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A first course in abstract algebra Fraleigh 8th ed Section 5 Exercise 65

Cracker Barrel Restaurants place a puzzle called “Jump All But One Game” at each table. The puzzle starts with golf tees arranged in a triangle as in Figure 5.29a where the presence of a tee is noted ...
점시맙's user avatar
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Books on the applications of group theory.

Background: Applications abound! I am aware of applications of group theory in general: cryptography. physics. chemistry. virology. computer science. anywhere there's symmetry. Outside those broad ...
Shaun's user avatar
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A real-world example for a centralizer property

Context: I'm re-studying basic group theory and looking for "real-world" examples/puzzles that can be translated into abstract group theoretic statements. By real-world I mean not something ...
David Kubecka's user avatar
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Applications of group theory/abstract algebra [duplicate]

Before voting down, I would this text to be read. This is not exactly a question regarding a hint to solve an exercise of a list or an exam, but a question involving the possible utility of which is ...
Emmy N.'s user avatar
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Application of nonfamous finite groups in computer science [closed]

I have searched a lot about applications of finite groups in computer science. Most of the results include: Finite fields or groups of numbers coprime to $n$ which are widely used in cryptography and ...
MohammadJavad Vaez's user avatar
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On the group action $\psi: X \times \Bbb R^*_+ \to X$

Today I revisited the concept of a group action with someone. I recalled the definition of a "flow" which is a group action of the additive group of real numbers on the set $X:$ $$\varphi: X ...
zeta space's user avatar
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Show that $\prod_{i=1}^{n}\text{Aut}(G_i)\to \text{Aut}\Big(\prod_{i=1}^{n}G_i\Big)$ is injective

Let $G_1,...,G_n$ be groups. Show that there exist an injective morphism $\xi:$$\prod_{i=1}^{n}\text{Aut}(G_i)\to \text{Aut}\Big(\prod_{i=1}^{n}G_i\Big)$. I would like to know if my proof holds, ...
Daniil's user avatar
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What is the real life application of group theory other than coding and cryptography [duplicate]

What is the real life application of group theory other than coding and cryptography if any and how can one apply group theory to them.
Fagbile IfeOluwa's user avatar
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Elementary group theory applications [duplicate]

I'm taking an algebraic structures class and we are doing a lot of work involving group theory. Specifically, dihedral groups, abelian groups, isomorphisms, cyclic groups, and others. I'm finding it ...
Jbk Panda's user avatar
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What are the applications of nilpotent elements/nilpotent ideals?

As I am doing exercises related to group and ring theory I constantly see questions regarding nilpotent elements/ideals/groups. However, I have yet to see any practical use of them in theory, but I ...
muaddib's user avatar
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Topological groups vs regular groups [duplicate]

I know group theory and I'm familiar with the concept and definition of Group. Today I was reading an article about topology and discoverer the concept of "topological group". I read the ...
Eduardo Magalhães's user avatar
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Real-world applications of fields, rings and groups in linear algebra.

Real-world applications of fields, rings and groups in linear algebra. A friend of mine asked me where one could use the definitions of rings, groups, fields etc. I was very embarrassed of the fact ...
Doesbaddel's user avatar
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What are some applications of subdirect product?

I have studied direct products. I know a few applications of direct products, like group isomorphism, etc. What are some applications of sub-direct product of groups?
I_wil_break_you as's user avatar
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Cyclic/non-cyclic groups and their applications in credit card/ smart card security

Can someone point me to resources on "Cyclic/non-cyclic groups and their applications in credit card/ smart card security" What I have right now is some things on Diffie-Hellman Key exchange ...
Shreyas Kulkarni's user avatar
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Simple applications of Lie algebra in group theory

In his book Lie Algebra, Jacobson gives a motivation for Lie algebra as a tool used in a difficult problem in group theory - Burnside's problem. I was wondering if there is any simple/elementary ...
Learn_Math's user avatar
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Application of Jordan–Hölder theorem

Jordan–Hölder theorem can be used to prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. But I can only prove the uniqueness part of the theorem with Jordan–Hölder theorem. That every composite number is ...
Shiksharthi Sharma's user avatar
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Applications of group theory to classical mechanics

Today, a friend and I solved a classical mechanics problem using group theory. The problem was the following: Around a circumference, there are $N$ children evenly spaced. In the center, there is a ...
Henrique Augusto Souza's user avatar
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What are the other methods used to prove that a homomorphism is bijective?

The motivation can be found in: Show that $ℤ^{m}$ is a subgroup (and a free abelian group) of $ℤ^{n}$ for all $m≤n$. In a specified problem related to a dynamical system the only possibility is $m=n$...
DER's user avatar
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What is the difference between the words chord, tangent in (a) and (b)?

(a) If a function $g$ is continuous on the closed interval $[u,v]$, where $u<v$, and differentiable on the open interval $(u,v)$, then there exists a point $c$ in $(u,v)$ such that $$g(v)=g(u)+g′(...
DER's user avatar
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Graph (or Group) in Astronomy

Is there an application of graph theory (or group theory) in astronomy. If there is, refer me some references.
H. Shabani's user avatar
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Quote on the Littlewood-Richardson Rule

In Gordon James's paper "The representation Theory of the Symmetric Group" he says "The author was once told that the Littlewood–Richardson rule helped to get men on the moon but was not proved until ...
J126's user avatar
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Applications of group theory to geometry

What are the applications of group theory to geometry? Where can I know more about these applications?
FNH's user avatar
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Are there real world applications of finite group theory?

I would like to know whether there are examples where finite group theory can be directly applied to solve real world problems outside of mathematics. (Sufficiently applied mathematics such as ...
Alexander Gruber's user avatar
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Molecular vibrations and a generalisation of Wigner's rule for (non-finite) compact groups

years student of mathematics and write my script for my bachelor. The topic is "Representations of groups and applications in physics". I understand the representations very good but now i want to ...
Mathematical Physics's user avatar
12 votes
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What are applications of rings & groups?

I am following a course in basic algebra, and we have covered rings & groups in class, but I am having trouble visualising them. Are there applications of group &/or ring theory that can be ...
Émile Jetzer's user avatar
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Group theory applications along with a solved example

As I asked in previous question, I am very curious about applying Group theory. Still I have doubts about how I can apply group theory. I know about formal definitions and I can able to solve and ...
EAGER_STUDENT's user avatar
38 votes
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Applications of the wreath product?

We recently went through the wreath product in my group theory class, but the definition still seems a bit unmotivated to me. The two reasons I can see for it are 1) it allows us to construct new ...
user avatar
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recommend paper on application of group theory

Application field can vary from biology\biochemistry, to computer science\coding theory, the more unexpected a connection to a field, the better. And paper preferably should be not very large one. ...
Alexander's user avatar