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Pronability Probability 2 earthquake happensearthquakes happen in a period of time.

The earthquakeamount of earthquakes that happenshappen at island X follows the poissonPoisson process with mean 2 earthquake happens every year. Given that 2 earthquake has happenearthquakes have happened in this year, find the probability both of the earthquake happensearthquakes happen between januarythe January-marchMarch period. Assume 1 month=30 days and 1 year=360 days.

HeresHere is my attempt: $P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2|N(2)-N(0)=2)=\frac{P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2)}{P(N(2)-N(0)=2)}=e^{-1,5}\frac{1}{16}$ however itsHowever, it's not in the optionoptions . Is my approach wrong?

Pronability 2 earthquake happens in period of time

The earthquake that happens at island X follows the poisson process with mean 2 earthquake happens every year. Given that 2 earthquake has happen in this year, find the probability both of the earthquake happens between january-march period. Assume 1 month=30 days and 1 year=360 days.

Heres my attempt: $P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2|N(2)-N(0)=2)=\frac{P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2)}{P(N(2)-N(0)=2)}=e^{-1,5}\frac{1}{16}$ however its not in the option . Is my approach wrong?

Probability 2 earthquakes happen in a period of time.

The amount of earthquakes that happen at island X follows the Poisson process with mean 2 . Given that 2 earthquakes have happened in this year, find the probability both the earthquakes happen between the January-March period. Assume 1 month=30 days and 1 year=360 days.

Here is my attempt: $P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2|N(2)-N(0)=2)=\frac{P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2)}{P(N(2)-N(0)=2)}=e^{-1,5}\frac{1}{16}$ However, it's not in the options . Is my approach wrong?

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Pronability 2 earthquake happens in period of time

The earthquake that happens at island X follows the poisson process with mean 2 earthquake happens every year. Given that 2 earthquake has happen in this year, find the probability both of the earthquake happens between january-march period. Assume 1 month=30 days and 1 year=360 days.

Heres my attempt: $P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2|N(2)-N(0)=2)=\frac{P(N(1/4)-N(0)=2)}{P(N(2)-N(0)=2)}=e^{-1,5}\frac{1}{16}$ however its not in the option . Is my approach wrong?