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A conjecture on representing $\sum\limits_{k=0} ^m (-1)^ka^{m-k}b^k$ as sum of powers of $(a+b)$.

UPATE: I asked this question on MO here. I was solving problem 1.2.52 in "An introduction to the theory of numbers by by Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman, Hugh L. Montgomery" Show that if ...
pie's user avatar
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Why is the binomial coefficient $\binom{\text{even}}{\text{odd}}$ always even?

I recently came across the following: Fix an odd $k\in\mathbb{N}$. Then for all even $n\in\mathbb{N}, \binom{n}k \text{ is even.}$ I'd like to complete my attempted proof by induction (see below), ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Greatest common divisor of some binomial coefficients

Note that this is now cross-posted on mathoverflow. While making some computation, I stumbled upon a curious relation among some binomial coefficients. Consider the sequence of binomial coefficients $...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Binomial sum closed formula [closed]

I was wondering if a closed formula, with few terms in $n$ and $k$, is known for $$f(n,k):=\sum\limits_{i=1}^k\left(\begin{array}{c}nk \\ ni\end{array}\right),$$ for arbitrary positive integers $n$ ...
ALEXIS's user avatar
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Series expansion in binomial coefficients

After noticing that the first three terms of OEIS A016269 coincide with those of OEIS A030053 and the fourth differs only by $1$, and working with successive approximations, I obtained the following ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Number of solutions to linear equation $x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n=m$ when the domain of $x_i\ne$ domain of $x_j$

In the lecture notes of one of my previous classes, it was used that if we have an equation of the form $$\tag{1} x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n=m $$ then the total number of solutions, when each $x_i$ is a non-...
Hydrogen's user avatar
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Prove that 2 binomial coefficients have a common prime factor

Let a, b, n be integers such that 0 < a ≤ b < n. Prove that there exists a prime number p that divides both \begin{equation}\binom{n}{b}, \binom{n}{a}\end{equation} I have been proving with the ...
Ander Miranda Zapata's user avatar
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Prove that ${2p\choose p}\equiv 2\pmod {p^2}.$

Prove that ${2p\choose p}\equiv 2\pmod {p^2}.$ My progress: Consider any $S={(x,y),~~1\le x\le p,~~1\le y\le 2}.$ Note that $|S|=2p.$ Now consider $A\subseteq S$ such that $|A|=p.$ So there are a ...
Sunaina Pati's user avatar
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How to upper-bound the Binomial coefficient with a Polynomial?

I want to upper-bound the following Binomial coefficient with a Polynomial $p(n)\in O(n^c)$: $$ {n \choose k}=\frac{n!}{k!\cdot\left(n-k\right)!}\leq p(n) $$ I know that $k\leq n$ but which $p(n)$ I ...
vesii's user avatar
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Does this summation formula for $\pi(x)$ work out? (Answer: no)

Let $p_i$ be the $i$th prime number. For $x \in \Bbb{R}, x \gt 0$, define: $$ \Delta(x) =\left \{\prod_{i=1}^r q_i : \{q_1, \dots, q_r \}\subset \{p_1, p_2, \dots, p_{\pi(x)}\}\right\} $$ Let $\omega$...
SeekingAMathGeekGirlfriend's user avatar
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If $xy = ax + by$, prove the following: $x^ny^n = \sum_{k=1}^{n} {{2n-1-k} \choose {n-1}}(a^nb^{n-k}x^k + a^{n-k}b^ny^k),n>0$

If $xy = ax + by$, prove the following: $$x^ny^n = \sum_{k=1}^{n} {{2n-1-k} \choose {n-1}}(a^nb^{n-k}x^k + a^{n-k}b^ny^k) = S_n$$ for all $n>0$ We'll use induction on $n$ to prove this. My ...
MathematicsBeginner's user avatar
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Proving that $(k + 1) \mid \binom{n}{k}\binom{n+1}{k}$ for positive integers $n, k$ [duplicate]

I've been playing around with some binomial coefficients and their divisibility, and I stumbled upon a relation that seems to hold, at least for $0 < k < n < 200$ (checked with Python): $$ (k ...
Claire Liu's user avatar
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Making binomial coefficients out of binomial coefficients

For binomial coefficients, we have $\binom{n}{k}=\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ Now, fix a positive integer $s$ and define a function $n?=\binom{n}{s} \cdot \binom{n-1}{s} \cdot ... \cdot \binom{s}{s}$ or $1$ ...
kvardekkvar's user avatar
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Prove that $C(x+y,y)$ is compositive number if $x,y\in \mathbb{Z}_{>1}^{+}$

Prove that $$x,y \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}, x,y>1 \implies \binom{x+y}{y} \quad \text{is compositive.}$$ My approach: Let $x,y\in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$ such that $x,y>1$ so we need to prove that $\binom{x+...
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Binomial coefficient system of equations

Given that ${n\choose k}=3003$ and ${n\choose k-1}=2002$, find $n$ and $k$. How can I solve these equations without guessing/WA? I can't fully eliminate one of the variables, so I tried to break down ...
jc5535's user avatar
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