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Asymptotic for $\sum_{d\mid N}\frac{d^{2}}{\sigma\left(d\right)}$ [closed]

Let $N\in\mathbb{N}$. I'm looking for an asymptotic formula for $\sum_{d\mid N}\frac{d^{2}}{\sigma\left(d\right)}$ as $N\rightarrow\infty$. I tried to use known asymptotic formulas for similar ...
user23571119's user avatar
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Determine all positive integers $n$ such that: $n+d(n)+d(d(n))+\dotsb=2023$.

For a positive integer number $n>1$, we say that $d(n)$ is its superdivisor if $d(n)$ is the largest divisor of $n$ such that $d(n)<n$. Additionally, we define $d(0)=d(1)=0$. Determine all ...
Kokos's user avatar
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Question on an equation involving sum of a function over divisors. [closed]

I have a simple question regarding a particular form of a sum and I was hoping someone could provide some insights or guidance. I was wondering if there was any other way to express the following sum ...
AmB's user avatar
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How to write this sum $\sum_{m=0}^\infty (2m+1)^{-2k-1} \sum_{r=1}^\infty (-1)^{r-1} e^{-2(2m+1)r a} $ as a sum over single index?

So I want to write the sum $$\sum_{m=0}^\infty (2m+1)^{-2k-1} \sum_{r=1}^\infty (-1)^{r-1} e^{-2(2m+1)r a} $$ where $a>0$ and $k\in \mathbb{N}$, as a sum over single index which probably uses odd ...
Kashif's user avatar
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How can the following summation be written in terms of $N$?

Suppose that $N=\sum_{j=1}^{Q}k_j,$ where the $0\leq k_j$ are integers. Then, what is $\sum_{j=1}^{Q}jk_j$ in terms of $N$ and possibly $Q$. Meaning, if $$f=\sum_{j=1}^{Q}jk_j,$$ what is either $f(N)$ ...
lilliege's user avatar
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The summation $\sum_{n\geqslant1} \frac1n\sum_{d\mid n}\frac{d}{n^2+d}.$

I wish to evaluate $\sum\limits_{n\geqslant1}\frac1n\sum\limits_{d\mid n}\frac{d}{n^2+d}.$ Some observations: Let $f(n)=\sum\limits_{d\mid n}\frac{d}{n^2+d}$. Then $f(p)=\frac{p^2+p+2}{(p^2+1)(p+1)...
Display name's user avatar
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Simplify $\sum_{k = 1}^{\left\lfloor{N/2}\right\rfloor} \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \sum_{d_1, d_2 = 1}^{N} \left[{{d}_{1}\, {d}_{2} = i (2\, k - i)}\right]$

This restricted divisor problem is derived from counting the number of reducible quadratics where we have for one of the four main terms $$\sum_{k = 1}^{\left\lfloor{N/2}\right\rfloor} \sum_{i = 1}^{...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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What is meant by $\sum_{d \le x}f(d)$ in this equation?

Wikipedia's page (here) on the average order of arithmetic functions gives the following as a means of finding such an order using Dirichlet Series: Define $f$ as an arithmetic function on $n$, and ...
Richard Burke-Ward's user avatar
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Conjecture on the solutions to the equation $J(x) = J(x+a)$

Propose $J(x)$, which is a function that takes in a number and outputs the sum of all its factors (including itself) Firstly, I think it's pretty interesting as it allows you to describe certain ...
Jakub Skop's user avatar
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Asymptotic expansion as $N \rightarrow \infty$ of $\sum_{k=1}^{\left\lfloor{N/2}\right\rfloor} k \sum_{e \mid 2k}\frac{\Lambda \left({e}\right)}{e}$

This expression comes from the asymptotic expansion of $$\sum_{k=1}^{\left\lfloor{N/2}\right\rfloor} \sum_{i=1}^{k} \tau \left({i \left({2\, k - i}\right)}\right)$$ From Adrian W. Dudek, "Note on ...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Develop asymptotic as $N \rightarrow \infty$ of $\sum_{k=1}^{\left\lfloor{N/2}\right\rfloor} \sum_{i=1}^{k} \sum_{d \mid i (2k-i), d > N} 1$

This calculation arises from expansions of the number of factorable quadratics where the coefficients are constrained by naive height $N$. In the above formula $d$ are the divisors of $i \left({2\, k ...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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PROOF: A Relationship Between A Natural Number and The Quantity of Its Divisors' Divisors

An arbitrary natural number $N \in \mathbb{N}$ has the divisors $d_1,d_2,...,d_s$ , where $N$ has $s$ divisors in total. If $n_i$ denotes the number of dividers to $d_i, i = 1, ..., s$, it can be ...
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Prove that $\sum_{u = 1}^{N} \sum_{v=1}^{N} \left(\left[\sqrt{u^2-4v} \in Z\right]+\left[\sqrt{u^2+4v} \in Z\right]\right) = D \left(N\right)-1$

For a given height $N$. I am performing various sums involved in the counting of the number of monic quadratics, cubics, etc. that factor over a range. I noticed by experiment that the above sum ...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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On the sum of sum of divisors $\sum_{a=1}^{N} D \left({\left\lfloor{\frac{N}{a}}\right\rfloor}\right)$.

where $D \left({x}\right)$ is the sum of divisors. This sum comes from my work on the number of reducible monic cubics. This is a two part question. By writing out all the divisors $\tau \left({a}\...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Fast Computation of the Divisor Summatory Function $\sum_{i=1}^x\sum_{d|i}d$

Denote by $\sigma_1(n)$ the sum of the divisors of $n$. For example, when $n=9$ we get $\sigma_1(9) = 1+3+9=13$. Define $D(x) = \sum_{n=1}^x\sigma_1(n)$. Varius methods are known for computing $D(x)$, ...
MC From Scratch's user avatar

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