Linked Questions

5 votes
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Number of combinations of two numbers from a list with repeating numbers? [duplicate]

I've tried googling it and looking it up on this website but since I don't know the technical term for this calculation I ran out of luck. Basically, if I have a collection of numbers (each of which ...
JansthcirlU's user avatar
2 votes
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Non-negative integers to form a sum with restrictions? [duplicate]

How do I solve this? Number of non-negative solutions to $x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 = 4$ where $0 \le x_i \le 3$? What's the general technique? I already know the technique for $j \le x_i$ but have no ...
Haresh's user avatar
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Possible ways to have $n$ bounded natural numbers with a fixed sum [duplicate]

Is it possible to count in an easy way the solutions of the equations and inequalities $x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n = S$ and $x_i\leq c_i$ if all $x_i$ and $c_i$ are natural numbers?
Levent's user avatar
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Count Subsets of size less than equal to k [duplicate]

This is a variation of question asked on this site before. Consider a set with $π‘Ž_1$ 'distinct' 1s, $π‘Ž_2$ 'distinct' 2s, ... , $π‘Ž_𝑛$ 'distinct' ns. You have $π‘Ž_1+1$ choices for the 1s (including ...
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3 votes
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Number of solutions for an equation with constraints on each variable in the equation [duplicate]

I have to find the number of solutions for: $$x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 = 42$$ when given: $$ (I) 12 <= x_1 <=13 $$ $$ (II) 3 <= x_2 <= 6 $$ $$ (III) 11 <= x_3 <= 18 $$ $$ (IV) 6 <= ...
TheNotMe's user avatar
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Distributing $60$ identical balls into $4$ boxes if each box gets at least $4$ balls, but no box gets $20$ or more balls [duplicate]

How many different ways can the balls be placed if each box gets at least $4$ balls each, but no box gets $20$ or more balls? I was thinking about finding all the possible ways which every box gets ...
will smith's user avatar
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Elementary Combinatorics Questions [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand a psychology study I've just read and I'm encountering a combinatorics problem that I can't solve and could use some help with. There is a questionnaire that asks 5 questions,...
letsmakemuffinstogether's user avatar
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Number of non negative integer solutions of $l_1+l_2+...+l_m=n$ for constraint $l_i\leq k$ [duplicate]

How do I find a closed form solution to number of non negative integer solutions of $l_1+l_2+...+l_m=n$ for constraint $l_i\leq k$. I know that without the constraint, the answer is $$n+m-1 \choose{m-...
AspiringMat's user avatar
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Combinatorics: How to choose k objects from limited number of choices? [duplicate]

Suppose we want to choose a certain number of objects, k, from a variety of choices, all limited. I'm confused about how to set up this problem. I'm pretty sure it's stars and bars, but I don't know ...
S.T.'s user avatar
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How to calculate compositions when the numbers cannot be greater than a certain value? [duplicate]

The number of $k$-compositions of a positive integer $n$ is ${n-1}\choose{k-1}$, and its number of $k$-weak compositions is ${n+k-1}\choose{k-1}$. However, how to calculate the corresponding ...
Ronald Becerra's user avatar
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Formula for calculating the combination of a multiset taken r at a time? [duplicate]

If we have a multiset S = {a,a,b,b,b,c,d} How to calculate all possible combinations if we take r items at a time? For example if r = 3 then the combinations will ...
Software Carpenter's user avatar
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Adding weak $d$-compositions of $n$ [duplicate]

Let $\vec k=(k_1,...,k_d)$ be a $d$-tuple with $k_i$ being non-negative integers satisfying $\sum_i k_i=n$; $\vec k$ is then referred to as a weak $d$-composition of $n$. It is clear that if $\vec a$ ...
David Raveh's user avatar
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k numbers adding up to n [duplicate]

Suppose I have following equation: $$ a_1 + a_2+\cdots+a_k=n$$ $$a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_k\in\{m,m+1,m+2,\cdots,m+l \}$$ and $$m*k<n$$ I am asked to calculate how many different solution that equation ...
Igor's user avatar
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Counting the number of integer solutions to a simple equation [duplicate]

In the following equation with unknown integers $x_i$, $1 \leq i \leq N$, the sum of all those integers are $R$. A constraint is added to each integer such that $Min_i \leq x_i \leq Max_i$. The ...
Michael Shan's user avatar
4 votes
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Number of unique ways to select k objects from n objects, when some of the objects are identical. [duplicate]

So, the number of ways to select $k$ objects from $n$ unique objects is equal to the binomial coefficient $\binom{n}{k}$. Now assume that not all $n$ objects are unique, but there are $m$ groups of ...
AAriam's user avatar
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