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Questions tagged [calendar-computations]

This tag is for questions about combinatorial and computational issues with regards to calendar systems. A typical, well-known mathematical result in this direction is John Conway's Doomsday Algorithm for computing the "day of the week" associated to a given date.

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Probability of Christmas falling on a particular day of the week

What is the probability that Christmas (on a randomly chosen year) falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, &c.? Accounting for the leap years and the 400-year repeating cycle, I wrote a program to ...
Nína's user avatar
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Calculating Recurring Work Schedule Off Days in a Given Month [closed]

I have a work schedule that uses a cycle like this: Day 1: Morning shift Day 2: Night shift Day 3: Day off Day 4: Morning shift Day 5: Night shift Days 6-8: 3 days off Assuming today, May 4th is the ...
Henry Ozoani's user avatar
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How often would the season cycle be "reset" if the year was 360 days?

I am learning about ancient calendars relating to the sun, and many used a 360 day calendar. If you did that, without adding "5 extra non-days per year" (or 6 on a leap year), then assuming ...
Lance's user avatar
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What is the probability of someone being born both on a Good Friday that is also Friday the 13th

I was born on April the 13th 1990. The day was also Good Friday. I'm wanting to know what the probability/chances of being born on a Good Friday that is also a Black Friday is/are to have an ...
Dee Kay's user avatar
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What is the probability that the fourth business day of the month is Thursday? [duplicate]

This is question 3.16 from the book "Quant Job Interview Questions and Answers" by Mark Joshi et al. The solution given in the book states that for the fourth business day of the month to be ...
bobby202's user avatar
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Calculating Calendar Adjustment

I have a data with the Date and Volume column like below, where I am trying to adjust the calendar, the dates are week-ending dates, hence some of the data is missed since May ended with a full week ...
noswear's user avatar
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Dates on which a day falls, in given month and year.

I was recently given the following problem on a test: Find the dates on which Sunday fell in July, $1776$. First, I noted the date on the day of test — $15$ October $2023$ to be a Sunday. Thereafter,...
Sahaj's user avatar
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Book that goes over mathematics of calendar computations?

What is a good book that goes over mathematics of calendar computations (e.g., calendar systems, date of Easter, etc.)?
Geremia's user avatar
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Friday the $13$ths with digits adding up to $13$

Three Friday the $13$ths with digits (in yyyy-mm-dd) adding up to $13$ include 2006-01-13, 2006-10-13, and 2011-05-13. So, how many such Friday the $13$ths (in the Gregorian calendar) are there from ...
Geoffrey Trang's user avatar
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Is AD $4000$ a leap year or not?

There is a popular rule to determine which year is a leap year or not. The year is exactly divisible by four (with no reminder); If the year is divisible by $100$ (years ending in two zeros), it is ...
newview's user avatar
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Is Date X + 365 days and Date X + 1 Year always will result in same date?

In particular, Date X + 12 Months Date X + 1 Year Date X + 365 days Will these result in all same dates at any point of X?
thqdqe's user avatar
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Is there a way to calculate the exact birthdate of a person based on a series of dates and ages? [closed]

I need to calculate the birthdate of an ancestor based on a list of dates and ages he had, the problem is that I stink at circular maths and rotating stuff. I have this dictionary in python: The left ...
Lerian Acosenossa's user avatar
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Hash function from date to biweekly event

My trash gets picked up every other Tuesday. Now it's easy to remember what day of the week it is, but not so easy to remember if it's a skip week or not - especially if you miss it sometimes. You ...
evansrhonda's user avatar
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Find the date at which a group of people will reach a target age sum

The goal is to find the date at which the sum of ages of a group of people will reach a certain number. Though I seem to have found an approximative solution, some issues remains, that I don't know ...
Elvex's user avatar
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How to converts total days passed since epoch from real Gregorian calendar to teorical Gregorian that all years are leap years?

Assuming: there is a "hypothetical Gregorian calendar" with same notations of the realistic (but no week days); therefore each date of the hypotetical calendar has the format "month ...
RHER WOLF's user avatar
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Calculate what day it will be 100 years [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the day it will be in 100 years. I've written some python code that takes two inputs from the user, a year and day and then I'm trying to calculate what day ...
user2220115's user avatar
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How exactly to calculate a Julian Date from today's date?

I have today discovered the intricacies of software dates. That led me to this page which shows: $$JD=int[365.25\; y]+int[30.6001\; (m+1)]+D+\frac{UT\_hours}{24.0}+1\,720\,981.5 \qquad$$ However, ...
Lance's user avatar
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Frequencies of gaps between years with $3$ Friday the 13ths

Years with $3$ Friday the 13ths in the Gregorian calendar usually occur with gaps of $3$ or $11$ years, except for two $6$-year gaps (between $2099$ and $2105$, and $2195$ and $2201$) and one $12$-...
Geoffrey Trang's user avatar
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Odds $11$ to $3$ against a month selected randomly containing portions of $6$ different weeks

Here's a problem from my probability textbook: Show that the odds are eleven to three against a month selected at random containing portions of six different weeks. Here are some initial thoughts. ...
Emperor Concerto's user avatar
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Reliable Formula for repetition of of calendar

I am trying to get a formula for repetition of calendars (for years to repeat with same day-date pattern) I could see the following rule in some of the online sites a) If given year is at 1st ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Conversion from epoch time to (dd/mm/yyyy) date format

The title pretty much explains my problem. I´m given the number of seconds that have passed since the 1st of January 1970 and I have to return today´s date in (dd/mm/yyyy) format. I know how to ...
Tomas Sexenian's user avatar
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A formula to determine the number in a given sequence

I'm working with some specific numbers concerning a calendar calculation. Basically, 13 years in a sequence correspond to 13 different numbers: Year Given number Year 1 1 Year 2 10 Year 3 6 Year ...
Pablo Ivan's user avatar
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Lunisolar calendar: what phase was the moon X years ago on the spring equinox?

How would I go around answering these questions (e.g., for $X=10,000$ -- IOW, historical observations are not available and the time is too long ago to rely on a fixed calendar): How many days ago ...
sds's user avatar
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Wikitext, #time parser function: Find last month with five Mondays

in Asphalt Wiki, we have templates for repeating events in the Asphalt games. These templates also display if an event is currently running. In one of the games, events are bound to days of the month ...
Guy Bukzi Montag's user avatar
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Can an age or a difference between two dates be represented linearly?

I've found an interesting answer on StackOverflow when it comes to calculating someone's age based on that person's date of birth and the date at which the age is calculated. The calculation is ...
JansthcirlU's user avatar
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Finding Anchor day of any year using Doomsday rule.

There is a formula or a method given by Sir John Conway to find any given year anchor day after year 1800 assuming that we are using Gregorian calendar .For example for finding anchor day (also known ...
Piyush choudhury's user avatar
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formula for date as # day of the gregorian calendar_year (including leap years, excluding leap-seconds)

large to small could go 2021-Jan-02nd. Suppose want it in U.S. style, 01/02/'21, where 01/01 = January 1st = day#1 of the year (2021). 01|31 02|28,29 03|31 04|30 05|31 06|30 07|31 08|31 09|30 10|31 11|...
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Formula to find the day of any date in Gregorian calendar derivation.

My teacher taught an expression to find the day of any date in the Gregorian calendar. Expression: $$ \bbox[5px,border:2px solid red] { D\equiv {d+c_m+c_y+c+\left\lfloor\dfrac c4\right\rfloor \pmod7} }...
Wolgwang's user avatar
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Suppose today is Wednesday. What day of the week will it be $10^{{10}^{10}}$ days from now? [duplicate]

Question: Suppose today is Wednesday. What day of the week will it be $10^{{10}^{10}}$ days from now? Answer: This is what I have tried so far. I know that you need to find $10^{{10}^{10}}\text{mod} 7$...
Math Fanatic's user avatar
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Computation of Easter date (UK statutory method)

The statutory method for the computation of Easter in the UK (and presumably also the USA) is contained in the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750. This is the same Act which moved the British Empire from ...
Steve's user avatar
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