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Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found out that this result appears in most books that prove Runge's theorem (a notable example being Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis", Theorem 13.5), with pretty much exactly the same proof.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted must be wrong, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description hereenter image description here enter image description here

Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found out that this result appears in most books that prove Runge's theorem (a notable example being Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis", Theorem 13.5), with pretty much exactly the same proof.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted must be wrong, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description here enter image description here

Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found out that this result appears in most books that prove Runge's theorem (a notable example being Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis", Theorem 13.5), with pretty much exactly the same proof.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted must be wrong, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description here enter image description here

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Hilbert Jr.
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Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found the sameout that this result appears in three more places, most notablybooks that prove Runge's theorem (a notable example being Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis" (Theorem, Theorem 13.5), with pretty much exactly the same proofsproof.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted is falsemust be wrong, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description here enter image description here

Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found the same result in three more places, most notably Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis" (Theorem 13.5), with exactly the same proofs.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted is false, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description here enter image description here

Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found out that this result appears in most books that prove Runge's theorem (a notable example being Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis", Theorem 13.5), with pretty much exactly the same proof.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted must be wrong, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description here enter image description here

added 321 characters in body
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Hilbert Jr.
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Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found the same result in three more places, most notably Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis" (Theorem 13.5), with exactly the same proofs.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted is false, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

enter image description here enter image description here

Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found the same result in three more places, most notably Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis" (Theorem 13.5), with exactly the same proofs.

Recall the global Cauchy theorem/formula:

Let $U$ be open and $\Gamma\subset U$ a cycle. If $\Gamma$ is homologous to zero in $U$, then for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ holomorphic and $w\in U\setminus\Gamma$ holds $$n(\Gamma,w)f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz.$$

Note that "cycle" means two things in the book I'm following (Falko Lorenz's "Funktionentheorie"): initially, it was defined as a chain (finite formal $\Bbb Z$-sum) of closed integration paths (and that's how it's usually defined in formulations of the global Cauchy theorem), then the definition was expanded to mean a closed chain of integration paths, i.e. one with trivial boundary. It's not hard to see that any closed chain $\Gamma$ can be rejigged into a chain of closed paths $\Gamma'$ such that $\int_\Gamma f=\int_{\Gamma'}f$ for all $f$ (e.g. if $\Gamma=\gamma+\overline\gamma$, where $\overline\gamma$ is the reverse path, then we might take $\Gamma'=\gamma*\overline\gamma$), so it doesn't really matter which definition is used.

I am trying to understand the proof of the following proposition

Theorem: Let $U$ be open and $K\subset U$ compact and non-empty. There exists a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ such that for all $f:U\to\Bbb C$ hoolomorphic and $w\in K$ holds $$f(w)=\frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma\frac{f(z)}{z-w}\mathrm dz,$$ i.e. there is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ such that the Cauchy formula holds for it on $K$.

This is a weaker version of the statement that we can always find a cycle $\Gamma\subset U\setminus K$ that is homologous to zero in $U$ and winds around $K$ once (a proof can be found e.g. here, on page 160).

The proof of the above theorem runs roughly as follows

Pave the plane with $\varepsilon(\Bbb Z+i\Bbb Z)$ and let $Q_1,\dots,Q_n$ be the finitely many squares of the lattice intersecting $K$; by making $\varepsilon$ small enough we can ensure that $Q_i$ are all contained in $U$. Let $$\delta_i=\gamma_{i1}+\gamma_{i2}+\gamma_{i3}+\gamma_{i4}$$ be the positively oriented boundary of $Q_i$, let $\Lambda=\sum_i\delta_i$, and let $\Gamma$ be the sum of those sides $\gamma_j$ that belong to only one $Q_i$, then $\Gamma$ is a cycle in $U\setminus K$ and $\int_\Gamma f=\int_\Lambda f$ for all $f\in H(U)$. We then show that the formula holds for $z\in K$ not lying on $\Lambda$ and extend it to all of $K$ by continuity, since both sides of the identity are analytic.

I am trying to understand the highlighted part, namely why $\Gamma$ is a cycle (in either sense of the word) and why it must be contained in $U\setminus K$ (if a side of $Q_i$ does not belong to any other square, why should it not intersect $K$?). Both statements make intuitive sense to me, however I can't prove them formally.

If there are alternative proofs/expositions of this theorem or its aforementioned stronger version, I'd be interested in seeing them.

Addendum: I have since found the same result in three more places, most notably Rudin's "Real & Complex Analysis" (Theorem 13.5), with exactly the same proofs.

Addendum: To the people saying the summary of the proof I posted is false, I'm posting the proof from Rudin's RCA, which is exactly the same.

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