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Lambda calculus novice seeking help with defining isempty for list representation

I'm exploring the concept of untyped lambda calculus and I'm facing a challenge with defining the isempty function. I have a few definitions that I'm working with, which are: ...
Jawaharlal's user avatar
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finding and proving a greedy algorithm to maximize total energy

Find a function $f:\mathbb{R}^2\to \mathbb{Z}$ that satisfies the following properties, or show that no such function exists: $f$ is increasing with respect to its first coordinate (i.e. $f(x, a) \...
Fred Jefferson's user avatar
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Recursively Defined Functions for string [closed]

Let be a recursively defined language over the alphabet Σ = {0,1} as follows. Basis case: ε ∈ L, where ε denotes the empty string. Recursive step: if s ∈ L Recursively Defined Functions can any one ...
Nelu's user avatar
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Finding surjective but non-injection mapping from integers to the positive integers

Find an example of a function of a set of all integers to the set of positive integers that is surjective, but not injective. I also need to prove it. I have tried but had no success. Even if I do ...
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Discrete math question about surjective, injective function and domain, range

I'm a first year computer science student and I'm learning discrete math by myself (teacher unavailable) due to the quarantine and I dont understand these two little questions : 1) Lets say we have ...
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Creating Arbitrary Equation For Quality Metric

I am trying to come up with an equation for a quality metric based on 3 attributes: Defect-proneness (Scored as a decimal between 0 and 1 -> lower value is better) Maintainability (Scored as a ...
Gary's user avatar
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Using the definition of $O$(big O) show that $6n^2$ $\notin O(2n)$

the definition of Big $O$ is.. $$f(n) < c g(n) $$ $$6n^2 < c 2n$$ if $c = 1$ and $n = 10$, then... $$6(10)^2 < 1 \cdot 2(10) $$ $$600 < 20 $$ the above is false Did i show this ...
Soon_to_be_code_master's user avatar
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How to obatain the following one to one function?

$$ f(x,k) = y$$ $$x<=k$$ $$x,k \in R$$ $$y \in [0,1]$$ The domain of the function would be $x$ to $k$ and the range would be $0$ to $1$. such that for $x=x$ the $y=0.0$ and for $x=k$ , $y=1.0$, ...
dsfx3d's user avatar
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Likelihood for a random hash function not to be surjective

Let us define a hash function $$\begin{align*} H \colon A &\to B\\ a &\mapsto b \end{align*}$$ $$|A| \geq |B|$$ Assuming it is perfectly random (Hyp 1), we estimate the probability that ...
Symeof's user avatar
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Constructing a recursive definition.

I know a recursive definition is a function or procedure that is defined in terms of itself, for instance $f(n) = f(n - 1) + n$ or $f(n + 1) = f(n) + n + 1$. This makes sense to me in terms of ...
generic user007's user avatar
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Discrete Math: Functions and Set Questions

1) Consider the function: $f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ (Real to Real Number), where $f(x)=2+x^2$, what would be all of the preimages of $3$? 1) $11$ 2) $11$, $-11$ 3) $1$, $-1$ 4) $1$ 2) Let $D ...
user127662's user avatar
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How to prove such program is uncomputable

We say that two programs are equivalent if they give the same output on every input. Prove that it is impossible to write a computer program that takes as input two pieces of code, code1 and code2, ...
Not an easy question's user avatar
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Ceiling to Floor Function Conversion Proof

I am working on a proof to convert a ceiling of a fraction to a floor of a fraction. I found this: \begin{aligned} q=\left\lceil \frac{n}{m} \right\rceil \;&\Leftrightarrow\; \frac{n}{m} \leq q &...
nucleic's user avatar
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calculating unique value from given numbers

let's say I have some (n) random numbers 12, 13, and 18. I want to calculate some unique value from these three such that if I change their order 13, 12, 18 or 18, 12, 13..whatever order they are in, ...
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