
Find the extrema of the multivariable function $f(x,y)=x^2y^3(6-x-y)$

From $$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}f=xy^3(12-3x-3y)=0 \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y}f=x^2y^2(18-3x-4y)=0 $$ I was able to find the stationary points which are $A=(2,3)$, $B=(0,y)$, $C=(x,0)$ for $x,y \in \mathbb R$.

Now from $$D=f_{xx}(a,b)f_{yy}(a,b)-f_{xy}^2(a,b)$$ I have $D(2,3) \gt 0$ and $f_{xx}(2,3) \lt 0$ so there is a relative maximum at $A(2,3)$

Now for the points, $B$ and $C$ I have $D=0$ and this is where I'm stuck a little and I would appreciate some help.

In the book they take $$\Delta f(0,y)=f( \Delta x, y+\Delta y)-f(0, \Delta y )=\Delta x^2(y+\Delta y)^3(6-\Delta x-y-\Delta y)$$

For very small values of $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$ we have $$\Delta f(0,y) \le 0$$ for $- \infty \lt y \lt 0$ or $6 \lt y \lt + \infty$ and $$\Delta f(0,y) \ge 0$$ for $0 \lt y \lt 6$

so in the point $B(0,y)$ for $- \infty \lt y \lt 0$ or $6 \lt y \lt + \infty$ f has minimum, and in $B(0,y)$ for $0 \lt y \lt 6$ f has maximum.

Can somebody explain why is the last part true?

  • $\begingroup$ There are no global extrema $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 16:48
  • $\begingroup$ I think they have them the wrong way round $\endgroup$
    – Empy2
    Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 17:24

1 Answer 1


Through the second partial derivative test, I first confirmed that $(2,3)$ is a local maximum.

Starting from


the partial derivatives are

$$f_x=x y^3 (-3 x - 2 y + 12) \\ f_y=-x^2 y^2 (3 x + 4 y - 18)\\ f_{xx}=-2 y^3 (3 x + y - 6) \\f_{yy}= -6 x^2 y (x + 2 y - 6) \\ f_{xy}=x y^2 (-9 x - 8 y + 36) $$

If we set $f_x=0$ then

$$x y^3 (-3 x - 2 y + 12)=0\implies y = 6-\frac{3x}{2} ~\text{ or }~ x=y=0$$


$$y=6-\frac{3x}{2}\tag{1}$$ $$x=y=0\tag{2}$$

If we set $f_y=0$ then

$$-x^2 y^2 (3 x + 4 y - 18)=0\implies y = \frac{9}{2}-\frac{3x}{4} ~\text{ or }~ x=y=0$$


$$y = \frac{9}{2}-\frac{3x}{4}\tag{3}$$

So, equating $(1)$ and $(3)$ forms

$$6-\frac{3x}{2}=\frac{9}{2}-\frac{3x}{4} \implies x=2$$

which from $(1)$ gives us the critical points $(0,0)$ and $(2,3)$

We now need to apply the second partial derivative test. The test tells us that provided $f(x, y)$ is a differentiable real function of two variables whose second partial derivatives exist we can compute


and that

  1. If $D(a,b)>0$ and $f_{xx}(a,b)>0$ then $(a,b)$ is a local minimum of $f$.
  2. If $D(a,b)>0$ and $f_{xx}(a,b)<0$ then $(a,b)$ is a local maximum of $f$.
  3. If $D(a,b)<0$ then $(a,b)$ is a saddle point of $f$.
  4. If $D(a,b)=0$ then the second derivative test is inconclusive, and the point $(a, b)$ could be any of a minimum, maximum or saddle point.

We found before that

$$f_{xx}=-2 y^3 (3 x + y - 6) \\f_{yy}= -6 x^2 y (x + 2 y - 6) \\ f_{xy}=x y^2 (-9 x - 8 y + 36)$$

Thus, if we compute $D(x,y)$ for our four critical points we have

$$D\big(0,0\big)=(0)(0)-(0)^2=0$$ $$D\big(2,3)=(-162)(-144)-(-108)^2=11664 > 0$$

Therefore, by the second partial derivative test,

  1. $(0,0)$ is inconclusive.
  2. $(2,3)$ is a local maximum since $D\big(2,3\big) > 0$ and $f_{xx}(2,3)=-162<0$.

Substituting $(2,3)$ back into $f(x,y)$ forms the local maximum of $f(2,3)=108$. This cannot be a global maximum as $f(-2,3)=540$. Also, $f(0,0)=0$ and $f(-1,-1)=-8$ so $(0,0)$ cannot be a global minimum.

To find the global extremum, I evaluated the limit as $x$ and $y$ approach plus or minus infinity. As $f(x,y)$ isn't bounded by a rectangular region in $\mathbb R^2$, I need to check what happens at the four end points.





So, it is clear that our critical points won't be larger or smaller than these and therefore there is no global extremum.


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