
Okay, so here's an approach I took:

$$ x + e^x = y $$ $$ e^{[x + e^x]} = e^y $$ $$ e^x e^{e^x} = e^y $$ $$ e^x = W(e^y) $$ $$ x = \ln{W(e^y)} $$ Where $W(z)$ is Lambert W function.

This works, but if I feed the initial problem into Wolfram Alpha, it gives me a different result: $$ x = y - W(e^y) $$

This solution looks cleaner and works better for the purposes of the problem I'm trying to solve. However since I don't have much experience doing math with the W function and utilizing its properties, I failed to figure out, how I derive it myself. Please, may someone explain to me, how?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ From $$e^xe^{e^x}=e^y$$ and $$e^x=y-x\Rightarrow (y-x)e^{y-x}=e^y\Rightarrow y-x=W(e^y)$$... $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 26, 2023 at 17:29
  • $\begingroup$ @QuantumPotatoïd I've already accepted another answer, but thank you for your variant as well! When you both wrote it down this way, it made me wonder how I missed it myself. $\endgroup$
    – Yuki Endo
    Commented Nov 26, 2023 at 17:33

3 Answers 3


One has $W(e^y)e^{W(e^y)} = e^y$ by definition of the Lambert function, hence $W(e^y) = e^{y-W(e^y)}$ and finally $x = \ln W(e^y) = y - W(e^y)$.

  • $\begingroup$ Ohhh, It is this simple! Now I feel ashamed, that I couldn't figure it out by myself, I must be too tired at this moment. Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – Yuki Endo
    Commented Nov 26, 2023 at 17:18
  • $\begingroup$ @YukiEndo No problem, you're welcome ;) $\endgroup$
    – Abezhiko
    Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 10:23



We see, the elementary function term on the left-hand side of the equation is a polynomial without a univariate factor and in dependence of two $\mathbb{C}$-algebraically independent monomials ($x,e^x$). Therefore we don't know how to solve the equation for $x$ by rearranging for $x$ by applying only finite numbers of elementary functions that we can read from the equation. We therefore cannot see if the elementary function on the left-hand side has a partial inverse that is an elementary function.

Furthermore, for algebraic $y$, the equation is an irreducible algebraic equation of $x$ and $e^x$. The theorem in Lin 1983 and the theorem in Chow 1999 state that such kind of equations don't have solutions in the elementary numbers and in the explicit elementary numbers respectively, if Schanuel's conjecture is true.


Lambert W is the inverse relation of the function $x\mapsto xe^x$.

To see if our equation is solvable in terms of Lambert W, we try to rearrange the equation into the product form that's required for Lambert W.

This is a longer way, but without any tricks.

A sum equation can be rearranged to a product equation in each case.

$$x+e^x=y$$ $$e^x=y-x$$ $$1=(y-x)e^{-x}$$ $$(y-x)e^{-x}=1$$ $$(y-x)e^{y-x}=e^{y}$$ $$y-x= W(e^y)$$ $$x=y-W(e^y)$$



The general equation:

$e^x +x=y$

Subtract x from both sides


Multiply both by $e^{-x}$


Multiply both by $e^{y}$


Taking Lambert W of both get:




  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Could you please replace your first equation by the requested equation of the original question? And could you please set $x$ in your second line? $\endgroup$
    – IV_
    Commented Jan 8 at 20:37

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