
A bag contains $20$ balls:

  • $3$ Blue
  • $4$ Purple
  • $5$ Orange
  • $8$ Green

You are allowed to pick balls until you have three the same colour eg (3 - 9 picks ) No balls are replaced until a new round is begun. What is the probability of getting each colour on each round.

$3$ Blue, $3$ Purple, $3$ Orange, $3$ Green.

Clarification: Each "round" you pick until you have three the same, this can take of course between 3 - 9 picks. From picking three the same in three picks to picking 2 the same during your first 8 picks in any order and the 9th would give you a 3 of a kind. I want to work out the total expected probability for each round eg 5% chance of blue 10% purple 25% orange 60% green If someone can help work out one colour I should be able to do the other 3.

I seem to be struggling with the fact that, until the $3$rd ball, the order isn't important.

What I did for 1 of the 27 ways of getting blue for example was
$$\frac{\binom{3}{3}\binom{4}{2}\binom{5}{2}\binom{8}{2}}{\binom{20}{9} \binom{9}{1}} = 0.001111376$$

  • $\begingroup$ Show your struggle. $\endgroup$
    – Did
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:24
  • $\begingroup$ what I did for 1 of the 27 ways of getting blue for example was =COMBIN(3,3)*COMBIN(4,2)*COMBIN(5,2)*COMBIN(8,2)/COMBIN(20,9)/COMBIN(9,1) = 0.001111376 $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:48
  • $\begingroup$ So are you asking for four separate probabilities? Basically, the probability of drawing three of a particular color before drawing three of any other color, calculated separately for each color? $\endgroup$
    – John
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 20:50
  • $\begingroup$ Yes each "round" you pick until you have three the same, this can take of course between 3 - 9 picks. From picking three the same in three picks to picking 2 the same during your first 8 picks in any order and the 9th would give you a 3 of a kind. I want to work out the total expected probability for each round eg 5% chance of blue 10% purple 25% orange 60% green If someone can help work out one colour I should be able to do the other 3 Regards, and thanks for your comment. $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 21:31

3 Answers 3


There may be a more elegant way than this, but here's one way.

First, write down all of the color distributions that are not terminating, but could terminate on the next draw. This means that you need to have drawn at least one color twice. I'll designate the colors $1-4$ and not worry about order:

  • $2$ balls: $11$
  • $3$ balls: $112$
  • $4$ balls: $1122, 1123$
  • $5$ balls: $11223, 11234$
  • $6$ balls: $112233, 112234$
  • $7$ balls: $1122334$
  • $8$ balls: $11223344$

Next, for each of these color distributions, calculate the number of ways to arrange the digits. This can be done with multinomials. For example, the number of ways to arrange $11223$ is $$\frac{5!}{2!2!1!} = 30.$$

Next, observe that, for a given set of colors, the probability of drawing those colors is independent of the order. For example,

$$BBGGP = \frac{3}{20} \frac{2}{19} \frac{8}{18} \frac{7}{17} \frac{4}{16},$$


$$PGBGB = \frac{4}{20} \frac{8}{19} \frac{3}{18} \frac{7}{17} \frac{2}{16},$$

which is exactly the same value. All that happened was that the numerators got rearranged.

Now comes the somewhat tedious part, which is to calculate the individual probabilities for each substitution of colors. We can at least be a little smart about it, and calculate the numerator part for each color:

$$B = 3, BB = 6, P = 4, PP = 12, O = 5, OO=20, G = 8, GG = 56.$$

Let's do the case for drawing three blue balls, and drawing the blue on the fifth ball. We assign $BB$ to $11$ in the combination, and then write down all the others: $$BBPP, BBOO, BBGG, BBPO, BBPG, BBOG.$$

(The first three are $1122$ types, and the last three are $1123$ types.)

To calculate the probability of getting each one of these, we multiply the probability of getting them in the stated order with the number of ways to rearrange them. So,

$$P(BBPP) = \frac{6 \cdot 12}{20 \cdot 19 \cdot 18 \cdot 17}\cdot \frac{4!}{2!2!}.$$

Now, to find the probability of ending on the next turn with blue, given that you have two blues and two purples (drawn in any order), multiply by $1/16$.

Then it's just a lot of rinse/repeat. Do the same calculation for the rest of the four-ball colors. Then do all of the other numbers of balls, for all of the applicable color combinations each time.

And that's just the first part of a four-part problem!

You can possibly reuse some of the calculations you did before if you keep track.


Imagine you keep picking until the very end.  

How many distinct ways are there to extract all of the balls?   It is $\frac{20!}{3!\,4!\,5!\,8!}\;$; can you see why?

Now, how many of these distinct arrangements result in reaching the third blue before a third ball of any other colour?   That is how many have 2 blue and no more than 2 of each of the other colours before the third blue, and the rest after?

Divide the later by the former to obtain the probability that you will pick out three blue balls before you have three balls of any other colour.

$$\begin{align} \mathsf P(\text{Blue}) & = \dfrac{ \sum\limits_{p=0}^2 \sum\limits_{o=0}^2 \sum\limits_{g=0}^2 \dfrac{(2+p+o+g)!}{2!\,p!\,o!\,g!}\dfrac{(17-p-o-g)!}{0!\,(4-p)!\,(5-o)!\,(8-g)!} }{ \dfrac{20!}{3!\,4!\,5!\,8!} } \\[1ex] & = \dfrac{42607}{1175720} \end{align}$$

Can you do the rest?

Consider a simpler example: 4 red and 4 blue marbles in a bag.

There are $\frac {8!}{4!\,4!}$ distinct and equi-probable ways to extract all these marbles from the bag.

  • There are $\frac{2!}{2!}\frac{5!}{1!4!}$ arrangement that have no red marbles before the third blue marble.
  • There are $\frac{3!}{2!1!}\frac{4!}{1!3!}$ arrangements that have one red marble before the third blue marble.
  • There are $\frac{4!}{2!2!}\frac{3!}{1!2!}$ arrangements that have two red marbles before the third blue marble.

Hence the probability of drawing three blue marbles before three red marbles is:

$$\cfrac{\cfrac{2!}{2!}\cfrac{5!}{1!4!}+\cfrac{3!}{2!1!}\cfrac{4!}{1!3!}+\cfrac{4!}{2!2!}\cfrac{3!}{1!2!}}{\cfrac {8!}{4!\,4!}} = \dfrac 1 2$$

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for your input, however I am struggling with what your really asking me due to the fact that as you pick randomly you don't know how many picks its going to take before you have picked three the same eg 3 - 9 picks on 9 picks for example there is 167,970 combinations of getting to the 9th ball. However for my problem I can eliminate most of those and only work out the 104 I need to ? As I in theory only need to work out the total possible outcomes? What am I missing as im getting more confused the more ways im trying lol $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 21:47
  • $\begingroup$ @Steve to reach the third blue ball before a third ball of any other colour you need to pick, 2 blue balls, 0,1,or 2 purple balls, 0,1,or 2 orange balls, and 0,1,or 2 green balls before the third ball; leaving the remainder of balls (0 blue, 2,3,or 4 purple, 3,4,or 5 orange, 6,7,or 8 green). Just calculate the probability of each of these 27 cases. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 11, 2015 at 1:23
  • $\begingroup$ Hi, shouldnt that be 1 blue? But Many thanks for your answer and help, but I have now realised that this is clearly beyond my math skills :( and I wont be able to work it out myself as I don't even understand the equation that you showed above giving you the 42607/1175720 Luckily it was just something I saw and wanted to work out and not anything I needed to master! Im still very annoyed I cant do it tho but that's life! $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 12, 2015 at 16:53
  • $\begingroup$ @Steve You need 2 blue among the balls before the third blue ball, none among those after. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 13, 2015 at 1:33


Since you are drawing without replacement, you can imagine picking all the balls in order. You want the probability that the last three are all a particular colour.

By symmetry, this is the same as the probability that the first three are all that particular colour, an easier calculation I will leave for you.

  • $\begingroup$ What I did so far was worked out that there is 104 actual outcomes that im interested in. 27 for each of the colours. = 104 Im not sure I understand that its the same probability that the first 3 are a particular colour and believe that is incorrect way to work it out as that is 3/20 x 2/19 x 1/18 ? 0.000877193 $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:40
  • $\begingroup$ Your expression is in fact correct for $3$ Blues. But $3$ Greens are more likely to come together as there are more of them. $\endgroup$
    – Henry
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:41
  • $\begingroup$ Im not sure if you understand the "rules" you do not need 3 the same in order, only as a final result eg if you pick GOPPOGG its the same as GGOPOPG = GREEN Regards and thanks for your input so far. $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:54
  • $\begingroup$ OK, to restate what I said, your expression is in fact correct for $3$ Blues as the final three balls. But 3 Greens are more likely to be the final $3$ balls as there are more of them to start with. $\endgroup$
    – Henry
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:56
  • $\begingroup$ Do you also agree with my logic that there is 27 ways to achieve each colour? then 27 x 4 ? $\endgroup$
    – Steve
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 19:59

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