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What is the product of the solutions to the equation (√10)(x^(log (x))) = x^2? [closed]

I have spent a few hours on this question but I can't seem to grasp it. I have found that taking the log of both sides doesn't give me any progress. The log exponent identity didn't work. I also tried ...
shivank chintalpati's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to find the number of solutions of $(0.01)^x=\log_{0.01}x$?

How to find the number of solutions of $(0.01)^x=\log_{0.01}x$? I drew the graph of $a^x$ and $\log_ax$, with $0<a<1$, and thought they intersect just once. But the answer given is $3$. Wolfram ...
aarbee's user avatar
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5 votes
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Contest Math Question: simplifying logarithm expression further

I am working on AoPS Vol. 2 exercises in Chapter 1 and attempting to solve the below problem: Given that $\log_{4n} 40\sqrt{3} = \log_{3n} 45$, find $n^3$ (MA$\Theta$ 1991). My approach is to ...
Richard K Yu's user avatar
4 votes
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Contest Math Question on Logarithms

I am trying to solve a question from the AoPS Vol. 2 book. The question is as follows: Suppose the $p$ and $q$ are positive numbers for which: $$\log_9 p = \log_{12}q = \log_{16}(p+q)$$ What is the ...
Richard K Yu's user avatar
3 votes
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Find the integer root of the logarithmic equation: $\log_2\left(\frac x5\right)+\log_x\left(\frac 25\right)=\log 4$

This is a contest question asked 6-7 months ago in a real-time mathematics competition with high-school students. Unfortunately, since the source is not in English, I cannot add it here. Find the ...
Newuser's user avatar
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$2+\log _{2} a=3+\log _{3} b=\log _{6}(a+b)$

The problem Given that $a,b>0$ and $$2+\log _{2} a=3+\log _{3} b=\log _{6}(a+b)$$ Find the value of $$\log _{a b}\left(\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}\right)$$ My attempt We have from the given ...
Umesh shankar's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

(AIME 1994) $ \lfloor \log_2 1 \rfloor + \lfloor \log_2 2 \rfloor + \ldots + \lfloor \log_2 n \rfloor = 1994 $

$($AIME $1994)$ Find the positive integer $n$ for which $$ \lfloor \log_2 1 \rfloor + \lfloor \log_2 2 \rfloor + \lfloor \log_2 3 \rfloor + \ldots + \lfloor \log_2 n \rfloor = 1994 $$ where $\lfloor ...
SYNESS's user avatar
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0 votes
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Logarithm in the exponent

$$(2x)^{\log 2} = (3y)^{\log 3} \\ 3^{\log x} = 2^{\log y}$$ Solve for $x$ and $y$. My intuition for solving such problems is taking the logarithm on both sides but it does not work. I also ...
T Sidharth's user avatar
1 vote
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Find all values of $x$

Determine all real values of $x$ such that: $$\log_{2}(2^{x-1} + 3^{x+1}) = 2x - \log_{2}(3^x) $$ Let $u = 2^x$ and let $y = 3^x$ For ease, let $\log_{2}$ be represented by just $\log$ so: Then, $\...
Amad27's user avatar
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1 vote
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How many pairs $(m, n)$ exist?

For certain pairs $ (m,n)$ of positive integers with $ m\ge n$ there are exactly $ 50$ distinct positive integers $ k$ such that $ |\log m - \log k| < \log n$. Find the sum of all possible values ...
Amad27's user avatar
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19 votes
10 answers

Find the integer closest to $\ln(2013)$

I encounter such a problem, in a Maths contest, to find out the closest integer to $\ln(2013)$, without using a calculator. I really get stuck. I tried to turn $\ln(2013)$ into $\ln(3)+\ln(11)+\ln(61)...
Michael Li's user avatar
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