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Cross-correlation of a function with itself

I came up with the following question while writing on my thesis. We assume $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ to be a real valued $\mathcal{L}^1$-function. Then the cross-correlation of $f$ with ...
Christoph Richter's user avatar
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Prove that the convolution of the signals and its time reversal is an odd signal.

Suppose signal $g(t)$ is obtained by time reversal of signal $f(t)$ for all times $t$. Prove that the convolution of the signals $f$ and $g$ is an odd signal. My attempt at proof Given: $g(t)=f(-t)\...
Awe Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Convolution of two characteristic functions

Given two intervals on XY-plane: $I_1$ lying on OX-axis, $I_2$ lying on OY-axis. Compute convolution of two characteristic functions of these intervals. $$\chi_{I_1} \ast \chi_{I_2}.$$ MY ATTEMPT: $(\...
Taylor's user avatar
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Numerical method to solve an 'almost' convolution integral

I'm trying to solve the following Volterra integral of the first kind for $w(x)$. \begin{equation} P(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}[d_1(x-x_0)+d_2(x)]w(x_0)dx_0 \end{equation} My attempt so far: I'm aware ...
Matthew James's user avatar
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What do I need to know for deriving the limits of sequences of discrete convolutions?

This is for a recreational math project which I hope to turn into a video. If you start with a sequence $f_n$, finding the difference of that sequence $f_n-f_{n-1}$ is analogous to taking the ...
EmmaBellHelium's user avatar
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Convolution of a Bessel function with a quadratic decay

I don't know if it is indeed doable but I am trying to compute analytically the convolution : $$ f(\vec{r}) = \int \mathrm{d}\vec{r}_1 \cos(4\theta_1) \frac{K_0(\lambda \lVert \vec{r}-\vec{r}_1\rVert)}...
Joe Ktrache's user avatar
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Convolution of two uniform (solution with indicator function)

QUESTION Find p.d.f of $Y=X_1+X_2$, where $X_1$and $X_2$ are two independent random variables $X_i$~Uniform(0,1), $i=1,2$ I read few question about convolution of two uniform in here. But I have ...
user_A's user avatar
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convolution of two exponential functions

I'm struggling with the convolution $f \ast g(x)$ where $$f(x)=e^{-x^2}$$ $$g(x)=e^{-5x^2}$$ I integrated $$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-t^2}e^{-5(x-t)^2}\ dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-5x^2+10tx-6t^...
rose's user avatar
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Evaluate the integral $\int e^{-it} \operatorname{sinc} t \,dt$

I need to find the integral $$ \int_{-\infty}^x dt \, e^{-it}\text{sinc}(t) $$ where $$ \text{sinc}(t) = \frac{\text{sin}(t)}{t}. $$ I need it to perform a convolution of the function $e^{-ix}\...
Niels Slotboom's user avatar
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Solving $ y'' + a y = f(x) $ with zero initial conditions

Given the following initial value problem (IVP) $$ y'' + a y = f(x), \qquad y(0)= y'(0) = 0$$ show that $$y = \frac1a \int_{0}^{x}f(t)\sin(ax-at)\ {\rm d}t$$ My attempt To solve the given initial ...
Caporal Fourrier's user avatar
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Tempered distribution by convolution with singular kernel

I am trying to learn more about convolutions with singularities and was hoping that someone could point me to a reference and perhaps check the following (i have it in my notes that this is from a MSE ...
APIs's user avatar
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Why is convolution in the time domain equal to multiplication in the frequency domain? (intuitively, not mathematically)

I know the logic of how Fourier transforms work, and I know the logic of how convolution works, but I can't figure out why convolution in the time domain is equal to multiplication in the frequency ...
Riccardo Piana's user avatar
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Reconstruct function as infinite sum of basis functions

I have some function $I(x)$ which I want to reconstruct as an infinite sum of 'simpler' basis functions $d(x)$. Each of these basis functions will have an (unknown) weighting $W(x)$ which I seek to ...
Matthew James's user avatar
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Proper interpretation of convolution with product of functions

Suppose we have $\phi(x)\in C^\infty_c$ and: $$\delta_a\{\phi\}=\int \delta(x-a)\phi(x)dx=\phi(a)$$ $$\delta_a*\phi=\phi(x-a)$$ The convolution leads to a shifting the input. Suppose we multiply the ...
JohnAnt's user avatar
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Continuity of Hilbert transform

Suppose $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$, be a non-negative, bounded and continuous function, and its support is a compact interval in $\mathbb{R}$. Moreover, we have that $\int f(x) \, dx =1$. The ...
Abdullah123's user avatar

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