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Knapsack with fixed number of bins?

Constant: d, a fixed number of bins/sacks Input: $v_1,v_2,...,v_n$ item profits, $0<w_1,w_2,...,w_n\leq1$ item weights. Output: $B_1,B_2,...,B_d$ which are d subsets of $\{1,2,...,n\}$ s.t. they ...
alon's user avatar
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How to solve a given combinatorial problem?

Given $n$ balls, which are numbered from $1$ to $n$, and also $n$ boxes, which are also numbered from $1$ to $n$. Initially, $i$-th ball is placed at $i$-th box. Then we are doing the following ...
LaVuna47's user avatar
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Arranging 3 types of balls with given conditions.

There are 3 types of balls black, white and green. Find the number of ways of arranging $n$ such balls such that black, white adjacent pairs occur $a$ times, black, green adjacent pairs occur $b$ ...
Manjesh Jain's user avatar
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Finding the maximum value of elements to be selected in a grid - ZIO $2009$, P$1$

Hello Community! The above problem you see is a problem I got wrong. :( This is ZIO $2009$, P$1$. I tried the problem and miserably found the wrong answer as $20$. Here is how my approach goes - part ...
Vasu090's user avatar
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Pseudo-polynomial algorithm for Bin-Packing with fixed number of bins

I'm looking for a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the Bin-Packing Problem for a fixed number of bins $k$. I know we can use dynamic programming when the number of different sizes is fixed size since ...
Chiray's user avatar
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Partition problem where partition are in increasing order.

For given $n$ and $S$, how many possible combinations are there such that: $x_1 + x_2 + .. + x_n = S $ $\forall i, x_i \leq x_{i+1}$ $\&$ $x_i \geq 1$ For example, if $n$ = 3 and $S$ = 5, there ...
Srinath's user avatar
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Combinations of red and black balls

Given $N$ Identical Red balls and $M$ Identical Black balls, in how many ways we can arrange them such that not more than $K$ adjacent balls are of same color. Example : For $1$ Red ball and $1$ ...
Gaurav Gupta's user avatar
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Number of ways to partition an array of numbers so that the partition sums are equal and first part numbers are lesser than second part

This question is related to the famous combinatorics question on TopCoder called Jewelry You are given an array of numbers : $\{1,2,3,4,5,5\}$ The task is to count the number of ways that the array ...
ng.newbie's user avatar
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Please explain how in the TSP, "every subpath of a path of minimum distance is itself a minimum distance"?

According to wikipedia, and many other sources I have read through, the Held-Karp algorithm is based on the idea that "every subpath of a path of minimum distance is itself a minimum distance." I was ...
Travis Black's user avatar
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How would you prove that a dynamic programming problem is solvable by a greedy algorithm?

I have solved a few optimizations problems using dynamic programming, but some of those problems are also solvable by Greedy algorithms which are computationally more efficient to calculate. For ...
ng.newbie's user avatar
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Given an integer, how many ways can you divide into unequal portions

I have been thinking about this problem for a while but have been unable to formalize a complete answer. Given an integer $n \geq 3$, how many different sets can you sum the integer elements in the ...
Jake's user avatar
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What is total possible no of subsets of a set with given n elements and max subset length possible is k

For Example let's say the given set is $\{1, 2, 3, 4\}$ i.e $n=4$ elements and I have to find the subsets possible till the maximum length of $k=2$. To do this i've to do All possible combinations ...
Shailab Singh's user avatar
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Rod cutting: requesting a proof for $2^{n-1}$ possible ways

The rod cutting problem states that: Given a rod of length $n$ inches and a table of prices $P_i$ for $i=1,\dots,n$, determine the maximum revenue $R_n$. In CLRS chapter 15 Rod cutting page 360: ...
mr dicator's user avatar
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number of strings which differ at atmost n positions?

I have been given a string T comprised of only 's','t','u','v' as characters . I want to find numbers of strings with length |T| which differs at atmost n position from T. Also each such string must ...
smith's user avatar
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Minimal sum of non-consecutive elements

I have $N$ numbers $a_i$. I want to find the smallest sum of EXACTLY $K$ non-consecutive elements. I know how to solve this in $O(N*K)$ (straightforward dynamic programing) but it is too slow. Anyone ...
user4201961's user avatar
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Count connected components after $M$ marbles removed

There are $N$ marbles in a line, numbered $1$ through $N$ from left to right. We need to count numbers of ways to remove exactly $M$ marbles such that there are exactly $C$ remaining connected ...
Mrinal's user avatar
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Arrange blocks to form matrix of $N \times 3$

Given are the blocks of 3 different colors (Red,Green and Blue). Red colored block of size $1 \times 3.$ Green colored block of size $1 \times 2.$ Blue colored block of size $1 \times 1.$ We ...
user3923257's user avatar
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Traverse resultant 2D array after integer partition

I have used the solution of integer partitioning using dynamic programming explained in this post and in this article. Following is the resultant matrix when $N$ is equal to $6$: $$\begin{bmatrix} ...
faizanjehangir's user avatar
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Flip the bulbs in minimum number of moves

We are given a $n \times m$ rectangular matrix in which every cell there is a light bulb, together with the information whether the bulb is ON or OFF. Now i am required to switch OFF all the bulbs ...
user3001932's user avatar
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