=\mathbb{E}_{t,x}[h(S(T)]$. Using Feynman-Kac, we get \begin{equation} ...
J. Lin's user avatar
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Apply the Girsanov theorem, determine the stochastic dynamics of $S^{(1)}$ and determine the risk-neutral price of $X$

I'm not sure if I'm applying Change of Numeraire and Girsanov correctly in part c) and d). Also with the information I got, I don't know how to get a result for e). Consider a financial market with 2 ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why is the drift of the stock price not important for options pricing?

This question is motivated by MSE question 4199364: Bachelier model option pricing. There, one considers the price of a stock depending on time $t$, given by the family of random variables $(S_t)_{t\...
Maximilian Janisch's user avatar
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Will there be arbitrage if we don't have the $dB_t$ term?

Assume you have a filtered probability space $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},P,\mathcal{F}_t)$. Lets say you have the financial market with the bank process: $$dR_0(t,\omega)=\rho(\omega,t)R_0(t,\omega)dt,$$ ...
user394334's user avatar
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Øksendal: Expression for the bank process.

In Øksendals Stochastic differential equations on page 269 he defines the bank proess as a process satisfying: $$dX_0(t)=\rho(t,\omega)X_0(t)dt; X_0(0)=1.$$ He later says that the bank process ...
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