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How would you prove that a dynamic programming problem is solvable by a greedy algorithm?

I have solved a few optimizations problems using dynamic programming, but some of those problems are also solvable by Greedy algorithms which are computationally more efficient to calculate. For ...
ng.newbie's user avatar
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Dividing class into groups

Just a question I have been pondering. Assume you have a class of 100 students, each student chooses 3 friends. The goal is to split them into 4 groups of 25. We define 'satisfaction level of ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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How to make the subset sums of a given array of numbers, even.

I'm not sure if I've been able to clearly state my problem here, but here's the extensive problem description: We have an array of $n$ numbers, and another given number $d$, one step at a time, we ...
Minuano's user avatar
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Learning about Proofs and how to write them? (A programmer's perspective)

I have a B.S. Degree in computer science and have taken more math classes then the average person but not enough to consider myself good at it. I have been briefly introduced to proofs. I'm currently ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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How many unique sums $x_0+x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n=S$ where $x_i>x_{i-1}$?

How many unique sums $x_0+x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n=S$ where $x_i>x_{i-1}$ are there for each $S$? $x_i$ and $S$ are non-negative integers. My Computer Science prof also said that this can be solved ...
Jack Black's user avatar
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Find least number of radial-subgraph of a graph

Background: Here is a group G of a people, one maybe another's friend. How to select least number of people to be a leader of a subgroup, so that everyone in the group G has a friend as a leader? ...
user41703's user avatar
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Determine Huffman Tree Depth Using any combinactory ways?

I see this link for determining depth (height) of Huffman tree, but not useful for me. My Question is: Knowing the frequencies of each symbol, is it possible to determine the maximum height or ...
Michle Sipser's user avatar
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Load balance N customers over K servers with different capacities

Let's say we have N customers that supply a stream of requests, but each customer i supplies different number of requests per minute - $R_i$. All requests are identical in terms of the amount of ...
Cozzamara's user avatar
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Isomorphism of Non-Symmetric Matrices

$A, B$ are non-symmetric matrices of dimension $m \times n$ where $m=n$ or $m \neq n$. Example: An example of $6 \times 3$ non-symmetric matrix is $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & ...
Michael's user avatar
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Finding objects from a list with some properties in $O(n)$

Lets say I have $2$ strings each having $4$ characters. $k$ is a number $\le 4$. If, $2$ strings have exactly $k$ common characters lets say they are a "happy pair" with $k$ points. If I have $n$ ...
Zabir Al Nazi's user avatar
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Finding number of subarrays not including certain pairs

How many contiguous subarrays of an array exist such that they do not contain certain pairs of positions of the array? For eg. if array ={11,22,33,45} and if we do not want to include say position ...
Yaman K Singla's user avatar
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Finding the size of sumsets in limited space

Let $S=\{a+b:\ a\in A,\ b\in B\}$. I have an explicit representation of $A$ and $B$, but $S$ is too large to store in memory. (For the sake of argument, say $A$ and $B$ are 100 MB and $S$ is 1000 TB.) ...
Charles's user avatar
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what' is the number of full subtrees of a full binary tree?

I'm looking for the number of full sub-trees of a binary tree; all possible tress of height less than $4$ are: Now my question is: What is $N(h)$ the maximum number of full sub-trees of a full ...
Elaqqad's user avatar
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Traveling salesman neighborhood

I am solving some TSP problems and i got this one and i am not pretty sure about my answer. By seeing TSP as a formal combinatorial problem, i have that the Feasible solutions $F$ is the set defined ...
Phicar's user avatar
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Counting the number of complete bipartite subgraphs

I am stuck with problem and not getting much ideas. I have a graph with $N$ vertices and $M$ edges. I have to count number of ways I can choose a pair of set of vertices say $(p,q)$, such that every ...
Quixotic's user avatar
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