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Prove that if $e.d \equiv 1 \bmod (p-1)(q-1)$ then it’s impossible to have $e.d \equiv 1 \bmod pq$

I am studying R.S.A. cryptosystem and here is the question that came to my mind. Let’s pick $p, q$ to be two primes and $n = p * q$. From that we calculate Euler’s totient function: $$ \phi(n) = (p - ...
QuestionEverything's user avatar
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Need help understanding the proof of correctness of deciphering algorithm in the original RSA paper. [duplicate]

In the paper "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems" by R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, they prove correctness of deciphering algorithm by following ...
Super MaxLv4's user avatar
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Understanding Euler's Totient Rule in RSA [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand the use of Euler's Totient Theorem in RSA. It is defined as : if $a$ is coprime with $n$ then $$ a^{\phi(n)}\equiv{1 modn} $$ I am unable to understand how the above implies ...
Devesh Lohumi's user avatar
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What's the REASON behind the mathematics of RSA?

Being a non mathematics student, I started to understand RSA. Now I am at a place where I can show someone how to do it or prove it mathematically. What I don't understand is why we do the maths that ...
C0DEV3IL's user avatar
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Need to understand Lagrange's theorem and how it's applied in RSA

When I first started studying RSA, I found that I need to know Euler's theorem, to understand that I need Fermat's theorem, and to understand that, I need the order theorem of Lagrange which I am ...
C0DEV3IL's user avatar
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Algorithms for encryptor in RSA

In RSA we denote encryptor as $E$ such that: $$\gcd(E,\phi(p,q))=1\tag{where $p,q$ are primes}$$ I know if for all prime factors $c$ of $\phi(p,q)$, $c \not\mid E$, that we can choose this $E$ as a ...
Ethan's user avatar
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How can I find the inverse of number using Fermat's Little Theorem or Euler's Theorem? [closed]

Specifically the inverse of 101 and with n = 31200. $101^{-1} \mod 31200 $
Treble's user avatar
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RSA with small encryption exponent

In RSA: Fast factorization of N if d and e are known a comment under the OPs question stated that if the encrytion exponent $e$ is small compared to $N=p\cdot q$ for the RSA-primes $p,q$ (like $e<\...
C. Brendel's user avatar
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Factorization of large (60-digit) number

For my cryptography course, in context of RSA encryption, I was given a number $$N=189620700613125325959116839007395234454467716598457179234021$$ To calculate a private exponent in the encryption ...
Marc's user avatar
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What am I doing wrong decrypting this RSA message?

Here's a basic understanding I have of how RSA works from my notes. Alice generates two primes $p$ and $q$ such that $n= pq$ and finds a $k$ such that $gcd(k,(p-1)(q-1))=1$. She then finds an s ...
user140161's user avatar
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Calculate modulo solution of a number with a high exponent [duplicate]

I need some help calculating the solution for the following equation: $ 4^{217} = x \text{ (mod 391)} $ Using power rules ($4^{217} = 2^{434}$) and Eulers theorem ($\phi(391) = 352$) I was able to ...
mk04's user avatar
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RSA decryption coefficient [duplicate]

Sorry, I know there are several threads about RSA encryption and how to calculate $d$. But there is a thing I still don't understand. So you calculate $d$ by using the following expression (see here): ...
j0hn's user avatar
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proving that $x \rightarrow x^e \pmod m$ is not one to one

Let $m=pq$ where $p,q$ are primes. Prove that if $e$ is not coprime to $\phi(m)$, then the mapping $x \rightarrow x^e \pmod m$ from $Z_m^*$ to $Z_m^*$ is not one-to-one. My attempt: Let $s,l$ be ...
user2263786's user avatar
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RSA Cryptography: Given $n$ and $\varphi(n)$, find $e$ such that $e=d$

The modulus, $n=8633$, is given (it's simple to find $p$ and $q$ such that $n=pq$, i.e. $p=89$ and $q=97$) and the task is to find an encoding exponent, $e$, such that the correpsonding decoding ...
George Wilson's user avatar
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how to hand calculate RSA decryption exponent (using small numbers)

This is a simple exercise to help my personal understanding of RSA. I'm not trying to do anything that will have real world security. I want to compute the RSA decryption exponent ...
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