
Please consider the following links with four components

enter image description here

My question is if such two links are isomorphic.

The corresponding Jones polynomials are respectively

enter image description here

It is observed that the ratio of the Jones polynomials is $q^{9⁄2}$. It is to say the only difference between the two Jones polynomials is a simple monomial.

According with such fact I am concluding that the two links are isomorphic. Do you agree?

The first link is as follows

enter image description here


4 Answers 4


In general, finding two links which have (almost in this case) same Jones polynomial does not imply they are the same link.

Using SnapPy, a program by Marc Culler and Nathan Dunfield, we can get a computer to answer some of these questions for us.

You can draw the links you drew and here they are, so you can check that I didn't make a mistake.

enter image description here enter image description here

I called the first one $N$ and the second one $M$, which you can see at the top of the windows.

Using some of the built in operations, we can try to see if they are the same link.

Here is another image which shows us some of the computations SnapPy has done.

enter image description here

As you can see, we are getting different volumes and fundamental groups for $N$ and $M$. SnapPy has a "are these the same manifold" command, which I used at the bottom of the window, but this did not complete in the standard runtime. And the identify command works on $M$ and not on $N$.

Now, I have not proven these are actually different. It is possible SnapPy has just failed to recognize these are the same, but it is highly suspect. Out of the invariants I computed here, volume is the one I would probably trust the most, and since it is so far off, 7.3 to 14.6, I doubt they are the same link. You just happened to find two links with very similar Jones polynomials.


Having made the change you showed in your edit, here is the new link, just to make sure.

enter image description here

And here is the identification via SnapPy, which shows that $N$ is $L10a169$. So it is definitely not the link $M$, which is $L14n62566$.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Professor N. Owad, many thanks for your very illustrative answer. I am noting that your link N is no exactly the same that I am showing. Please note that your component 1 is not really linked with the component 0. Please could you redraw the link N in such way the component 1 makes link with the component 3; and then to make again the computations? Many thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 14:38
  • $\begingroup$ @JuanOspina I would be happy to, but I am not sure which crossings are over and under from your picture. I thought I had it the first time, but I see your point. Can you upload another image which has the crossings in the middle more clearly defined? $\endgroup$
    – N. Owad
    Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 14:45
  • $\begingroup$ Professor N.Owad, in the original post I am showing the link. Please look it and let me know the new results. Many, many thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 14:56
  • $\begingroup$ I am making many computations of invariants for the two links using the Mathematica package KnotTheory. I am obtaining that the two links have different signatures. I am concluding that the two links are almost isomorphic. Moreover, the mirror images of the two links are isomorphic. Do you agree? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 18:12
  • $\begingroup$ Professor N. Owad, please look my answer to my question. Using SnapPy I am obtaining that the two links are the same. Please could you confirm it. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 15:30

I am making many computations of invariants for the two links using the Mathematica package KnotTheory. I am obtaining that the two links have different signatures. I am concluding that the two links are almost isomorphic. Moreover, the mirror images of the two links are isomorphic. Do you agree?


Using SnapPy with the first link as

enter image description here

and using the following code


I am obtaining the following output




Note that the volume for the first link is 14.655449507 and the volume for the second link according with N. Owad is 14.65544951. The results are near identical and then I am concluding that the two links have the same volume.

For other side SnapPy identifies the first link as L14n62566 and according with N. Owad the second link is also L14n62566.

Then we conclude that the two links are the same. Do you agree?


Now I am using the PD codes for the two links. I am using SnapPy with the following code

In[1]: LS1=Link([[1,18,2,5],[5,2,6,3],[3,13,4,12],[12,4,11,1],[32,36,31,33],[33,31,34,30],

In[2]: LS2=Link([[8,2,7,1],[26,3,25,2],[22,6,21,1],[8,18,9,17],[19,28,18,21],

In[4]: LSI1=LS1.exterior()

In[5]: LSI2=LS2.exterior()

In[7]: LSI1.volume()
Out[7]: 14.655

In[8]: LSI2.volume()
Out[8]: 14.66

In[10]: LSI1.identify()
Out[10]: [L14n63195(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)]

In[11]: LSI2.identify()
Out[11]: [L14n63195(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)]

According with the Out[10] and Out[11] the two links are the same, namely L14n63195.

But at the same time SnapPy also produces L14n62566.

In conclusion SnapPy says that the two links are the same but with two different identifications L14n63195 and L14n62566.

When the computations are performing using the pictures of the two links the result is L14n62566.

Could you confirm my computations?

The following figures are showing that the two links are the same

enter image description here


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