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How to prove a property of the product of Eisenstein Series

I want to prove that, if $$ E_i(\tau) = \frac{1}{2\zeta(2i)}\sum_{(m,n)\in\mathbb{Z}^2-\{(0,0)\}}(m\tau+n)^{-k}$$ is the normalized Eisenstein Series of weight $i$, then $E_i(\tau)E_j(\tau)\neq E_{i+j}...
pok's user avatar
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Degree of extension of the field of coefficients of modular forms

I am beginning to study modular forms and I came across an inequality defining the bound for the degree of extension of the field of coefficients of a modular form $f\in S_k(\Gamma_1(N))$. This goes ...
roydiptajit's user avatar
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Confusion about definition Petersson product

I'm taking a course on modular forms, but my background in analysis is not that strong (I have taken complex analysis and measure theory before however). Therefore I'm a bit confused about the ...
stupid_questions's user avatar
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Rankin-Selberg Convolution of newforms with different levels

Let $f \in \mathscr{S}_{k}(N,\chi)$ and $g \in \mathscr{S}_{k}(M,\psi)$ be newforms with $(N,M) = 1$. For $\Re(s) > 1$, I was able to derive an integral representation for the Rankin-Selberg ...
Laan Morse's user avatar
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Is any power of a theta function over primes a modular form?

Apologies for the vague title but I wasn't sure how to word this. To preface my question, let's recall the theta function: $$\theta(\tau) = \sum_{n \in \mathbb Z} e^{i \pi n^2 \tau}$$ This function is ...
GaseousButter's user avatar
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Relationships between Riemann Xi and Jacobi Theta functions

I asked ChatGPT about the relationship between the Riemann Xi function and the Jacobi theta functions. ChatGPT provided the following relation: $\xi\left(\frac{1}{2} + it\right) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \...
david's user avatar
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Hurwitz formula for Eisenstein series and other closed forms.

I have several questions about the Eisenstein series: $G_k(\tau)=\sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty}\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{1}{(m+n\tau)^k}$ where {m,n} does not equal {0,0} and k is even and bigger that ...
MrMachine55's user avatar
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Modular functions and modular forms

A modular form of weight $k$ as a holomorphic function satisfying $f(\gamma z)=(cz+d)^kf(z)$ (automorphy relation of weight $k$) on the upper-half plane and also holomorphic at cusps. A modular ...
CO2's user avatar
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An automorphic function with no poles is constant.

Daniel Bump calls $f$ an automorphic function if it satisfies the formula $$f\left(\frac{az+b}{cz+d}\right)=f(z)$$ where $\begin{pmatrix} a&b\\ c&d \end{pmatrix}\in\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})$ ...
一団和気's user avatar
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Show that $f(\rho)=0$ for any modular form of weight $k$ if $\rho=e^{\frac{2\pi i}{3}}$ and $3\nmid k$.

In Exercise 1.3.3 from Automorphic Forms and Representations, Daniel Bump gives the hint as follows: Observe that $\gamma(\rho)=\rho$ where $\gamma= \begin{pmatrix} 1&1\\ -1& \\ \end{pmatrix}...
一団和気's user avatar
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Lindeloff bound on average for Hecke Maass L functions

I have heard that a Lindeloff-type bound for Hecke Maass form L functions exist on average. However, I am unable to find it in literature nor understand the precise statement. Is it something like $$\...
user166305's user avatar
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How do you evaluate the $q$-series of expressions like $j(\tau)^{-1/5}$?

Klein's $j$-invariant (or the modular function $j$) appears in all introductory texts to modular forms but I have not seen a treatment of how to efficiently work out coefficients for the $q$-expansion ...
JPhy's user avatar
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Definition of CM form

Could someone please tell me how we define CM modular form and non-CM modular forms in the most basic way?Also, could you provide the references to your definition? I have tried searching for the ...
math is fun's user avatar
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Lambert series and higher order derivatives of the Euler Function

It is well known that: $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{n q^n}{1-q^n} = -q \frac{d}{dq} \Phi(q)$$ Where $\Phi$ is defined as follows for $|q|<1$: $$\Phi(q) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty (1-q^n)$$ Is there any ...
user3141592's user avatar
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Why is the Eisenstein series $G_2$ a quasimodular form?

For even $k \geq 4$, the Eisenstein series \begin{align*} G_k(\tau) &= \sum_{(n, m)\in \mathbb{Z}^2} \frac{1}{(m + n\tau)^k} \end{align*} (omitting the term $(n, m) = (0, 0)$) is a modular form ...
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