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Sammy Black
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Here is the theorem from Steven Abbot's Understanding Analysis.

Theorem. Two real numbers $a$ and $b$ are equal if and only if for every real number $\epsilon > 0$ it follows that $|a - b| < \epsilon$.

I have a two part question.

  1. How do I write the theorem using quantifiers?

  2. How is contradiction being used with the quantifiers? Can you show with the quantified statement how we are doing proof by contradiction?

Here isHere's an image of the theorem from Steven Abbot’s Understanding

enter image description herePage from Abbot's "Understanding Analysis".

I have a two part question.

  1. How do I write the theorem using quantifiers?

  2. How is contradiction being used with the quantifiers? Can you show with the quantified statement how we are doing proof by contradiction?

Here is the theorem from Steven Abbot’s Understanding Analysis.

enter image description here

Here is the theorem from Steven Abbot's Understanding Analysis.

Theorem. Two real numbers $a$ and $b$ are equal if and only if for every real number $\epsilon > 0$ it follows that $|a - b| < \epsilon$.

I have a two part question.

  1. How do I write the theorem using quantifiers?

  2. How is contradiction being used with the quantifiers? Can you show with the quantified statement how we are doing proof by contradiction?

Here's an image of the page:

Page from Abbot's "Understanding Analysis".

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Dr. J
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How do I write this Theorem with quantifiers?

I have a two part question.

  1. How do I write the theorem using quantifiers?

  2. How is contradiction being used with the quantifiers? Can you show with the quantified statement how we are doing proof by contradiction?

Here is the theorem from Steven Abbot’s Understanding Analysis.

enter image description here