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What's the behaviour of $\partial(q, a)=\emptyset$ on NFA?

Given an NFA say $N=(Q,\Sigma, q_0, \partial, F_Q)$, where $\partial: Q\times(\Sigma\cup\{\varepsilon\})\to\mathcal{P}(Q)$. It's confusing about the behavior of say $\partial(q, a)=\emptyset$ for any ...
linear_combinatori_probabi's user avatar
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Finding a bound for existential quantification

Let $\Sigma$ be an arbitrary alphabet, $\mathcal{P}$ denote the set of all prime numbers, and $\omega := \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}$ Take the following set. $$ L = \left\{ (x, \alpha, \beta) \in \omega \...
lafinur's user avatar
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Why is reflexivity a feature of multi-step β-reduction, and not of β-reduction?

I understand the need to distinguish between two algorithms, even when one is enclosed in another. Transitivity as a feature of multi-step reduction makes perfect sense, since we literally need ...
Jason's user avatar
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Parenthesization in Lambda Calculus

I am trying to understand how parenthesization works in $λ$-calculus. All of the resources state the following: Applications are left associative; Abstractions are right associative and extend as ...
RookieCookie's user avatar
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Backus Normal Form and Logic

Given the alphabet of ${P, P_1, ..., Q, Q_1, ..., R, R_1, ..., ..., ¬, ∧, ∨, →, (, ) }$, write a Backus normal form grammar that generates all legal propositional formulas. For the start it is given ...
rentbuyer's user avatar
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Inverse image of the image of a formal language and vice versa

I'm not sure if I've understood inverse images correctly, so I want to ask if my following thoughts are correct: Suppose, $\Sigma =\{a,b\}$, $L$ and $R$ languages over $\Sigma$ and $h:\Sigma^*\to \...
Doesbaddel's user avatar
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Prove, that the following rules for homomorphisms are true or false.

Let $\Sigma=\{a,b\}$, $L$ and $R$ be languages over $\Sigma$ and $h:\Sigma^* \to \Sigma^*$ be a homomorphism. Prove or disprove the following statements: $h^{-1}(L\cup R)=h^{-1}(L)\cup h^{-1}(...
Doesbaddel's user avatar
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finding grammar for languages

Situation: So I have three languages. a) $L_1 =$ { $a^{2n-1}b^{2m} | n,m \geq 1$} b) $L_2 =$ { $a^nb^ma^nb^m | n,m \geq 1$} c) $L_3=$ { $a^nb^ma^{n+m} | n \geq 1, m \geq 0$} So one of this ...
RukiaKuchiki's user avatar
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Are context free languages closed under taking substring?

Let $L$ be context free and $\Sigma $ an alphabet Define $s(L):=\{y \in \Sigma ^*\mid \exists x,z \in \Sigma ^*: xyz \in L\}$ Is $s(L)$ context free ? I haven't been able to find a counterexample ...
asddf's user avatar
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What type of grammar is this?

I'm working on this problem: Suppose a phrase-structure grammar has productions: $ S\to 1S0, S\to0A, A\to 0 $. What type of grammar is this, why? Would this be considered a type 1 grammar? I'm ...
mechj22's user avatar
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Identify inherently ambiguous languages

Which of the following languages is/are inherently ambiguous languages? $L_1=\{a^nb^nc^m|m,n\geq0\}\cup\{a^nc^c|n\geq0\}$ $L_2=\{a^nb^nc^m|m,n\geq0\}\cup\{c^mb^na^n|m,n\geq0\}$ My attempt: A ...
Mithlesh Upadhyay's user avatar
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Find $A^n$ for n=0,1, and 3: Languages and Finite State Machines

The question is: Let $A$={11,00}. Find $A^n$ for n=0,1, and 3. Would i be right in thinking that $A^0$ = {λ} $A^1$ = {11,00} $A^3$ = {111111,111100,110011,110000,000011,000000,001100,001111}. if ...
bry96's user avatar
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Length of substring if we just consider a subdivision in $\log n$ substrings

Let $u$ be a string of length $n$ and consider a subdivision in $\log n$ substrings $u = u_1 u_2 \cdots u_{\log n}$. Is it true that there exists a constant $C$ such that for each $1 \le i \le \log n$ ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Finding a grammar for given language

So for this problem we are given a language and we have to find the grammar for that set. I am confused and what the constructors should be. The language in this problem is: $\{bb, bab, baab, baaab,.....
generic user007's user avatar
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Recursive definition of a language

Define recursively the language L of all finite strings over the alphabet Σ={a b} satisfying both criteria: All words in L contain the substring aa an odd number of times. All words in L are such ...
user4271816's user avatar

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