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How does one calculate the area of a set?

The set is $M=\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2:|x|+|y|\leq 1\}$. Question: How do you calculate the area of $M$? More specific, how do you find the bounds of integration? Attempt: I tried to solve the ...
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Find $\int_{\left(C\right)}xy{\rm d}x+y^{2}{\rm d}y$ with $\left(C\right)$ bound by $y\geq 0,x^{2}+y^{2}=4\left({\rm clockwise}\right).$

Prob. Find $\int_{\left ( C \right )}xy{\rm d}x+ y^{2}{\rm d}y$ with $\left ( C \right )$ closed by the path $y\geq 0, x^{2}+ y^{2}= 4\left ( {\rm clockwise} \right ).$ My attempt: $\int_{\left ( C \...
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calculating the area in polar coördinates

I have difficulties calculating the area and setting the right boundaries of the following polar coördinates: $$r=2(1+cos(\theta) ) $$ Thanks in advance
Wouter Lommerse's user avatar
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Limits of bounded region

While solving a simple problem for finding are of the region bounded by $x=y^2$ and $x=y$. Are the following correct limits? When $x$ is the outer integration variable $$\int^1_0\int^\sqrt{x}_xdydx$$...
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