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Induction proof - Logic

How can you go from $(k+1)k!>(k+1)2^k$ to $(k+1)!>(k+1)2^k$ in induction? (Assumption: $k!>2^k), k>4$ Why can the LHS get rid of the $k$?
compSci3829423's user avatar
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Prove that $\operatorname{ack}(3,y)=2^{y+3}-3$.

Prove that: $$\operatorname{ack}(3,y)=2^{y+3}-3$$ where $\operatorname{ack}$ refers to the Ackermann function. Here's what I have so far. This statement can be prove by induction over $y$. Induction ...
Ski Mask's user avatar
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Is this graph theory proof correct?

Source Question: In this problem, we describe a faster algorithm, due to Hopcroft and Karp, for finding a maximum matching in a bipartite graph. The algorithm runs in O($\sqrt V E$) time. Given an ...
Kishore Ganesh's user avatar
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Alteration in Binary Strings Question

Question: An alteration in a binary string is said to occur when the string encounters one of the following two patterns - “01” or “10”. For example, the string ...
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Prove that the following proposition is true.

Let a ∈ Z and let b ∈ Z. If n does not divide ab then n does not divide a and n does not divide b. I am currently studying discrete math and I am unsure of how to format this proof in such a way to ...
Marieeee's user avatar
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Prove, that the following rules for homomorphisms are true or false.

Let $\Sigma=\{a,b\}$, $L$ and $R$ be languages over $\Sigma$ and $h:\Sigma^* \to \Sigma^*$ be a homomorphism. Prove or disprove the following statements: $h^{-1}(L\cup R)=h^{-1}(L)\cup h^{-1}(...
Doesbaddel's user avatar
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CheckMyProof: Proofs involving Big-O Notation

This is a homework exercise for a few weeks ago and I wanted your feedback on my improved proofs. For $g: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{R}$ let $$o(g):= \{f:\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{R} |\forall \alpha >...
ViktorStein's user avatar
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Determining the exact form and depth of a randomized search tree

I'm working on the following task and would like to know if I did it right: Consider a randomized search tree with values $x_i := \frac{i^2 - log_2(i)}{2}$ and the priorities $p_i := 256 - >...
3nondatur's user avatar
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How to find which one that 3 divides: n, n+1 or 2n+1?

I've tried solving this equation for my assignment by replacing $n$ by any of the following possible integers a number divisible by $3 (3k$) $1 \mod 3 (3k+1)$ $2 \mod 3 (3k+2)$ However, I found ...
Ben Duro's user avatar
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Discrete Mathematics: Prove Expression Is Even

I'm brushing up for my Discrete Math final exam, and would like to know if the following proof is valid... Prove by direct proof that $a^2-5a+8$ is even for any integer $a$. Proof: By factoring, we ...
Sam Clark's user avatar
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Prove : Independent set plus covering number is equivalent to number of vertices in a graph

What is the size of the smallest MIS(Maximal Independent Set) of a chain of nine nodes? AFAIK : In graph theory, an independent set or stable set is a set of vertices in a graph, no two of which are ...
Mithlesh Upadhyay's user avatar
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Rewriting statements without using any quantifiers

Let $ P$ and $Q$ be predicates on the set $S$, where $S$ has three elements, say, $S = {a, b, c}$. Then the statement $∀xP(x)$ can also be written in full detail as $P(a)∧P(b)∧P(c)$. Rewrite each of ...
wonderances's user avatar
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Which of the following identities are true? Justify your answer - n! = O(4^n)..

Which of the following identities are true? Justify your answer a)$n! = O(4^n)$ b)$4^n = O(n!)$ If I let $n = 0$ then $(0)! = O(4^0) \implies 1 = O(1)$ so this is true I think? $4^n = O(n!)$ In ...
Yusha's user avatar
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Prove that if a|b and b|c then a|c using a column proof that has steps in the first column and the reason for the step in the second column.

Let $a$, $b$, and $c$ be integers, where a $\ne$ 0. Then $$ $$ (i) if $a$ | $b$ and $a$ | $c$, then $a$ | ($b+c$) $$ $$ (ii) if $a$ | $b$ then $a$|$bc$ for all integers $c$; $$ $$ (iii) if $a$ |$b$ ...
Yusha's user avatar
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Rewriting statements with quantifiers to full detail

The question i have for an assignment is the following Let P and Q be predicates on the set S, where S has two elements, say, S = {a, b}. Then the statement ∀xP(x) can also be written in full detail ...
Zak's user avatar
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