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Optimal Strategy for Identifying Lighter Balls: A Balance Scale Puzzle

There are n balls, among which m balls are lighter (and equally light with each other). We have a balance scale; how many times must we weigh at least, in order to find these m lighter balls? We ...
Tianjian Yang's user avatar
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Finding the minimum value of K for non-repeated sums

Given a set $A$ containing 10 positive integers, with the largest element denoted as $K$, we calculate all possible sums of elements from set $A$, including sums of 2, 3, 4, and so on, up to all 10 ...
Pumbaa's user avatar
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Subarray Sum Equals K - If the same prefix sum is encountered why does it follow 1,3,7,15,31 pattern?

This is an interesting property I have noticed in the problem: Subarray Sum Equals K The basic algorithm is as follows: You start with calculating the prefix (running sum). You check if the ...
ng.newbie's user avatar
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Counting the deduplicated list

You are given $2n$ positive integers $x_i, d_i$ ($1 \leq i \leq n$). Let $l := [x_1, 2x_1, ..., d_1x_1, x_2, 2x_2, ..., d_2x_2, ..., x_n, 2x_n, ..., d_nx_n]$. Let $s = set(l)$, i.e., the set by ...
Muses_China's user avatar
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Algorithm to compute number of combinations

I have to compute (m+n)!/(m!)(n!) where m>=n. Due to overflow constraints, I cannot calculate (m+n)! as it might exceed size of variable (int). To overcome this difficulty, one solution is to do ...
Ajax's user avatar
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Counting integers $n \leq x$ such that $rad(n)=r$

Let $r$ be the largest square-free integer that divides $n$. Then $$r = \operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid n\\p\text{ prime}}}p$$ $r$ is called the "radical" of $n$, or the square-...
MC From Scratch's user avatar
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Given an integer base 10, is there a known way of calculating how many 1s and 0s it has in binary without counting?

Example Given the number $12045_{10}$, how many 1s does it have in its binary representation? how many 0s does it have in its binary representation? Question Is there a way of doing this that is ...
Alec's user avatar
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Greedy algorithm for variation of bin packing

Consider the bin packing problem where an input array of weights have to be packed in the minimum number of bins possible. Consider the two following restrictions. First, for any bin, a heavier weight ...
Rob32409's user avatar
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Find the number of compatibility relations of [n] containing k maximal irredundant set C n,k

Let [n] denote the set of n elements {1, 2, ... , n}. A relation on the set [n] is a subset of the Cartesian product [n] × [n]. Equivalence relations are relations that satisfy self-reflexivity, ...
Nick Pengyan's user avatar
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Given $n\in\mathbb{N}_{\geqslant 2}$, find the partition $(a_1,...,a_k)\in\mathbb{N}^k:\sum_{i=1}^k a_i=n$ of $n$ that maximizes $\prod_{i=1}^k a_i$

I am a solving programming question in Leetcode in which, given a number $n \in \mathbb{N}_{\geqslant 2}$, I have to find $(a_1, ..., a_k) \in \mathbb{N}^k$ such that $k \in \mathbb{N}$, $2 \leqslant ...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
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How to describe these combinatorial sets in general and prove their cardinality

The sets I am looking at are defined as follows: for $k=1$ the set is defined as: $\Sigma_1:=\Big\{ \frac{1}{1},\frac{1}{3}\Big\}$ whereas for $k=2$ we have $\Sigma_{2}:=\Big\{ \frac{1}{1},\frac{2}{1},...
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Combinatorial Minimization Problem for sets of rational numbers.

If we have the set $\Bigg\{ \frac{1}{1},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{3},...,\frac{1}{k} \Bigg\}=:A$ for some $k\in \mathbb{N}$ (known). We pick some $a\in \mathbb{Q}$ such that we have $\Bigg\{ \frac{a}{1},\...
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A combinatorial formula for different sums $a\cdot( k_1+ k_2+...+k_{n-1})+k_n$

I am looking for a combinatorial rule for the following: let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $k_1,k_2,...,k_n \in \mathbb{N}$ (these are known). Since we know what the sum $\sum_{j=1}^{n}k_i$ is, let's say ...
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How to determine the cardinality of this set?

I would like to determine the cardinality of this set (given that $a,b \in \mathbb{N}$ and we do not know which one is larger): $\Big\{\frac{1}{1},\frac{2}{1},\frac{3}{1},...,\frac{a}{1},\frac{1}{2},\...
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Expected value of function applied to randomly constructed binary number

I recently came up with this question when playing around with binary numbers and tried coding up a solution to it: Let $b$ be a string of 1s and 0s. Split the string into seperate parts such that the ...
magnets17's user avatar
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Worst-case minimization of size of intersection of an offset set with a given set

Consider the set of first $N$ natural numbers i.e., $S_N$ = $\{1,2,3, \dots,N\}$. Let $S^k$ be a finite subset of $S_N$, where $|S^k|$ = $k$. We define another set $O$ whose elements $\in$ $\{0,1,2,\...
Kartik's user avatar
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Greedy algorithms: why does no optimal solution for smaller coins mean that the greedy algorithm must work?

I'm reading Competitive Programmer’s Handbook. They take the Euro to perform analysis on a greedy algorithm. For example, if the coins are the euro coins (in cents) {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200} and n ...
herophant's user avatar
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Iterating over all squarefree composites $\lt L$

I need to iterate over all integers that are: Composite Squarefree Smaller than a limit $L$ And see for each one if it has a certain property (in addition to these 3). Then I need to sum all such ...
MC From Scratch's user avatar
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Find two subsets with a common sum in two sequences

For a positive integer $n$ and two integer sequences $a_1,a_2...a_n$ and $b_1,b_2...b_n$ where $\forall i$, $a_i,b_i \in [1,n]$, I want to find two non-empty subsets, one in each sequence, with the ...
newbie's user avatar
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Combinations of red and black balls

Given $N$ Identical Red balls and $M$ Identical Black balls, in how many ways we can arrange them such that not more than $K$ adjacent balls are of same color. Example : For $1$ Red ball and $1$ ...
Gaurav Gupta's user avatar
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Construct a positive decimal number of length $n$ or less that is divisible by $2^n-1$ for n in $Z^+_0$

I got this question on a discrete mathematics test and I no idea on how to solve it: Create a method for constructing a positive decimal number of length $n$ or less with digits from set $\{0,1,8,9\...
TheGodProject's user avatar
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What does the 8 stand for in the Cantor pairing function?

What does the "8" stand for in the Cantor pairing function (which assigns a natural number to each pair of natural numbers)? Can I change it, or is it constant? The other function for getting the ...
king amada's user avatar
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Pigeonhole principle based algorithm

I was trying to solve this problem. INMO-2015 P6. From a set of $11$ square integers, show that one can choose ...
Damien Ashwood's user avatar
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Groups with the same amount

Let there be an array of digits $ [0,0,1,1,2,2,\ldots,9,9] $, how many ways to split this array into two subarrays, so that the sum of numbers in the subarrays is different by a multiple of $11$? ...
Vladislav Kharlamov's user avatar
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Given an integer, how many ways can you divide into unequal portions

I have been thinking about this problem for a while but have been unable to formalize a complete answer. Given an integer $n \geq 3$, how many different sets can you sum the integer elements in the ...
Jake's user avatar
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Construct $4 \times 4$ magic square with fixed "1"

The method I have found to generate $4\times 4$ magic squares gives me a result in which the number "1" is at of the corners of the square. How can we extend this to a method to generate a magic ...
Susan_Math123's user avatar
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Generative function for Goldbach's conjecture

I have written a procedure that, given an integer n, it comes out the polynomial with its coefficients are prime and odd $\leq $ n For example, procedure(5)= $x^{5}+x^{3}+x^{2}$, procedure(10)=$x^{7}+...
Rom's user avatar
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How to check if $k$ divides $\binom {n - 1} {k - 1}$ cheaply?

I'm writing a computer algorithm to do binomial expansion in C#. You can view the code here; I am using the following identity to do the computation: $$ \dbinom n k = \frac n k \dbinom {n - 1} {k - 1}...
James Ko's user avatar
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Number of subsets with constraint

How many subsets $P$ of $\{1, 2, ..., n\}$ are there such that if $x$ belongs to $P$ then $2x$ and $3x$ don't belong to $P$? For example, if $n = 4$ then there are $8$ such subsets (empty subset + $\{...
user4201961's user avatar
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Find subset of size $k$ such that it maximizes the metric distance of the elements.

Suppose I have a set $A=\{a_1,a_2,...,a_n\}$ and a metric $f$ on $A$. I want to extract a subset $B$ of size $k$ such that it maximizes the sum of the distances between every possible pair in B. i.e. ...
AspiringMat's user avatar
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Maximizing sum of metric function on a set (Adaptation of Hungarian Algorithm)

Suppose I have a set of unique elements $A=\{a_1, a_2, ..., a_n\}$. Suppose I also have a metric function $f:A\times A \rightarrow R^+$. I want to choose $k$ elements from $A$ (i.e. $a_{i_1},a_{i_2}, ....
AspiringMat's user avatar
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Finding number of Coprime tuples from $1$ to $N$

Given $N$ Integers $A_1,A_2....A_N$, and a function $$F(i,j)=A_i*A_j mod P$$ $P =599*601$ both of which are prime. I need to find out the number of integer 4-tuples $(a, b, c, d)$ there are such ...
sammy's user avatar
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Number of arrays with adjacent elements coprime?

An array of integers is called m-coprime if the following conditions are both satisfied: All the integers in the array are positive divisors of m. Each pair of adjacent elements in the array is ...
Mia Santara's user avatar
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Algorithm to partition a multiset into $K$ equal sized multisets

How can I partition a multiset of integers, $A$, of size $N=MK$, into $K$ equal-sized multisets, $G_1,G_2,\ldots,G_K$, such that $\sum_i \mathrm{\lvert \min(G_i)\rvert}$ is maximized? Here, $\min(G)$ ...
Buckster's user avatar
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In AB + BC + AC = N, how can I find all possibilities for A, B and C in less than n³ computational time?

The problem is the one on the title. Given a N, find all possibilies for A, B and C that make this true: $AB+BC+AC = N$when $A \ge B \ge C$. This code in C do the job: ...
Igorzovisk's user avatar
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Alice and Bob make all numbers to zero game

Alice and Bob are playing a number game in which they write $N$ positive integers. Then the players take turns, Alice took first turn. In a turn : A player selects one of the integers, divides it ...
mat7's user avatar
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Is there any Algorithm to Write a Number $N$ as a Sum of $M$ Natural Numbers?

I have a number $N$ (for example $N=64$). Is there any algorithm to find all the feasible ways for writing the number $N$ as a sum of $M$ positive numbers? (For example $M=16$) --- Repetition is ...
Amin's user avatar
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Count arrays with each array elements pairwise coprime

Given two integers $N$ and $M$ , How to find out number of arrays A of size N, such that : Each of the element in array, $1 ≤ A[i] ≤ M$ For each pair i, j ($1 ≤ i < j ≤ N$) $GCD(A[i], A[j]) = 1$...
mat7's user avatar
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Alice and bob xor nim game

Alice and Bob are playing a game. The rules of this game are as follows: Initially, there are $N$ piles of stones, numbered $1$ through $N$. The i-th pile contains $A[i]$ stones. The players take ...
mat7's user avatar
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Trailing zeroes in product of numbers with factorial power

I need to find the number of trailing zeroes in $1^{1!} \cdot 2^{2!} \cdot 3^{3!} \cdots N^{N!}$, where $N$ is natural number. Assuming $N$ is very large, say $500$, where you cannot find factorial ...
mat7's user avatar
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Using Backtracking Algorithm to determine all the subsets of integers

I'm asked to use the backtracking algorithm to determine all the subsets of integers whose sum is equal to 'w'(Lower case) In this case I'm given that: where a set of postive ...
TTEd's user avatar
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How to check if any subset of a given set of numbers can sum up to a given number

Given a number, say $x$, and a set of numbers made up of only $k$ different numbers, where each of the $k$ numbers is repeated $n_1,n_2,\dots n_k$ times. How do I tell if it is possible to find a ...
takasugi's user avatar
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Finding number of subarrays not including certain pairs

How many contiguous subarrays of an array exist such that they do not contain certain pairs of positions of the array? For eg. if array ={11,22,33,45} and if we do not want to include say position ...
Yaman K Singla's user avatar
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Expected value when die is rolled $N$ times

Suppose we have a die with $K$ faces with numbers from 1 to $K$ written on it, and integers $L$ and $F$ ($0 < L \leq K$). We roll it $N$ times. Let $a_i$ be the number of times (out of the $N$ ...
mat7's user avatar
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A result of Erdos: the multiplicative persistence of $n$ is at most $c\ln(\ln n)$

Multiply all the digits of a number $n$ by each other, repeating with the product until a single digit is obtained. The number of steps required is known as the multiplicative persistence of $n$. ...
math_lover's user avatar
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Count connected components after $M$ marbles removed

There are $N$ marbles in a line, numbered $1$ through $N$ from left to right. We need to count numbers of ways to remove exactly $M$ marbles such that there are exactly $C$ remaining connected ...
Mrinal's user avatar
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Count bulbs in ON state [duplicate]

A room has N (1 to N inclusive) bulbs and N switches. N people go in one by one. 1st person goes in and toggles none of the switches. 2nd person goes in and toggles all switches other than the ...
doremoon's user avatar
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Count good numbers that are multiple of 7 upto M

Given a number of $N$ digits with $A[1]$ denoting the first digit , $A[2]$ second digit and $A[n]$ last digit from left to right. It is called good number if ...
doremoon's user avatar
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count subsets with given constraints

We are given N elements . We need to count number of such subsets that satisfy following conditions : If ith element is present then (i-1) and (i+1) can't be present. Additon of any of the other ...
user3804397's user avatar
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Find largest number that satisfy given constraints

Let's define $F(x)$ for positive integer $x$ as a product of factorials of its digits. For example, $F(135) = 1!*3!*5!=720$ Now Given a decimal number $A$ consisting of $N$ digits that contains at ...
user3786422's user avatar

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