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Are the 28 bitangents on quartic curves bounded distance away from each other?

We know that the 28 bitangents on a smooth plane quartic curve over $\mathbb{C}$ are all distinct. Are the bitangents bounded distance away from each other? More precisely, is there a constant $d>0$...
Weiyan Chen's user avatar
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Question about real inflection points of cubic curves in P^2(C)

An elementary question about real inflection points of cubics: Textbooks mention that non-singular cubics in $P^2(C)$ have 3 real and 6 complex inflections and show the Hesse normal form $ x^3 + y^3 +...
Uri Elias's user avatar
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What is a curve at $y=\infty$ mean?

On the wikipedia for the trident curve, $xy+ax^3+bx^2+cx=d$, two graphs are shown: Both are for the case where $a=b=c=d=1$, with the first matching what I find in desmos, but the latter being the '...
Eli Bartlett's user avatar
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Why is the locus of points given two segments AB and CD such that APB=CPD give a degree-3 curve (in complex proj plane)?

The isoptic cubic is defined as the locus of points given two segments AB and CD (similarily oriented) such that APB=CPD (directed angles). By elementary geometry this would go through AB $\cap$ CD, ...
user118161's user avatar
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Proof of Thomson cubic pivotal property without coordinates

The Thomson cubic is defined as the cubic going through A,B,C, the three side midpoints, the three excenters. Is there a way to prove its pivotal property (any two isogonal conjugates on it have a ...
user118161's user avatar
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For cubic surface, if $\dim(\operatorname{Sing}(X))\geq 1$ then a line is contained a in $\operatorname{Sing}(X)$

Let $X$ to be an irreducible cubic surface in $\mathbb{P}^3_{\mathbb{C}}$. Is it true that if $\dim(\operatorname{Sing}(X))\geq 1$, then a line is contained in $\operatorname{Sing}(X)$? I.e, does a ...
ben huni's user avatar
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Why are all real inflection points on a cubic projective algebraic curve on 1 line?

Say we have $C\subset \mathbb{CP}^2$, a smooth curve of degree 3. I am aware of the group structure on cubics, what I don't get, is why are all inflection points with only real coordinates lie on a ...
Ilcu_elte_smurf's user avatar
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Disjoint exceptional lines on non-minimal cubic surface

A diagonal cubic surface $\sum_{i=0}^3a_iT_i^3=0$ is not minimal if, for example, $a_1a_2a_3^{-1}a_4^{-1}\in(k^*)^3$. This should be because there is an exceptional line $D$ such that no element in ...
fp1's user avatar
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Descartes folium

The geometry of Descartes' folium, $x^3+y^3=3axy$ has been well studied. Can someone tell me which geometric property characterizes the following cubic curve: $$bx^3+y^3=3axy$$ The previous curve is a ...
Felipe 's user avatar
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For translation of axes, is there a definite equation for any of "the 27 lines" on the Clebsch Diagonal Cubic?

For the Clebsch Diagonal Cubic (related to a Quanta mag article on Hilbert's 13th Problem), I want to generate a point at will on any of these lines along the surface. Wolfram calls these "...
Oddly Specific Math's user avatar
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Classification of curves passing through 7 points. (Hartshorne III ex 10.7)

This is the exercise III 10.7 in Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry I am not sure if I misunderstood the question. The seven points of the projective plane over $\mathbb{F}_2$, I think, means $\{[x_0,...
Xiong Jiangnan's user avatar
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Given a cubic and a point S not on the cubic, how many tangent lines to F can we draw from S?

Let $F\in \mathbb{C}[x,y,z]$ be an irreducible homogeneous polynomial with total degree 3, defining a cubic in $\mathbb{CP}^2$. Given a point $S$ on the projective plane but not on $\mathbb{V}(F)$, ...
Dreamworld2001's user avatar
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Further information on the reduction of cubic equations to a system of two conic sections

This question follows on from one I have previously asked, How to separate cubic equations into two conic sections: Deep dive into Omar Khayyam and I now would like some further advice on some ...
Bountifull's user avatar
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For which points $P$ on a nonsingular cubic $C$ does there exist a nonsingular conic that intersects $C$ only at $P$?

For which points $P$ on a nonsingular cubic $C$ does there exist a nonsingular conic that intersects $C$ only at $P$? By Bezout's theorem, we must have that $I(P,C \cap F)=6$, where $F$ is the ...
MathIsNice1729's user avatar
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General properties of cubic hypersurfaces

Is there any literature dealing with cubic hypersurfaces in full generality (over $\mathbb{C}$)? Couldn't find any. We know everything about hyperplanes. We also know a lot of things about quadric ...
Nutella Warrior's user avatar

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