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How do I solve a discrete log using pen paper for exam without bruteforcing it? [closed]

I have my Network Security finals. In elgamal cryptosystem, I am often encountering these equations like this 3 = (10^XA) mod 19 now everywhere I am finding only ...
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RSA finding D key

Given the RSA public key find the decryption key d and decrypt the ciphertext c=5. Known information: n=221, p=17, q=13, e=11 $\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 16\times 12=192$ Equation for finding d: $$ed\...
Alix Blaine's user avatar
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Unexpected Result from Finite Field Calculations in GF(2^8)

I'm performing calculations within the finite field $GF(2^8)$ and I can't seem to get the expected results. This is my first time working with finite fields, so my understanding is quite basic. I ...
DurangoOlsen's user avatar
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Modulo composition confusion [duplicate]

In a cryptography lecture, I have run into a equation such that $$y_i=e(x_i)=x_i+s_i(mod2)$$ $$x_i=d(y_i)=y_i+s_i(mod2)$$ where $e()$ means encryption and $d()$means decryption in Stream ciphers. ...
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Confusion Over The Definition of a Transposition Cipher

In our Discrete Mathematics class, the way the textbook introduces the transposition cipher is as follows: As a key we use a permutation $\sigma$ of the set $\{1, 2, \ldots , m\}$ for some positive ...
Bored Comedy's user avatar
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Elliptic Curve Point Addition; two possible Lambda Solutions?

I'm trying to double the Point $P(1,17)$ on the Elliptic Curve $y^2 = x^3 + 3x + 6 \pmod {31}$. I'm using the formulae: $$\begin{split} λ&=(3xp^2+a)(2yp)^{-1}\\ xr &= λ^2 - 2xp\\ yr &= λ(...
Rumpel Stilzchen's user avatar
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Discrete log over a prime

I have a prime $p$ such that $p-1=2 p_1p_2$ such that $p_1$ has $200$ digits in base $2$ and $p_2$ has 50. I want to find discrete logarithm of $a^b =c \pmod p$. That is I want to find $b$ given $a,c, ...
Sanu's user avatar
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Why is entropy of three variables equal to entropy of two variables? [closed]

For each X - messages Y - encoded messages Z - keys, next statement is true: $ H(X,Y,Z) = H(X,Z) = H(Y,Z) $ Why is that true ?
FreeD's user avatar
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Finding primitive roots including negative sign

I commonly run into the following question such that if $p$ and $q=4p+1$ are both odd primes prove that $2$ is primitve root modulo q . However , i could not prove it for other number that are given ...
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R.S.A. Encryption: find $d$ if we know $n$ and $e$

If an R.S.A. system has $n=55$ and the encryption key is 13 Do I choose $p$ and $q$ as 5 and 11 so $n = 5 \times 11$ and then $\varphi(n) = (5-1) \times (11-1) = 40$ Is this the correct start? Will ...
Snozye's user avatar
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encrypt problem in Discrete mathematics

Consider: $$ e = 2^{16} + 1 = 65537 $$ $$ m = a^e \text{ (mod $p$)} \oplus b^e \text{ (mod $p$)} \oplus c^e \text{ (mod $p$)} $$ $$ n = abc x^3 \pmod{p} $$ a is between 1000~2000, b is between 2000~...
Sanji's user avatar
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Dividing Factorial formula from book

I'm reading a book Discrete Mathmatics with Cryptographic Applications and it claims that $\frac{n!}{k!} = (k+1)(k+2)...n$ for $k<n$. But a very simple example where $n = 3$ and $k = 2, \frac{(1)(2)...
Hotspotmar's user avatar
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I want to find primes $p$ where $p-1$ is smooth [closed]

I'm using the Pollard's $p-1$ method but for some numbers this method won't work. For example for: $n = 436916347656251$. $$n - 1 = 2 \times 5^{10} \times 7^5 \times 11^3$$ But Pollard's algorithm ...
Facundo Fleitas's user avatar
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Permuted Hamming distance

Suppose Alice wants to send a message to Bob, they agree on a $n$ letters alphabet $\Omega = \{a_1, \cdots, a_n\}$ and they both agree on a shared secret $\omega=\omega_1 \cdots \omega_m$ $\omega_i \...
SRichoux's user avatar
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Sequence $x\mapsto x^a$ cyclic in 3 directions: $s_0^{b^ic^jd^k}\bmod N$. How to find member $ijk$ if projection to 1D not possible due mixed factors

Summery: Can we determine $i,j,k$ for $s_{ijk}$ $$s_{ijk} \equiv s_0^{\beta^i\gamma^j\delta^k}\mod N$$ $$N = P\cdot Q \cdot R$$ $$P = 2\cdot p \cdot p_{big} +1 $$ $$Q = 2\cdot q \cdot q_{big} +1 $$ $$...
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